Hey all. My 10 year old uses the same headphones for both ipad, school pc and ps4. His mum keeps buying him cheapies from officeworks as he goes through them so fast by wrecking the plug where it attaches to the controller. Instead of going through crappy headphones every other week, was thinking it would be better all round if he has something better quality with a replaceable cable. Anything OK for under $50?
Headset with Detachable Cable for 10 Year Old

sourdawg on 29/09/2020 - 09:24
Doesn't work on ps4 unfortunately
There goes my comment…lol…that'll teach me to cut and paste a link…
This should work, I still prefer the JBL JR300BT for kids as that has volume limiting and my son hasn't broken it….yet..
Wrapping some insulation tape around the cable and connector when new will extend their life.
My 10 year old doesn't destroy her headphones moving them from device to device. Teach yours to do it properly.
Thanks that doesn't answer my question
Yes it does. It also prevents future issues and saves money. Also teaches respect and value.
Have you thought about Bluetooth headphones? They're pretty affordable these days too and there's no cable (aside from when you need to charge it which presumably you can do for him whilst he's asleep).