Changing Battery for No Name Fire Alarm

We have standard white colour round file alarm. It does not have any brand name on it.
It has started beeping to indicate replace battery. However, can't work out how to open it to replace battery. None of obvious ways to open work.

Just seeing if anyone has one of these and know how to replace battery.



  • +2

    Usually a quarter turn to the left will drop it from its ceiling support bracket.

    If it's a 9v battery it is obvious from here on in. Just match polarity with diagram in battery compartment.

    Installation is the reverse of above.

    • In my experience, they have a sliding switch or pushbutton to release!
      And then you can push the unit along some rails before it drops down.
      As below, almost impossible to see how to do it..

  • +3

    My fire alarm had a little pin in it on the side that prevented it from turning. I had to remove the pin first then replace it once done. It was extremely hard to see/find as I didn’t have a tall enough ladder at first.

  • +7

    A picture would go a long way to helping you….

  • +1
    • +1

      Good idea to replace with a new photo electric type which are now recommended by authorities.
      Of course OP still needs to remove the existing detector.

      • +1

        Yank really really hard. Done.

        • Next post from OP will be asking how to repair big hole in ceiling :)

  • Photo attached:…

    It would be amazing to get some tip. Couldn't find any obvious pin and rotating didn't work either

    • Need photos from the sides to see if there's some sort of latching mechanism.
      Have you tried sliding it, probably in the direction of the lines moulded into the top (or bottom)?

      • I did try but let me get those photos. Its on top of wall. So hard to get that. Let me have another go. I'll get back

  • There could be a slide out compartment from the side which houses the battery.
    Alternatively the top maybe hinged so pull at it gently, then with more force until you pull it off the ceiling and or fall from the ladder.

    • Let me have another go. I'll get back

  • +1

    Dont know how old the unit is, but you are supposed to replace the unit every 10 years!

    • Its under 10 years. Its around 5 years.

  • Just buy a new one. Our old ones had non replaceable batteries.

  • Finally resolved it. It was just a latch. Had to shift on side and pull to open. Thanks everyone for help.

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