This was posted 4 years 5 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[iOS, Android] Free 20 Ultra Balls, 1 Star Piece, 10 Pinap Berries, and 10 Niantic Stickers @ Pokémon Go


A new Promo code is now available until October 13 at 5:00 PM PDT. Gives 20 Ultra Balls, 1 Star Piece, 10 Pinap Berries, and 10 Niantic Stickers.

Enter the code in-game or visit this link:

Referral Links

Referrals: random (112)

Referee and referrer unlock various in-game rewards after referee completes certain tasks
Referee gets guaranteed 100 Pokeballs.

Trainer Code: random (9)

Pokemon Go Trainer Code

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closed Comments

  • +1

    How is the game these days? While playing from home and not being able to leave 5kms in Melbourne

    • +1

      I only started playing again this year. Last I played was when it was first released. Niantic have tried to make it playable with the pandemic going on. Unfortunately, some of the changes have been removed since it's not just people in Melbourne playing the game. To be fair, it's a free game and you don't have to spend anything to play if you don't want to. I think it's good if you have a group of people to play with. My husband is also playing and we have a park close by that has a few stops and gyms.

    • +2

      I've been playing for the last 4 months daily and it's been fun. Not much has changed since it's inception in 2016, you still throw balls at Pokemon to catch them. Raids are good and the Remote Raid Pass + local Discords let you join in on battles.

      You don't even need to invest any money. The only thing I've bought is more Pokemon and Item space, just because I was too lazy to delete/transfer Pokemon and Items.

      Raid Passes are the only thing you might need to purchase, but Niantic are steadily giving out passes every now and then, and that's enough for me

      • +2

        Plus, you can earn up to 50 coins a day doing some fairly easy tasks, which helps pay for things like extra storage and raid passes.

        • +1

          Old system was better. Now I have to actively seek out raids and stuff. Not easy when the majority of them are during the day when most people work.

          • @Clear: Can't comment on the "old system" but I do agree about the raids. I usually have to join remote raids that my friends invite me to.

            • +1

              @nattie: 50 coins from being in gyms. Or even the original system with 100 coins. I find the new system works a lot better for bigger cities though.

              • @Clear: 100 coins?! Definitely missed out. Sometimes I can't be bothered leaving the house to find a gym to takeover, so I like that there's still a chance of earning the daily 20 coins.

          • -1

            @Clear: Win a raid hasn't been in the coin tasks for a couple of weeks now.

            • +1

              @Hinee: But it has been in there and that's shithouse compared to the old system.

              • @Clear: I'm just saying the main problem you raise is now a moot point. You always needed to go to a gym for coins on the original system - everything for the 20 can now be done from your couch.

                • @Hinee: You misunderstood.

                  Old system was better. Now I have to actively seek out raids and stuff. Not easy when the majority of them are during the day when most people work.

                  This is only an issue for raids during business hours. Not an issue for going to gyms.

                  • @Clear: Your point was in regards to the coin system needing you to do raids though, which is all I was commenting on.

                    FWIW raids are available from 0630 to 2130 as well

                    • @Hinee: It's important that you look at the entire tree of what was being said first. Words out of context are dangerous.

                      • @Clear: I'm not paraphrasing you dude - you referred multiple times to the "old system" in a reply to someone talking about how easy it is to get 50 coins.

                        Old system was better. Now I have to actively seek out raids and stuff.

                        If this is not saying "I don't like having to do a raid to get my 20 coins" then what??

                          • @Clear: You couldn't have a more suitable avatar tbqh

                            But it has been in there and that's shithouse compared to the old system.

                            Again, the old system comment is all I'm referring to.

                            • +1

                              @Hinee: Yes the old system was better thanks. 100 coins a day.

                              Yes trump is gonna have to inject bleach to cure his COVID.

      • I 100% disagree with the notion that not much has changed since 2016. Sure, the core mechanic of throwing balls to catch Pokemon will always be there but both the content and QoL updates have been significant.

    • I've returned to the game and have found it to be just as enjoyable as when the game first came out. There's a lot more to do now with raids, battles and team rocket. The game is a bit generous with the gifts they give you which makes the game more fun to play and you can overcome most hurdles with a bit of grinding here and there.

  • Where in game do you enter the code?

    • +2

      Android users only. At the bottom of the shop page.

    • +1

      iOS you have to use the website. Can’t do it in-game.

      On Android apparently you go to shop and scroll right down to the bottom

  • +1

    if you want to redeem online or if you have an iOS device and cant do it in game like on Android:

  • I just wish this game played smoothly. It's just such a nightmare to go through the list of Pokemon to delete and find out whether they are worth keeping or not.

    • +2

      Sort pokemon bag in recent order and use search term like 3* for three star pokemon and 4* for 100iv mons. Favourite the one you need it and delete the rest with mass transfer.

      • Legend! I always sorted by recent but didn't know the 3* method. Thanks!

    • As above - filters are your friend! My fingers now have total muscle memory from writing 0,1,2* to find everything to quickly transfer.

  • I can not for the life of me work out how to login or signup to the Nianticlabs website. Does anyone know how to do this?

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