This was posted 13 years 3 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PS3/Xbox $63 Tomorrow Only at JB Hi-Fi


JB $63 online and instore 9am to 5pm Sat 12/11
Also Batman AC for $71 which seems cheap

edit: added more direct link

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +1

    Hmm wicked deal im getting it :)

  • +6

    Must… resist… temptation till last exam is over

    • +3

      I bought it and I still have two more exams to go. Played 6 hours today XD.

      • same still got two exams but will get this and play the hell out of it anyway

    • Got an important exam and essay due, but gonna buy it and leave it sitting on my desk…this isn't going to work out well.

      • I managed to study enough for my exam last night with it sitting and staring at me, you can too :)

  • +2

    Damn, I was going to wait…and I really should finish FO3:NV first…

    • +1

      It's not Fallout 3, just Fallout: New Vegas.

      /picky, sorry

      • Heh - well, I really should finish both FO3 and FONV, so I guess I went the mashup. Skyrim is fantastic, though, and buggy as all hell.

  • +1

    No PC?


  • me too…. im trying to get through other games I own, but i've been waiting years for this sucker to come out. $63 and no delivery delays so I can play this weekend is VERY tempting. damn you ozbargain.

  • +1

    Bah! I just bought skyrim for 79 yesterday … MENDOZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

  • bought it online for $65 just this morning, damn!

  • Frick! I ordered this from ozgameshop like 3 months ago for $62.99 aud and it just got sent out a couple of days ago, wish I knew about this earlier, would cancel my order and rush into a store to buy it.

    You n'wah!

    On another note, by the nine! I will obliterate any social connections I have with current friends and become a hobbit for the next couple of months

    • +1

      hobbit? you going to cut yourself off at the knees and move to NZ?

  • $63! Goddamn. Are JB importing UK titles or something?

    • YES the back of the box says made in EU

      • No they aren't. AUS and EU use the same region for games so they are made in the same place. If it has the Australian classification on it then it's not an import.

  • This is great, just came back from JB and they were selling them at $79.
    Lucky i didn't get one then.

  • $22 cd key FTW

    • …and spend a million bucks every month upgrading a PC.

      • +1

        I spent $200 at the start of this year on a new video card - everything else in my PC I've had for at least 2 years. There hasn't been a game out this year (Witcher 2, BF3, Skyrim etc) that I haven't been able to run at 1080p on the highest settings available.

        PC gaming is not really THAT expensive. When you factor in how much cheaper PC games are than console the monetary difference between pc and console gaming shrinks as well. In saying all this, I'm chiefly a console gamer but I feel that some games deserve the extra power of my PC.

        • couldn't have said it better myself.
          This gen consoles are being left behind in terms of cpu/gpu power.

        • I spent $400 5 years ago and can still play all the latest games.
          I really can see how PC gaming is better, looking at Skyrim and BF3 especially, it looks SO much better.

          But console gaming is cheaper and easier for me, just pick up a controller, turn on the Xbox and bam, I'm in the game.

        • @theguyrules - no argument from me. Console gaming is much easier. Though I do question where you bought a new console for $400. Off the back of a truck maybe? :P
          @hewell - True. Though that becomes clear towards the end of any console cycle and this one is really dragging on. Stupid Kinect.

        • It may have been $500-$600, I can't remember, it was ages ago.

      • Yeah true…I guess I exaggerated a bit :) Seems like it's not as bad as it used to be

        • Yeah, computer hardware seems to be really cheap these days. Can you believe you can buy 2GB of DDR3 RAM for $14?

          If you already had a screen, mouse and keyboard you could spend about 500-600 and get an awesome gaming PC (less again if you already had a decent case).

    • Where from?

    • Sorry but I WILL NOT recommend anyone to get a Russian key for Skyrim. It appears that the Russian version of the game not only requires a VPN to activate it on Steam, you also need a Russian IP to play it as well. So if you want to play Skyrim without constant VPN I'll suggest buying from GMG.

