This was posted 4 years 6 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

5x 100ml Instant 75% Alcohol Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser $2.40 Delivered @ Mydeal eBay


Credit to dealbot for the Original ebay 20% off deal.

Original Deal:

Was looking for anything interesting within the 20% off and came across this deal on 5 x 100ml Instant 75% Alcohol Antibacterial Hand Sanitisers. Pretty cheap for delivered I believe.

Delivery Excludes: Northern Territory, NSW Regional, Perth Metro, QLD Far North, QLD Regional, QLD South East, SA Regional, Tasmania, VIC Regional, WA Regional, WA Remote

Original Coupon Deal

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closed Comments

  • -5

    iS It fReE dElivERY?

    • +7


  • +7

    I remember a time when you'd need to mortgage your house to buy some

    • +2

      And weigh your odds of grandma's death for going out and buying some.

  • Hope these don't smell like tequila, bought some thanks.

    • +2

      As a recovered alcoholic, I love the ones that smell like grog. Ahh takes me back.

      • Drink these instead. They will clean you up.

  • nice one OP. Good for the car.

    • +2

      I'm not sure cars are at risk from covid.

      • -5

        Some would argue that people aren't either…

        • +8

          Only Trump supporters.

        • +1

          Under-rated comment of the day! I LOL'd.

      • where these made??

        Edit - CN
        Bought anyway.

  • It might be worth it to mention that is a brand newish seller with only 25 reviews.

    • +1

      Probably new on eBay as a platform, however check this popular deal.

    • +3

      It's MyDeal, they've been around since 2011.

      • +1

        Looks like they have just opened a new (alt) eBay store and need some rapid positive feedback.

  • +2

    Doesn't post to regional NSW!! What year is it again?

    • Or regional VIC :/

      • +1

        Or my Axe. I mean QLD..

        Ah well.

    • +2

      These metro only deals are usually delivered by fastway (super cheap bulk pricing) hence the exclusion of regional areas.

  • Think this is Vic only? no post to WA

    • Posts to NSW metro

  • so cheap

    • +3

      Suspiciously so IMHO.

      The shipped weight will at least 590g (using a satchel and bare minimum of bubble wrap) and the item is subject to dangerous goods declarations/handling.

      Assuming MyDeal has secured some super-duper negotiated rate that scores them 50% off AusPost carded rates (HIGHLY unlikely), that is still $6.80 in postage costs excluding packaging, handling costs, eBay fees…and cost of goods! The maths are all sorts of "odd".

      This is either a:

      • data gathering exercise (my working hypothesis); or
      • loss-leader for customer acquisition (seriously flawed strategy against target cost-averse customer market).
      • Get the odd squad on it mate!

  • Great deal, but doesn't post to Hobart either sadly.

  • Ordered, thanks

  • No delivery boo

  • Cheers! Good deal for sure, couple of months back I paid I think $9 for the 5x bottles

  • Not delivering to 2324

  • 2 packs confirmed with Paypal to Brisbane. Great price and good concentration of Ethanol

  • +3

    Back in my day sanitizer was $50/L, you kids don't know how good you've got it

    • +5

      Back in April 5 litres of isopropyl went for as much as $1040 on ebay.

  • +2

    Got these last deal. A bit runny and smell like metho, but i guess works.

  • Ordered - delivering to Gold Coast
    Thanks OP

  • Thanks OP - delivered to the Gold Coast

  • +5

    Well, i couldnt get a Series X at all today but at least i got some hand sanitiser, lol!

  • Thanks OP, got a 500ml bottle almost empty but will be nice to have 5*100ml travel bottles instead.

  • Should be a list of where they deliver to instead of where they don't lol

  • Missed out.

    • +1

      Back in stock

  • Why some people will need 10 i.e. 50 tubes?

    • Probably a poor mans attempt to become a flipper .

      • Could be ordering for other ppl/families/older neighbours. I stopped judging them as there could be many reasons.

        • -1

          My favourite is house of a certain country that like to live together with 20 + people that normally clog the whole street with cars :)
          Could be 100's of other reasons .

  • was gonna try these, danggit

    • +1

      Back in stock

  • Weird.. the refunded my order.. guess I won't be getting any

    Your payment needs to be re-sent
    Hi gomoau ,

    Sorry, your recent payment didn't go through. As a result, the item(s) below have not received payment.

    Please return to eBay to resubmit your payment again.

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    • +1

      Back in stock, may be buy again?

      • Cheers worked this time let's wait and see if they refund and cancel again

        • +1

          finger crossed they don't cancel it lol.

  • +1

    ordered, thanks OP

  • ordered to VIC metro - thanks OP!

  • +1

    Ordered nice

    Hope it doesn't smell like ass

    • +2

      Username would suggest it’s up your alley?

      • Yes poop ticket

  • No good for WA. Metro as well as Regional are in exclusion list.

  • Bought another , thanks

  • Ordered. Thanks!

  • Thank you, I just ordered for Melb Metro

  • Thank you Good Deal

  • Guys - I know the packaging states that it's 75% alcohol but is there a way to check that it is actually as labelled
    (ie: how do I know for certain that the sanitizer is genuine and not bollocks??)

    • Spend around 1K for a lab test :)

    • By time you figure it out your gonna be buying it at RRP price.

    • Guess I could try burning a sample - it'll be flammable if it contains high alcohol

    • +1

      Drink some

  • +2

    it has been ozb'd

  • Out of stock, all sold out

    • In stock. Once again!


    • +1

      Back in stock again it seems.

        Wanted to grab 2 but CR $2 cashback is better, making it $1 only. Thanks OP!

  • +2

    Just grabbed one, thanks Op - activated CR's current $2 promo and forfeited the 60c code

    • Did the same. Hopefully they don't cancel orders !

  • Do they expire?

  • +2

    How can they afford shipping and packaging at this price even if it was just water?

    • Not only that, I'm in the same state as the seller and watch AusPost carry these parcels to NSW, QLD, and what not before coming back to VIC.
      Petrol is already more expensive than the item itself.

      • Maybe getting rid of overstock.

  • It says it wont diver to Australia??

  • They have between 800 - 900 :)

  • "This item doesn't post to Perth Metro"

  • $2.40 Delivered

    There is no way to deliver this and make a profit.

    $24 delivered is a more reasonable price.

  • Does Wollongong count as regional? I've never been sure…

    • Council embraces both regional and metropolitan lol

  • Why not just 1 big bottle? Seems a waste of plastic.

    • How big is your handbag?

      • Bigger than yours.

        • +1

          Then you have plenty of room for a 500 mil bottle. The rest of us with small handbags have to make due with smaller bottles.

  • Happened to buy 2 pairs.. they also Contain some Chlorohexidine which is good.

    Happens to come with a "certificate of passing testing's"

  • Says does not deliver to au

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