Do You Ask Store Assistants to Check for Extra Stock if The Shelf is Empty?

Chatted to a friend who was getting me something from the grocery store. I was quite keen on the item so said "If there's none on the shelves, can you ask them to check it there's extras out the back?"

And they were like 'What? I'm not doing that!' Before I realised this was maybe not common…

Needless to say, I managed to convince them to ask, thankfully as the predicted scenario occurred.

Do you bother asking? I think I have since I was a kid, particularly for things that were on my shopping list.

If you're a store assistant, is this common for people to ask?

Poll Options

  • 19
    Nah, can't be bothered
  • 6
    Nah, how embarrassing.
  • 26
    Pretty much always, I search aisles 'til I find an assistant.
  • 5
    Only if there is someone in the aisle, there is never anyone around these days
  • 126
    Just depends on the items


  • +6

    YES. If I need them.

    • +2

      Yeah ok, if they were actually on your shopping list, or the only reason you were going into the store.

  • Worked at Coles ages ago - staple items were easy to find out back, otherwise it could be difficult to find.

    • Yeah okay. Many people per day asking?

      • +2

        A few times per shift I'd say at most. If it was a non-staple item most of the time I would either say we were OOS/try an alternative. If they were adamant I'd go out back for a bit for a chat and came back and tell them I couldn't find it..

        • +2

          Lol!! I suspect that happens sometimes lol!!

          • +2

            @Embaloo: Retail has changed over the years. With many stores going to automatic ordering and frequent resupply (when you get down to X units the computer places an order to bring it up to Y units and it arrives in 2 days), most stores keep less stock. So maybe with the exception of supermarkets and their staples, most stock goes straight on the floor.

            Hence when a customer is insistent the we check out the back (and we know we don't have the stock), we go out for a couple of minutes and "check".

        • +4

          Well ages ago, we know assistants had that same of service attitude, now a days staff are more friendly, and they have handheld stock devices.

          Most times they can tell right away, and will if stock exists, ask how many you want.

          And when I get that, how was your shopping experience email, I acknowledge the quality of service that team member gave.

  • Hubby used to work at a supermarket. If customers would ask him to check out the back for an item, he would go out the back, have a chin wag with whoever was out there and come back and say he couldn’t find it. Therefore I don’t bother,

    • Yep. Same with currentfad. Lol. Thanks guys. :P

  • +1

    When I worked at coles i genuinely went and checked. I would get the gun to see if we actually had it first though. However when I’m shopping I won’t bother asking because no one actually looks.

    • +5

      Faith in store assistants semi-restored. Thanks dylanando :)
      I think judging by the number of times that items were actually fetched for me (most of the time) that many do. I do appreciate when people do.

  • +1

    At my local wools they check on their scanner thing if they have stock, 75% of the time I’ve asked they have had stock and brought it out for me.

    • +1

      Ah yeah, that's epic. I find that usually happens at Officeworks too. Scanner things.

  • +4

    Nah i just go around the back and check for myself.

    Jokes aside, i don't ask at super markets, but stores like target, kmart, big W and so on i do occasionally ask if the item is needed.

  • +3

    I use Amazon. I don't need to ask.

    I see, I clicks, I get.

  • I shop online so nah

  • +1

    Definitely asked for things I absolutely needed like nappies. Don't want to run around if a simple question can solve it.

  • +1

    I used to work in home entertainment at Target. It was never a big section and we only had minimal stock out the back. I knew exactly what was out the back during most of my shifts and could answer accurately if asked, but I would often get questioned (being quite young at the time) whether or not I actually knew that/checked. If I didn't have customers waiting then I would go out the back and have a look despite knowing nothing would be there but it would make the customer happier than my snap responses.

    • Mmm that's cool that you knew your stuff. Thanks for tactfully appeasing anyway.

  • -3

    Always. And then I walk off before they return to say sorry no and we don't know when we will get it in next.

    • Oh dear!

  • +6

    Sometimes if the person seems happy
    Because sometimes I get this response

  • +1

    Ex woolies night filler here, generally I would know what was available out back based on what was dropped or filled so unless it’s like Coca Cola, drink cartons or Arnott biscuit that come on full pallets then it’s already in the shop. Or it could overs from last weeks special

    • +1

      Totally agree, also as an ex nightfiller.

      I usually check though so the customer doesn't think im arrogant if I just say its not there…or I tell them on the gun when its coming in next

  • +2

    I do at Colesworth so that I could get a raincheck, but they said they stopped doing it now for Covid :(

  • +1

    Just find someone in the store and ask to check their gun for if they have stock on hand or stock coming in.

    They will think your an employee, and might go the extra distance for you. Most already hate there job so don't hold your breath haha

  • +1

    Depends. If I am friends with the staff I might ask, but I will also respect them if they say there is nothing out there without looking.

  • +1

    At Woolies I just go to the customer service desk where they type the item into their system to check the stock level. I don't think it's embarrassing. For other stores like Chemist Warehouse, I'll ask the floor staff who are usually helpful and will try to look for the item.

  • If it's a long trip to the store

  • +1

    Depending on the store the staff can often check stock levels on the spot, in which case it is worth asking.
    I remember when I worked at BWS during uni and I could check stock on the computer at the front, but some customers would INSIST I check out the back, after telling them we don't have any stock. So I did what others have said, nip out the back, check facebook for 3 minutes then come back and tell them that shockingly we don't have any stock. Like I said.

  • -2

    I worked at a major grocery shop, and I've had people ask me that before, if I have any more blueberries or whatever out the back. My response is always, no sorry, I can't check that for you. If it's not here in the front, then I can't sell it to you. As well as that, make sure you're asking people who are stocking shelves and not cashier's.

  • +1

    Staff are there to do a job, which is make sure stock goes out the store, ie if it's not on the shelf it's not being sold.
    Pretty sure store manager would think twice about an employee not wanting to assist with a query.

  • +1

    Yes I always request they check out back if none on shelves. I've never had a problem with anyone doing that, they all seemed agreeable to it with some offering even before being asked.

  • +1

    Yes, friendly and polite, especially if shelf is empty halfway through the special period. Have rainchecked if not available. Have complained directly to Coles if a special is out of stock early in the special period as they can use good specials to get customers into the store. Low stock is not fair dealing.

    Similarly, we always quickly scan the docket before we drive away to check for obvious price mistakes, Eg special prices not applied and find this about 1/2 the time. Then go to the service desk etc etc. Pain in the neck, but I wonder how much money they are wrongfully taking every day from customers……..

    • Yeah, good approach.

  • +1

    "Who am I, your slave"? "Do it yourself"! Would be running through their head, and rightly so.

    You ring the store and find out whether the stock is in or not.

  • +2

    Yes but I'm not convinced they always check properly. Depends who you find.

    Also if the product is on special on the catalogue they need to check anyway before you can get a raincheck.

  • +1

    If I really want a specific item, I’ll call ahead to confirm it is in the store. That way no wasting time looking for floor staff (and potentially save a wasted journey if it is not available). Added bonus: the staff might put it aside for you to pick up directly

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