Traps of group-buying websites

today reading material:

Traps of group-buying websites…

The thing is, though, that unless you actually needed and intended to buy the item in the first place, then it's not a bargain at any price. So when the deal hits your inbox, take a deep breath and ask yourself whether you'd still want it if it didn't have massive discount, today only written across it in big, red letters.

The deal is usually pretty cut and dry but there are two issues that may arise. The first is falling into a trap of buying unnecessary items simply because they are being offered at a discount and the second is buying into a discount and never redeeming the coupon.


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  • +2

    This also applies to every deal posted here(except for freebies)

  • +1

    Haha indeed. It applies to pretty much all those impulsive buys posted on OzBargain, and not just limited to group buy sites. Too many times I bought Blu-Rays and DVDs from Amazon but never found the time watching them…

  • I disagree with this, if we are looking through bargain websites we generally have money to spend, let us spend our money where we want to, sick and tired of this babysitting country, its getting out of hand.

  • i love the fact there are 3 finaincal planners, who i think are just useless. If they are so good at what they do, they should be financially free.

    i think it's obvious to say dont buy what you dont need, but who lives like that, just on bare min.
    it's really no different to stocking up on sale items at the supermarket, especially things like snacks.

    you dont need it, it's not good for you but it's nice to have sometime and great when it's only half the price.

    Most ozbarginer would know to do your research, any items on offer do a ebay search and you'll know exactly how much your save.

    Many other deals i think is about planning. look up the location and plan to use it before the expiry!

  • I also wait until the last daye / hour to buy, rather than buying it as soon as it pops up in my email. Not only do I have the whole day to talk myself out of it, but I can see just how popular it is. The more popular, the harder it will be to use and the smaller number you become to the company. (As opposed to if only a few a sold you will still be treated like a valued customer)..
    That is of course different with every company.. So I also check the background of the commpany..
    One thing I have noticed on is that a lot of the dodgy deals tend to do repeat offers on the same or different websites…!!

    • Hm but the trap of that is that some deals have limited quantities and if you wait till the last hour, they might all be sold out already! It's happened to me before :(

      • +1

        True .. but if the deal sells out then I find that it would probably be hard to get into given that they sold the maximum capacity of vouchers…

        • Sometimes not. I have noticed some deals just have a cap because business owners only want to sell xxx amount of vouchers. I have bought deals that have 'sold out' and I haven't had trouble booking a single one.

  • I guess it's just our personal experiences then. I'm just saying thats what I find and I don't like to risk it again as it would be a waste of time & money.. If I want something that bad I just pay for it but if you do get it on a deal website and it turns out to be great then that's always a plus too :)

    • +1

      Uh huh… I guess I have been lucky not to be screwed over by group buying websites as yet. I have always managed to claim every voucher (with booking not being a real hassle) or get my money back from the website if otherwise.

      • Same.. But I must say when I have had bad experiences usually the group buying site has been very helpful, it's usually the company that has done something dodgy..
        Always pays to do a background check :P

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