I think one of the lowest price I found on this panel
Very close to OLED screen, without burn-in issue
simple review
nerd level comparison
I think one of the lowest price I found on this panel
Very close to OLED screen, without burn-in issue
simple review
nerd level comparison
"Very close to OLED screen"
Mixed Usage
7.5 8.8
7.0 9.3
TV Shows
7.7 8.2
7.8 8.6
Video Games
8.3 9.1
HDR Movies
6.7 8.7
HDR Gaming
7.9 8.8
PC Monitor
8.3 8.6
Not even close…
That's what I was thinking when I saw the body of this haha, I was like there's no way RTINGS have rated this even remotely close to the OLED screen, and I was correct.
are lg and sony the only oled tv left ?
hisense no longer have oled right ?
LG are the only one that make OLED TV panels AFAIK, Hisense and Sony both use LG OLED panels. Hisense cleared out their last OLED model stock earlier this year and still haven't announced another one, I am not sure if they will be bringing another model out or not.
what i meant was this is as close you can get to OLED wihtout the OLED pricing
its just different technology so not a fare comparison
i'm also interested to know what other ozb think about this one
as really want to go for 75" and like the LG WebOS still watching old LG 43" :))
any other suggestions welcome
"what i meant was this is as close you can get to OLED wihtout the OLED pricing"
Again, wrong. You could have gotten the Sony 75" X9000 for $2,965.50 just a few weeks back. I would pick that any day over this, but still it's no where near OLED PQ.
85/86" would be ideal
ok plz don't tempt me with those sizes (I meant screen sizes)
So expensive… Might be some better options out there.
Not close to an OLED at all - If youre worried about burn in then there are plenty of better non-oled panels available at better prices. Only a 7.5 on rtings
just like to the LG webOS
but is Sony Android good option?
i've seen that one around the same price
Which one?
Not close to oled and burn in really is not an issue anymore for anyone using their TV in a relatively normal way. Go check some of the tests done by RTINGS etc where they put thousands of hours into them and couldn’t get them to burn in.
Wrong. My OLED had terrible burn in and lots of C9 owners have burn in from gaming.
Would love to see the evidence of lots of C9 owners. And if they’re playing thousands of hours of PC gaming on it then perhaps. But for regular console gaming, I doubt it. And I’m guessing you got it replaced by LG if you did have burn? Given I’ve seen C6 and C7 owners get it replaced years later with very little hassle.
I can imagine a game can cause a burn because games have static HUD like crosshair, hp and weapons indicators, menues etc.
My C7 hasnt gotten any burn in even though my partner keeps pausing the switch game to go cook and stuff even though I keep telling her to just turn the tv off.
That Andrew Robinson review is a disgrace.
He was given a tv for free and lied about it.
Everyone who has used one says how bad the screen quality and contrast is, and yet he says it's OLED like.
What's the best 'mixed use' 75" TV going around at the moment in terms of bang for buck? Say, in the $2.5-$3.5k range?
Also interested, i do like the LG user interface with the magic remote but am open to any brands!
I can recommend the Panasonic TH-75GX880A (2019 model). When on special was often around $3,500. Super picture quality.
Andrew Robinson targets the average consumer. He self-admittedly does not cater to audiophiles/videophiles. The truth is, the average consumer couldn't tell you the difference between this NANO tv and an OLED. He mentions that the tv is good for the price and I would agree. You would be paying considerably more for an OLED of the same size, and for a lot of people, that's just not worth it.
I find RTINGS is a good source of numbers (for people who care about that stuff), but they don't assist with comparing pricing…so in most cases it's redundant comparing two tvs unless you know how much they cost first.
There are Samsung TV's that are similar price and the same size that are much better than this LG TV.
LED -> Samsung
I'm not a fan of VA Samsung QLED TVs.. my friend has a 85" T80 2020 model and its trash compared with my 2015 LG UF850T - SLOW motion blur sux its like night and Day both are 120hz panels but the LG IPS looks smooth and the Samsung VA is shocking with ghosting. if you want 120Hz FPS gaming go either IPS LG or OLED.. everything else looks crap.
Im after 75inch and above, OLED, 120-200hz UHD, hdmi 2.1 with eARC, dolby atmos and surround. but budget is around $3.5k and can stretch to $4k. Hmmm black friday sale just around the corner.
maybe in 2024
Not a chance. They're about $8000 at the moment.
Realistically your only chance is 65" for the next couple years
You’re probably still about $3,000 short
I know right gotta get the missus to share halves haha
In terms of 65"+ gaming, it's the X9000H, the Q80T (or better) and the LG CX (or better).
Above 65", despair… And/or compromise.
Get 2nd/3rd opinions, but it's hard to find/test VRR, and BFI may be necessary or wanted for racing/FPS games to avoid G2G/blur or ghosted/blurred dark areas.
While the BX is cheaper, there's no point in saving $100 for a dramatic drop in 1080p upscale for TV/Netflix.
The X9000H is the cheaper 75" gaming TV ($3500) vs the Q80T if you want 75" 4k games. The Q80T ($4500) is going to be the next logical choice, followed by what your budget can stretch to.
(LG 77CX for $8500 vs Q950T 85" 8k for $16000)
That said, eARC is new, and 4k @ 120hz VRR is Untested. FALD with 60hz/120hz BFI should help, but it's worth looking into how each TV does BFI.
Some TVs will need firmware updates like the LGs just had for the RTX 3080 series. You either need a Displayport 1.4 adapter or the RTX 3080 /3090 to test 120hz modes. Or a developer/prototype Xbox Series X or PS5, Radeon 6900XT, etc.
All that said, LG have "promised" to get the 48CX to market "This Month/Soon" etc. Likely $2500 vs the 55CX $3000.
if you want 75"+ and OLED, it may end up being cheaper to buy 2 TVs :P
I got this one but waiting for a 75" version.