A refurbished card with 6 month warranty for $139. Not bad. I know, I know the 3070 are coming, this is still quite a good 1080p card.
[Refurb] Gigabyte Radeon RX570 4GB - $139 + Delivery @ JW Computers

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I got an MSI RX 570 used about two years ago for $120. It's a good card and can handle most games at 1080p high, adequate for a casual gaming rig of if you play eSports titles.
Seems to be only Click and Collect? Am in Victoria and can't choose another delivery option.
just choose ur shipping method. its $20 to vic which kinda ruins the deal for me
Thanks. I only have the option for Click and collect ($0) on Firefox, might be an issue cos I'm using an old version. If it's $20 I might as well may about $40 more for a brand new one off Amazon. Thanks.
This refurbished card is hardly a bargain at $120.-
can't seem to add to cart
how much for new and 3yr warranty …. $30 more?
where from? that sounds like a better deal compared to this.
I hear Ali express has some cheap deals….. /S
stuff aliexpress i have 1 dispute going (over $100 too)… some seller sent an item that got returned to them and offers me to refund "a different way" i rejected the offer and nothing … never again (unless its like a few $'s) .. i have to wait till dec for aliexpress to "intervene"
I think he is talking about the Asrock deal. For me it was $10 for 2 cards delivery so 145 vs 185 and a better brand…. for me it is about the same.
Even if they do have, historically there has been cards flashed with fake bioses and the like.
Different brand.
Umart was selling the Asus explorer Rx 570 for $159-169 during various sales which is where I got mine. So there are good prices around.
This one for $76 more if you can pick up : https://www.umart.com.au/Asus-ROG-Strix-Radeon-RX-570-8G-OC-…
I just put one in a friends mild gaming pc with a ryzen 3 3300x. Easily overclocks to 1370MHz with AMD software and without fiddling. It ran gta iv and just cause 2 @ 1080p and 144fps on my new Dell monitor. Ran at about 70-80C in midi case with 1 less fan than it needs. I went with the this card as I was only putting in 450W power supply to save money.
… that's over 50% more. It's terrible at $215, might as well get a 580 or 1650 Super for that price
Yes 1650 super
$76 for 3 years warranty and a new, considerably better, card is cheap.
I’m guessing you didn’t bother to read the specs of the card as it is better than most basic rx580’s that are more expensive. If you want to compare it with similar ROG Strix Gaming OC 580’s or 1650’s then you are spending another $90 for 10-15% gain and no extra warranty so that’s what I call POOR value…I don't understand what you're talking about, a base 580 or a base 1650 Super will always be better than the highest end 580. Clock speed is not everything. A 1650 Super can be found for only $15 extra.
Definitely take the 1650 super at that price. Cheaper to run than a 580, more powerful that a 570 and still cheaper to run (though the 570 undervolted comes close).
The $169 Asus RX570 4GB sold out
Very close to 1060 3GB
Veerryyyyyy decent price/ performance 1080p card