Circles.Life How bad can it be?

$38 for 100gb a month.

I’ve read the horror stories but could they really be that bad?

No other telco can get close to this deal (happy to be corrected).

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  • 34
    Stay the unf*ck away
  • 17
    Give ‘em a shot. They’re no worse than the others

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  • There is only really issues with porting out and the way they charge data. If you’re planning to stay then you won’t have to worry about the porting out issue. Personally I was on them for a few months at launch and had to issues at all (even with porting out).

    • There is only really issues with… the way they charge data.

      How do you mean

    • Err, you mean "…had No issues at all…" right?

      PS 1 instance of Porting Out, that we're familiar with
      was Problem-Free

      They did express some "Regret you want to leave"

      To which, our colleague relied: "That's OK"

      And… they gave her all the info & help needed to bail' ;~)

      No haggling needed, no delays, etc.

      (Just don't think you're being refused, when you're not, IMO)

  • Was with them for a couple months before porting back to a JB Telstra plan, and it was fine. Just a basic, month-by-month provider. They even gave me a hamper.

    • Our colleague missed out on the hamper…
      maybe they ran out…? ;~)

  • +12

    Too many people want to pay the cheapest possible price for everything but then they come here and whinge when they don't get 5-star customer service.

    • +1

      well said

    • I’m currently with Optus and they’re not the greatest with their cs, but it’s not often i have to contact them. CL is around half the price. So it’s worth considering for me

    • +1

      prepaid customers in a nutshell (especially MVNO prepaid)

  • +1

    Disappointed there is no "Pedro" option.

    • Ha! Promise to keep that in back of mind for next forum topic

  • +1

    Speaking of MVNOs, I see amaysim going way beyond their "call of duty" and caring for customers. The Customer Service via Chat is quick and to the point. Amaysim is probably the only MVNO with Customer Service that even goes to compensate by providing you benefits that you rightfully deserved, or in some cases, doling out freebies / unlimited data.

    Circles.Life, using the same Optus provider, has faced a lot of flack here. Hope they improve and be transparent about their T&Cs.

    • Problem with Amaysim is i get a better deal directly with Optus

      • Yep, agree. Their prices are quite high comparatively, and they're like 'Apple' of MVNOs, dont budge much against their competition - the like of Boost, Catch Connect, Lebara, Kogan.

    • Amaysim ripped me off and their customer service lead me to believe it had all been sorted.
      Got a prepaid sim (just to use the data and throw away) for a month. Then noticed it went over the month and got a bill for the next month (on prepaid). Contacted them, they lead me to believe it had been sorted so ignored the bill. Then months later they went to court or something (cant remember the legal name, never heard of it before) and the courts or what ever took the money out of my bank account. And Im assuming it hurt my credit rating.

  • A lesson in reading the fine print would summarise my experience. Be aware discount codes often don't apply until your second month, the first month is full cost pro rata, and you will be charged for the full month when you port out, not pro rata. So if you join near the end of a month, and leave near the end of a month you should be fine, but give yourself a few days grace when porting out, as their account 'number' containers letters, which isn't recognised by other providers (e.g. Kogan), so the port will eventually fail and you will need to contact your new provider to assist.

    • Quick question. Why did you leave? I cannot find a better deal anywhere. Was the network crap?

      • I moved to this deal: . Coverage/speeds (Optus) varied, in some places it was very fast, and in others very slow. I did had a few issues in the inner north west of Melbourne, but I have also had issues there with Telstra in the the past year as well, so likely congestion or the construction of new apartments nearby. Honestly at that price, it's worth a shot, just be aware of the T&C's if you want to port out.

  • I have tried Circles.Life for 3 months. I have a positive experiences and don't have any problem when porting out. The coverage is good enough at Sydney CBD although not as fast as my Telstra. I guess the experience may vary as some people reported bad experiences with them.

    I left because I found a better deal from amaysim:

    like @Liez11 said just beware about their billing system.

  • Update. Its all been good. Nil issues.

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