• expired

11.11% off at DealExtreme on 11th of 11th of 2011 (1 Day Only) - SELECTED ITEMS ONLY :(





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closed Comments

  • -7

    at 11am or 11pm ?

    • +3

      Good 11th hour question, for Oz o'clock: it'll be starting AEST 3am on 11th November until 3am on 12th November if I did my maths right.

      • +3

        Guys, just to clear something up: The sale starts at 4pm Brisbane Time! (on 11/11/11)

        Let's do some quick maths here:-
        The email says: Valid only on 11th November.2011(GMT-6)
        In Brisbane, we use GMT+10

        If you plotted these on a number line, you'd see that the time difference is 16 hours. (i.e. Brisbane is 16 hours ahead).

        So, the sale starts at 12am GMT-6, which would mean 12am+16hours = 4pm Brisbane time, 5pm sydney etc.

    • +35

      I don't think you'll care in the long run, you'll be lucky if anything arrives by 12/12/12 12:12PM

      • generally one month arrival time… it's not great delivery but at least it's cheap stuff and free delivery.

      • +4

        At least 12/12/12 is before the end of the world (21/12/12)

      • +1

        I have bought a lot of stuff from deal extreme and I usually get it in around 10 days. Longest has been 15. This is delivered to gold coast.

    • Doesn't say anywhere that it starts at 11 o'clock, only says '11.11% off on 11.11.2011', so I assume it's valid for 24 hours. I have no idea where people are getting 3am from, but it starts at 5PM on the 11th AEDT.

  • +3

    Chinese time is GMT-6? Hmm something looks wrong there.

    • Unless it should be +6… which would sound more correct

      Email does read: Valid only on 11th November.2011(GMT-6)

    • +2

      Sydney is GMT +10 for AEST
      China is GMT +8
      because sydney under daylight saving time, it should be GMT +11 and china still GMT +8 which is different three hours

    • +1

      I imagine they are doing it based on their largest customer base? E.g. USA

      • ^Exactly. -6 is CST.

  • +15

    and the orders will probably make it to AU by 12/12/12

    • +24

      They surprised me last week, only 2.5 weeks! I think that was a new record in my books. Must have been all those empty Qantas planes that people abandoned.

        • +23

          Sorry if I offended (Qantas employee?), it was a lame joke, anyway didn't you just go ahead and tell someone else off below 'take a joke'?

        • +3


        • With all the uncertanties for the flights? I'm first in line in abandoning Qantas!

        • its seems that you wouldnt know if a qantas plane hit you on the back of the head.

        • -5

          Sorry I don't find jokes based on completely incorrect information funny. Must have missed the ignorant gene.

  • I can't seem to vote?? :( (+ve)

    edit : working now…. :S

    • +10

      The system went into shock that you wanted to vote positive that's all :)

    • +2

      think he just forgot how to do it…hasnt done it for that long :P

  • +9

    why not 111.11% off :p

    • +3

      ur just greedy. ;P

    • +2

      really should be 1111.11% so it's got six 1's like the date 11/11/11

      • +1

        11.1111% more likely, haha.

  • +2

    this is the link to the actual page on the deal - http://e.dealextreme.com/albums/dx-coupons-1111/

    • So can we get only stuff on that page, or anything from DX?

  • +6

    Woohoo , More crap I don't need :)
    I won't be relying on them getting anything to me by Christmas though .

  • wow!

    This is a big saving!!!!

  • +1

    Good time to try that new reminder thingy. :)

  • +5

    not even 12%

    • +1

      Well they could've just as easily made it 11% without the .11, so be grateful.

    • +3

      Maybe next year you'll get 12.12%?

      • +2

        And by 2100, it'll be 100% so make sure you tell your grand kid's grand kids

  • I'm gonna be kinda busy then ;)

  • +1

    Woo!!! Time to buy more camera batteries and flashlights.

    • +20

      Woo!!! Time to buy more tenga eggs and fleshlights.

      • -4

        Don't involve the good community of ozbargain in your ccrappy fantasies.

        • -8

          Take a joke.

