I'm looking for cheap in-ear earphones with decent sound and preferably durable as well, although sound quality is more important for me. Any ideas?
Good cheap in-ear earphones for under $30?
Best under $30 for sure: Muzx from Altec Lansing with Mic
Sennheiser CX500
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/SENNHEISER-CX500-EARPHONES-IPOD-i…The best cheap earphones I've had. I was so impressed with this that I went and bought a CX880 expecting spectacular quality. It wasn't even close to CX500.
Just get the CX300 - Whatever you do, Don't get it from ebay…chances are they're fake. Just go to mymemory.co.uk
http://www.mymemory.co.uk/Sennheiser/In-ear-HeadphonesI bought the cx300 before for about 13 pounds? Don't know why they dont have much stock atm but yeah theyre really comfortable…If you take care of them they won't break. I have a habit of stuffing it in my pockets and catching it on hooks and stuff when i bend down, so they have a tendency to break everytime it happens
CX500 and CX300 are very similar in design but different in terms of performance. I had a CX300 before I bought the CX500, and there was a noticeable difference in quality.
yeah +1
I had the CX500 first then the CX300 at a later stage
I find the CX500 is better (for my use)
Yeah I agree but I don't think you can get cx500 for under 30bucks unless you catch it on sale or theyre fake on ebay :\
Don't buy earphones off eBay, especially from reputable brands such as Sennheiser, Beats etc. They're very likely fakes. I would recommend the Brainwavz Range, the Meelectronics Range and the Sound Magic range.
also Fischer Audio
Just saw these. Highly recommended.
Use this as a guide, it has a very good review of headphones in your budget
http://www.head-fi.org/t/478568/multi-iem-review-204-iems-co…Or check here
Done some research a while ago and these were the top option on a value for the money basis
http://mp4nation.net/catalog/brainwavz-earphones-c-51.html?p…not a good idea to put your website in your profile if you're gonna sockpuppet
just sayin..