My little guy is turning 2 soon, and I was thinking a stand up scooter would be a good option to progress him from the trike. He has a balance bike which hasn’t really had much attention and a BMX is sitting in waiting already.
What are some good options for toddler scooters? I’m thinking a three wheeler which seem more stable. Are the cheapies at department stores any good, or likely to crumble in the couple of years use and not survive to be passed onto another child?
I’ve seen the Micro brand, but getting close to $200 seems crazy for a simple kids toy.
Suggestions welcome.
Join your local buy nothing group on Facebook, kids scooters come up every few weeks on mine. I wouldn't worry about getting something really good quality at age 2, they won't use a little kids scooter for very long (not long enough to wear it out, as you can see from the number being given away or sold). Just needs to be mostly plastic not metal so that it is nice and light, and not falling apart. Wait until they're 4 or 5 before you get something more quality which they can use for a good five or six years. Spend your money on a helmet if anything.