      • +4

        just learnt what a tenga egg is. I should get out more - or more likely stay at home in front of the computer which is what I assume people who use tenga eggs do. by the way if you use the coupon code IGNOV on their intimate site you can save 11% now and not have to wait till the 11/11.

  • Hoping it is across the board.
    Was planning a purchase soon.

  • nice !

  • +7

    I'm still hanging out for a meritline deal on a pet panda with free shipping.

  • +1

    oh damn, i just ordered something yesterday…

  • +3

    Always check ebay before ordering through DX. Sometimes Ebay is cheaper from same country China.

  • +2

    Awesome - I am on DX right now putting together an order.

    So, I'll just leave it in the cart for a day LOL

  • OP time in China is GMT +7/8, you mentioned (CST – Central Standard Time) which is GMT -6.

    Sale starts at 3AM our time.

    • Yeah, I'm not sure, I'm aware that China is +8 GMT, but Izzeho above makes good point that it's targeting their main market (all those American bargain hunting flashlight buyers).

  • +6



    • +1

      there is a express option. you just have to pay for it

      • A warning for anyone reading this, the express option isn't all that express. At least a week. Mine took 12 days. If you want something in time for Christmas, I'd be springing for express delivery any time after December 1st.

  • +1

    I have lots of love for DX. If you are buying electronic items check to see if www.geminideal.com doesn't have it for cheaper

  • if it's 11am in China, it will be 2pm SYDNEY, knowing how complicated daylight saving is in Australia , please adjust accordingly.

  • damn I just bought a torch last week. Maybe I can get another one with more throw this time

  • +5

    My last order arrived a few days ago, just under 3 weeks from ordering. So there is a chance orders placed on 11/11 may come before Christmas (it will be close though!)

    If you're looking for some weird things to throw in your cart from DealExtreme, take a look at http://www.shitgifts.com [Disclaimer: I own this site, all links are affiliate links]

    • +2

      Haha. I like your site mate. Great for finding the Chrissie presents for my Dad & brother.

      • Hehe cheers, just launched it yesterday! Couldn't believe that domain name was still available ;)

    • +1

      that's a cool site, love the comments.
      Hope you'll add more!

      • Thanks! Great to hear you like the site!

        I'll be adding more as I find them, updates are posted to twitter @ShitGifts, and also facebook.com/shitgifts

        Share the DealExtreme love!

    • thank you for putting me onto this!

      • You're welcome!

  • +3

    motherf…. i just dropped $250 on these guys yesterday

    • lol, i was about to buy a couple of cables for 30 bux last night, had them on the screen and all, 3.33 dollar discount and im glad i waited, thats almost a 30 bux saving, sorry man!

    • +1

      just cancel and reorder?

      • +1

        i'm considering that .. feels like poor-form, i'll be on fraser island without net tomorrow so unlikely to re-order (unless i stock up the cart and do the checkout from my phone en-route).. $27.50 saved is probably worth it however

        • imagine all the magnets you can get for 27.50

        • yeah the magnets are very strong
          they are quite hard to separate(if you have 2 connected together, as in only 2), you have to push them against each other

          oh yeah and a tip
          get the big ones, not the 8mm ones, as they tend to crack if they come in contact with each other with great force

  • +3

    awesome now i can get 11.11% off the calendars

    • +6

      Better order the 2013 ones since u won't be receiving them til the middle of 2012 :P

    • +2

      if you need some stuffs its much cheaper there. for example most people with iphone need a case, right? buy in sydney will be $20, from them $2. not all are crap.

    • are you saying that DX sells crap? have you even visited the site?

    • +2

      also take a look at cables, 50 bux here 20 bux there… ITVeteran, i think not! :P

      yes they do have lots of crud, but also lots of useful stuff!

    • +1

      While there's plenty of not so useful stuff on dealextreme, I use dealextreme lights on my road bike because they're 1/2 or the price or less for the exact same item sold by cellbikes.com.au, plus cables for charging my phone which cost $5-10 locally or $1 delivered from dealextreme, plus many other useful things.

      The same torches I use for trail running at night and they work well, they're used on various ultramarathons to stop people falling off cliffs and down ravines, in my books that's not junk.

      Don't judge.

