Only 20 left in-stock! We're unable to get our hands on any more once they're all sold out.
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Only 20 left in-stock! We're unable to get our hands on any more once they're all sold out.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
$245 Not much of a bargain.
Good find. Okay so not a bargain at all!
The one you linked is a lot smaller than the one posted. Not really a comparison
oh yeah so it is ….either way these things are not worth that price
they probably bought them from in bulk at $15 to $30us a unit like these…
I have this. It is awesome. I've used it several times.
Not tried cooking on it though. Probably need to use BBQ heat beads for cooking, since it isn't all that deep.
But it's a great little fire pit for the price.
What about this one direct from the US for $159 sold by a reputable seller. 😅(
That link leads to 1 in stock; and ships from Japan.
Wrong link?
This thing is so small it'll only heat up a tin of baked beans. They're not the the same.
Not the same size. Why comment if you're not going to look at the details?
Snowys Outdoor is definitely reputable. I've gotten quite a bit from them, and the staff have always been pretty helpful and prompt IMO. Pretty sure their main store is in SA. Oh and you can get CashRewards cash back with their site as well.
Yep, I like them… Shopping around for hiking and camping gear I often find they're the cheapest, so I buy from them or use their prices to price match elsewhere, generally fast shipping also…
I've only had one small issue with them, an order in May seemed to slip through the cracks (probably covid related), I contacted them a week or so after ordering to ask what was happening and they sent it express the next day, so it all worked out well in the end…
How long does it take for this to cool down after use?
Reckon if you empty it out of ashes it cools down within the hour for the 3mm units.
Wow, they look great. Significant differences though. The Snowys one is all stainless steel and 9kg. The EZYQ ones are mild steel pit and stainless steel grill and 19kg.
I have the 5mm x 50cm unit with cooking plates.. used extensively.
I chose the 5mm thickness due to possible warping issues with the thinner steel and bigger fires.
looks like they also have stainless steel version
nah, ignore me, only the grill is stainless steel. actual fire pit is carbon steel which is mild steel
looks good but 500mm version has full width grill where 600mm version has half width. that sucks. good to have full width with 600mm as well.
Seems like this is the factory:… .. a few different sizes available here for a fraction of the price
What's the normal price?