[ADEL] Free E-Waste Drop off for Households, 3rd & 4th December 2011

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Free e-waste drop off in 7 locations around Metro Adelaide. Households only. Locations are:

ADELAIDE Adelaide City Council Nursery, War Memorial Drive (opposite the Adelaide Zoo)
CAMPBELLTOWN Campbelltown City Council Works Depot, 6 Newton Road
SALI SBURY SOUTH City of Salisbury Operations Centre, 120 Cross Keys Road
SEAFORD MEADOWS City of Onkaparinga Field Operations Centre, Railway Road
SOMERTON PARK City of Holdfast Bay Works Depot, Wilton Avenue
LARGS NORTH Port Adelaide Enfield Council Works Depot, Willochra Street
MELROSE PARK Mitcham Council Operations Depot, 5 Winston Court

List of accepted equipment is on the website, but includes most electronics.


  • not a bargain, more appropriate for forums…

  • lol this is hillarious… come round to my house and ill give you tv's, dvd players, clothes, books etc for free… cause this crap is getting thrown out on monday

    • Our hard rubbish was collected 2 weeks ago… i wouldn't call that a bargain either…

      You end up paying for all this through your rates anyway, so it's not even free…

  • This is good information BUT it doesn't qualify as a Bargain. Moved to forums

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