  • +6

    just a word of advice for people who order from this site, i notice people are putting in big orders presumeably of multiple items. If you order multiple items at once they will wait for all to be in stock before shipping it to you in one package, which can take months. If you order them as seperate orders, they will get shipped as soon as they become available, at no extra cost.

    • all you have to do is click the "chat online now" button and ask for your packaging to be split. they will do it .

      sucks that this isnt a default option but I always check up on my orders via their chat and things seem to work out

      • the real problem is if you have many items on bulkrate orders. its better to put them together in one order.

        • again, once you have done the order they will split packaging for free so 'awaiting stock' items arrive later . its best to combine your stuff into one order, get the bulkrate deal and cheaper EMS etc then ask them to investigate if any items are pending and if so, to split the packaging.

          sucks that this is manual process but this is how you hack it.

        • thanks andyfitz. do u know if you split ur order and order via ems will they send each individual one by ems?

    • there are pros and cons to this method

      as each $10 gets you 1 point therefore by splitting the items up, you may not get the 1 point

      • +1

        correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't bulk rate only if you order the same item? so you wouldnt want to split that up anyway right?

        You're right with the dx points, but the dx points system is somewhat antiquated. they havent even updated that page in ages, with most rewards say "reward ran out" and the the rest are useless junk.

        • +1

          correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't bulk rate only if you order the same item?

          i'm pretty sure you can apply bulkrate at any time(with any quantity) HOWEVER you will have to pay a bit more for shipping
          therefore bulkrate is only beneficial (money-wise) if you purchase in bulk

  • +1

    deal extreme is awesome. ive gotten some pretty cool things there.. bamboo in a jar haha

    • +1

      woah that actually came.

      I read the questions and seemed unclear whether customs will seize it or not

      • +1

        I think so long as it's sealed and contents are listed on packaging in English. Something along those lines anyway.

  • -1

    Dammit! Like I needed another excuse to order those cheap.. sweet… Chinese… gooooods….. Homer Drool

  • +2

    Has anyone found a good car holder for a 7" GPS device there? I am trying to buy a rack for myTab to use it as GPS in car, but don't even know what exact what should i search for. Anyone can help? Thanks in advance.

  • -5

    I'm going to be brave and neg this one - some items are actually (considerably) cheaper elsewhere (even with the 11.11% factored in), so buyer beware. For example, compare prices from www.buyincoins.com - "sata data cable", "sata power cable", "7 ports powered usb hub", "mini speaker hamburger". However, the range is not as extensive compared to DX.

    • +7

      Of course dx isn't going to be the cheapest on every item they stock, but they are on alot of it.

      • -5

        Take for example the 7 port powered usb hub (virtually identical items on both sites).
        $15.90 at DX http://www.dealextreme.com/p/7-ports-powered-usb-hub-678
        $5.39 at the other place http://www.buyincoins.com/details/usb-high-speed-7-ports-hub…

        It's a considerable difference, not dissimilar to a Harvey Norman mark-up. Hence I recommend looking around before assuming DX is always cheapest.

        • very good points but not worth a neg,
          i agree with you in regards to still shopping around…and wouldnt have given you a + without the neg vote…

        • is there a store where EVERY item is the cheapest on the planet?? no! Dx is not the cheapest with every item, some items the price is better, others worse, just like regular shops, for smaller stuff it can be cheap, for larger/heavy items i think the 'free'(i.e included) worldwide shipping means the price is going to be higher

    • we are talking about a whole store
      if you compare EVERY item on DX with others, you'll find that DX will be the cheapest

      and as mentioned before, ebay is usually cheaper

      • +2

        @Purt, issh, sulmer; That's why I said some, and italicised it. I'm just drawing attention to the fact that some items are considerably cheaper elsewhere. Maybe that's not worth a neg, and a mod has revoked it, but it certainly is worth taking into account when the price difference is potentially 3x more.

        And I would be willing to say that all the items on buyincoins are cheaper than DX.

  • Uh, so is it just the ten select items discounted or what?
    Have a look at the page and it doesn't seem to mention 11% off everything.

    This has already been said in previous comments, but this deal has gotten another 100 positive votes since then.
    Mods need to step in more often.

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