Question is if you are currently living in an apartment and can't wait for your contract to end or terminate early in order to be able to move into a house due to COVID fear.
Are You Living in an Apartment and Keen to Move into a House Due to Covid?

You from Melbourne?
NSW, but does that make any difference?
Yes. The number of active cases.
Why is apartment living more dangerous?
Well, apartment living shares more stuffs with others, such as door handles, lift buttons, etc.
Also the fact that house is usually bigger, and has a backyard, is often better in WFH situation.
I'd imagine op i concerned about basically everyone using the lift. Plus if anyone coughs in there (small room, airborne droplets). So even if you have masks and faceshield, these droplets might still get on clothings.
Tbh that's why everyone should be wearing masks. It limits the droplets in the air. It'll be even better if people sneeze/cough into their elbow aswell.
Edit: forgot to add, I dont think you'll be able to break because of this though.
I'm not personally concerned. However the question arise because REA often says that houses are better (because I was viewing houses) due to the aforementioned reasons.
I wonder how many people do think so.
Just wait it out like the rest of us, I wouldn't move out of an apartment to a house and break contract just because of COVID, unless you are in a share house and are concerned about that. Even so the case numbers are very low, even in Victoria.
I'd be interested in living in a house (or a larger apartment) just due to the extra space while working from home. Might even be possible when my lease is up in January with rents trending down!
I can't understand the correlation. Are you sharing an apartment with one (or more) of the COVID positive people?
You know that the highest transmission of COVID is not in apartment buildings, right?No I am not, just a question, that's all.
No I don't either.You'd have to tell that to the people living in the slum towers in Melbourne.
Yes, but mainly due to stupid neighbours exercising and cultural dancing at all hours.
In the burbs or apartments?
I’m in the suburbs and my neighbours are plenty stupid
Apartment living for me. :( I have an OCD guy upstairs who sounds like he's a professional all hours Ikea door and drawer stress tester.
Just wait until he starts the tap dance, and tuba, lessons.
In the burbs its loud too! Our neighbours are professional partiers, and across the road is a dog with industrial scale barking abilities.
Sorry. I'll keep my 'exercising' and 'dancing' limited to 'business hours' from now on ;)
The anxiety around COVID and apartments seems pretty overblown. Especially not sure why you'd be concerned if you're in NSW as COVID is largely under control there.
I've had a few people in my apartment block have COVID and it's been fine - haven't really noticed any difference. Just practice basic hygiene and you'll be safe.
I think heaps are keen to move but not because of covid.
^ This. I'm super keen to move to a house, but COVID isn't even in my top 50 reasons.
Governments and media tell me high density living is great, so I'm actually keen to move from house to apartment.
I'll let you in on a secret. They are lying.
Not really though my fear isn't really too high, largely because of the lower covid numbers and my age. I think it would be different if I lived in a country with way more covid numbers or age where I was more susceptible to the virus.
If I lived in an Aged Care home I might be looking for the exit. The secret is to just sanitise, if you touch something, and keep the mask on in shared areas.
I really don't think it makes any difference. Just wash hands when you get inside.