Hi coffee addicts =)
We don't drink much coffee in the family and usually have 2-3 cups total of late style coffee a day between the 2 of us.
Currently using Grinders pods. The coffee is ok but at times I feel that I am feeling like another coffee straight after - does not leave much coffee taste in the mouth.
Cannot justify a fully automatic coffee machine for the amount of coffee that we drink and it has to be automatic as my wife is not keen of becoming a barista =) plus kids will be able to prep your coffee =)
Anyway, since automatic is out of the question, we do use moka pot coffee from time to time. I do like the taste better than pods, but because it uses less pressure, the texture is pretty watery. I don't know how to fix it, but thinking it may something to do with the coffee that I use - preground from the supermarket(Melbourne roasted).
So the questions that I have:
- why my moka pot coffee is watery?
- since we don't drink much of it, what coffee grinder can I use for moka pot? Prefer electric, small and not very expensive. I did look at the manual ones but remember from childhood that it was hard to grind =)
* Coffee grounds are too coarse.
* Coffee is stale - freshly roasted coffee usually creates a nice oily bean, after some time, oils tend to get rancid and solidify.