    • -2

      good to know, but i am still downloading bf3

  • +1

    WTF? Bought it today for $78 from HN who was $1 cheaper than JB. Not sure if this is a great marketing campaign by JB or not:

    "Hey all you people that bought this on the first day from this very store… yeah you, well the very next day we are going to sell it for $16 less. What? Yeah, f**k you too!"


    • +2

      Go back to HN tomorrow and they'll refund it for you. 7 day price match.

      Unfortunately my wife got it from JB today for $79 and they won't refund the $16 :(

      edit: whoops, my wife was logged in so this comment was posted under her account!

      • +1

        chase02's hubby here. emailed JB hifi via their website last night asking why they wouldn't refund me the $16 as most places have a 7 day price match. Got a call this morning from the store we got the game form saying they don't normally refund but they will in this instance!

        the wife is going there later today to get my $16 which should be just enough for a 6 pack of delicious beer for this lovely sunny day :)

  • No PC version? Disappointing.

  • Awesome. Will grab it first thing tomorrow. Goodbye real life.

  • One of those days when I feel lucky I didn't buy on impulse when it's out

  • My word that's cheap.
    Bought it 2 days ago for $79, I'm kinda mad.

  • Good deal considering the price elsewhere though, might go pick one up.

    These prices are normal, if not slightly higher than USA prices, kinda sad to be an Aus gamer :(

  • -5

    I checked on Ausgamez, which is where i get all my games, and they have it for $59.99 + Premium Map…

    • +1


      • +2

        Wait, why am I getting negged! This guy has ONLY posted that one comment, and signed up today.

        • But why would anyone choose to be from SA? :P

  • Hey guys, long time stalker of OB and love the deals. Can't make a new post since I'm new but at Macquarie Center JB hifi I got Skyrim Standard Edition for Xvox 360 for $50.40! I was expecting it for $63 as it was marked on the game but they have a one day sale today which must have stacked on the price?

    So for today only at Macquarie Center JB HiFi, Skyrim Standard edition is $50.40! :)

    • Can you scan the reciept or something? I could get to Macquarie, but it's a bit of a trek :P

    • +2

      I am going to macquarie now, but I will only buy if it is $50.30 hope thats the case

      • Cool, let us know what happens. Hopefully it turns out well for everyone :D

        • It's rubbish. The girl said it is $63 no discounts. Bummer…Atleast I got the last apocalypse now for $20.

        • +2

          Ah well, $63 ain't bad at all.

        • +2

          Really wish all new releases were around the $60 mark like this.

        • +2

          they'd sell more thats for sure…. instead of people getting wise and ust buying from overseas anyway.

        • Yeah I cant stand paying more than $60 for a game, they are not worth anymore than that.

    • nice deal scooby ;)

  • Can buy Sonic Generations for $63 & trade straight away for MW3 - not as good as the Infamous 2 deal but cheapest in Aus?

  • Went to JB HiFi in Westfields Bondi Junction and asked the sales guy why the PC version wasn't $63 like XBOX and PS3 and he said it should be the same price so he gave it to me at that price.
    So the offer is also for the PC (if you ask for it).

  • Dammit PC version sold out at Brighton.

    *And Malvern

  • +3

    JB Hifi Macquarie Centre does NOT have any further discounts on games.

    Add to that a huge queue and grumpy staff = crap customer service! (Especially the guy in the white shirt at the cashier). Not a recommended store

    • +1

      Yes I was not impressed with the staff either, very rude. There was a nice girl in the games section who offered to help though which is nice. I dont know why they moved? I prefer the old location this one is too big and a bit disorganised.

    • I found the staff (not cashier) were pretty friendly. Was the white shirt guy a buff guy with tattoos? Because he is definitely not a nice guy.

      Other guys around the cameras and computer areas were nice though.

      I like the new location as well because it's less packed

  • Thanks OP. Was just about to ozgameshop it :)

    • You do know that it was Saturday only?

      • Still on the site for $63 on either console and today is Sunday.

      • Yep, had to rush to JB before my exam so I didn't miss out. Then too busy playing to post any earlier ;)

  • Errr, ordered it online and just checked my order history to see whether it's shipped or not and the entire order has disappeared.

    FFS, JB's online store is a joke. 3/4 of my orders have been canceled due to some problem on their end by now.

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