Recycle Water Plumbed into Potable Water by Builder

Posting to get some clarity for a mate.

1. New home contract. Occupancy permit issued by builder 10 days ago.
2. Family with kids moved in last week (~7days ago)
3. Noticed terrible taste of drinking water and assumed that water quality at this new dwelling is different.
4. Today, asked their neighbor this question and tried their water. No issues at neighbors' dwelling.
5. Curious dad went looking around and noticed that recycle water mains was plumed to potable supply using a T joint (post water supply meters)
6. Closed the recycle valve, flushed the taps and water in good ! (of course no water in toilets now)

Can some one please explain where things could have gone wrong? Where did the builder fail? Any advice on legal options are also appreciated.
Obviously, friends mrs' is inconsolable and shit scared for their two 3, 6 yr old kids.


  • +1

    Just get the builder to resolve it.

  • +1

    when plumbers do not use colour coded pipe they often make stupid mistakes like this. the builder will have to have the plumber re attend to fix.

  • You should contact the water authority or DHHS.

  • User error, move on.

  • Yuck

  • Whats the name of the builder?

    • A little weary of naming and shaming. Hence refraining.

    • +1

      Bear Grylls.

  • Your location is in Melbourne. Looking at yarra valley water website, they need to conduct an inspection? I presume the other Water retailers would have similar requirement. Have they inspected the connections? You might want to contact them.ā€¦

    • +1

      Your location is in Melbourne

      Its not about OPs location, OP said its for some clarification for a MATE and not themselves, OPs mate could be in any state

    • Good lead. Although not this region but assuming other water suppliers will have a similar process. Thanks.

  • +1

    Fair enough. I just assumed his mate's house is in Melbourne as well.

    Well, Fair Trading NSW also inspects NSW properties to ensure cross connection.

    Most likely to be the case in other states as well.ā€¦

  • contact your consumer affairs and follow their advice.

  • Just call the builder and get him to fix it as part of the warranty. You may as well start making a list. It won't be the only fault

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