Has anyone had any experience with using Cellphone Signal Boosters? I'm currently with Vodafone as it was the cheapest deal at the time but I am struggling to get a decent signal (1-3 bars on average)in my area and it's even worse inside my house. My main issue is with making phone calls as people always complain that they can't hear me and I am cutting out. I was thinking of switching providers eg. Telstra as I know they have the best coverage in Australia, or should I get a signal booster instead?
Would switching carriers even help in my situation? Or should I look into cellphone boosters? I have no idea how effective they are so let me know your thoughts and experiences with signal boosters if you've had any.
Also for people who've switched to other mobile phone providers, have you noticed a better signal when you switched?
inb4 CeLlpHoNe BoOstErs aRe ilLeGaL. Most of them are, but some of them aren't.
Both of these will depend on several things such as your phone, where you live and if there are any obstacles such as mountains around your house.
If your phone supports it, use VoWiFi (i.e Wifi Calling) so you can make phone calls through your fixed internet connection as a temporary (or permanent) solution for calling.
I suggest you try out Optus or Telstra to see what their coverage is like - just don't port your number, get a new one to try it out!
Could also try prepaid sims from eBay - might be slightly cheaper
I personally don't see legal boosters as a worthy investment unless coverage was unusable and I had no other solution.