This was posted 4 years 5 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

6 Months Apple Music through Shazam App (3 Months for Current Subscribers)


Similar to this deal, but 6 months rather than 4. Existing subscribers can cancel their subscription and re-sign using the Shazam redemption code to get 3 months gratis.

Supposed to have ended December 31 2019, but I just signed up and got 6 months.

Yes, you can cancel straight away and have access for whichever period (6 months/3 months) is applicable to you.

STEPS (from

If you meet the requirements, here’s how to get the offer:

  1. Open the Shazam app on your iPhone or iPad. If you have never used the app, you may have to identify a song first by tapping the Shazam icon. Then, tap the “Library” button or swipe from left to right.

  2. Select any song from the “Recent Shazams” list, and then tap the “Open in Apple Music” button. You should be prompted with the six months subscription deal for free. Tap “Try it free” to be redirected to the Music app.

  3. A promo code will be generated and redeemed in your account automatically so you can use Apple Music without paying anything for six months.

  4. The good news is that users who are already subscribed to Apple Music can also get a similar offer. If you cancel your current subscription, you can re-subscribe through Shazam and get another three months for free.

The easiest way to cancel it is directly through the Music app on your iPhone or iPad:

  • Open the Music app
  • Select the “For You” menu
  • Tap on your profile picture in the top right corner
  • Tap “Manage Subscription”
  • Tap “Cancel Subscription” at the bottom
  • Tap “Confirm”

EDIT: More extensive instructions here

EDIT 2.0: Mine was a fresh install of Shazam. If you're not seeing 6 months (or three), maybe delete Shazam, reinstall, and then do another Shazam.

Related Stores
Apple Music
Apple Music

closed Comments

  • +8

    1 month for me

    • Bugger! What was your subscription situation before hitting TRY IT FREE?

    • +1

      Same for me. I think the last time I was subscribed to apple music was 2 years ago? I subscribed for a while before then though, so maybe that’s why.

  • +1

    Does this work at all for those on a family plan?

    • Not sure, but you wouldn't get a free family plan:

      You will be taken to a page titled Redeem Code and it will tell you that you are getting 6 months of Apple Music individual membership for free.

  • 3 months for the price of 1 for me.

    • +2

      How to get 6months or even couple of years of trial even.
      1. Go to settings sign out from itunes
      2. Delete shezam app
      3. Sign up for a new apple ID or sign in with a new itunes account
      4. Download shezam and now you have 6months trial
      5. Click on 6months trial and get the code, do not redeem the code
      6. Save the code in a note pad
      7. Sign out from itunes and sign back in with your original apple ID
      8. Sign up with free 3months trial
      9. Go to profile in your apple music app and redeem that 3months code saved in your note

      You can sign up with new accounts as many times as you want and get unlimited amiunt of codes, you can basically get it for years.

      Tested for up to a year on two accounts and worked fine.

      • That sounds like a lot of work, but cheers :)

      • Tried this & managed to get a 3 month trial but when trying to redeem a 2nd code I get a message saying I’ve reached the maximum amount of codes that can be redeemed on my Apple ID

      • Sign out of itunes from iphone/ipad will still keep my apps etc or will device get reset? Just want to understand the implications of itunes signout.

  • Got 1 month free, been off apple music for about 3 months

    Next charge Oct 20th

  • +1

    oh it's work guys, its show 3 months for me as well. but i delete it. close shazam and open again, click on setting (the top left corner) than its show free apple music for 6 months.

  • Awesome score. Thanks :)

  • didnt work for me

  • +4

    Doesn’t work for me. I select a song from the “Recent Shazams” list, and then tap the “Open in Apple Music” button & I just get prompted to join Apple Music for $11.99 / month. Haven’t had an Apple Music subscription since November 2019.

    Seems to be a targeted offer.

  • One month for me, no different than going through apple music and signing up directly. Should put targeted in the title.

  • +1

    1 month for me… I unsubscribed Apple Music 6 months ago !! In Sazam it was showing get up to 3months free

  • Doesn’t work here

  • Keeps telling me 3 months instead of 6… :(

  • Only 1 month here

  • I only got 1 month. Accepted, then went to cancel so I wouldn't get charged: "The service ends immediately if you cancel your trial"

  • Thanks, got 6 months free

  • +2

    Apple only or can android get in on this too?

    • I'd like to know this too. Can't find anything on the app

    • From now until New Years Eve you can get a six months subscription to Apple Music for free. All you need to do is Shazam something with the Shazam iPhone app. When you do so you will automatically be able to sign up for six months Apple Music for free. - (I've linked to this in the final paragraph of the post)

      They say iPhone app, but they mean iOS.

  • Thanks OP! Worked for me

  • Does not work for me.

  • Didn't work for me

  • Got 6 month. Thanks

  • Didn’t work for me either. Shazam showed three months but it didn’t get through to Apple Music

  • +1

    It says I can get up to 3 months free. When pressing that it only gives me the option for 1 month free. I haven’t been subscribed to Apple Music for about a year.

  • That Macworld website says the deal ended last year, plus the “deal through Shazam in (for) the USA, UK and Canada” only.

    • Yes, I made the point about expiry in the deal post. The reference to USA, UK and Canada is regarding an earlier Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal, which the author of the article supposed had been "extended" by this deal. My account is with the Australian Apple iTunes store

  • Doesn’t work. Only offer is 1 month free.

  • +2

    You deserve a combined Noble prize in Technology and Economics for this deal.

    • +1

      High praise indeed (if you meant Nobel, although Technology is not one of the six Prize categories)! All credit must go to, firstly, Macworld and secondly, 9to5mac

  • Thanks Op - 6 months free for me. (Never subscribed to Apple Music before.)

  • Doesn’t work for me. Haven’t had Apple Music for over a year. Trying to out me on the 11.99 straight away no free months

  • I got three months initially, closed it then went back in through Shazam and 6 months showed up via a voucher that automatically popped up.

    I haven’t ever used apple music though so maybe that’s why.

  • Doesn’t work, says not available in Australia

  • Worked for me. I didn’t have Shazam installed, after I installed it went to library and offered the 6 months as a voucher!

  • didn't work for me :( current on student tier apple music.
    Edit: read the article and you have to cancel current subscription first.

  • Got 1 month free. I have never paid for Apple Music but used 1 month free trial 1-2 years ago.

  • Got 6 months thanks.
    Never used shazam before :) So, the offer popped up without any issues.

  • 6 months free for me thanks.

  • Error
    This code is only valid for customers of the United States of Covid, Mexico or Brazil Store.

    • +1


      • I ended up getting this to work, but I used an old phone to do it.

  • Works for me! Thanks

  • I've cancelled my Apple Music renewal so it ends by the end of this month so I still have access atm. Did what you said in Shazam and it just took me to the album that song is in. NOT WORKING FOR ME.

  • Not working for me either. I have already trialled Apple Music in past and had free subscription with Optus some time ago.

  • +2

    It said 6 months free and even applied the code for 6 months and says successful in the confirmation screen. When I go back in the subscription to cancel it says valid until December 2020, so I only ended up getgng 3 months. Still, thanks op!

  • Thanks OP

  • Worked for me….6 months free

  • Nice, just scored 6 months

  • Great, worked for me in Australia :)

  • +3

    How to get 6months or even couple of years of trial even.
    1. Go to settings sign out from itunes
    2. Delete shezam app
    3. Sign up for a new apple ID or sign in with a new itunes account
    4. Download shezam and now you have 6months trial
    5. Click on 6months trial and get the code, do not redeem the code
    6. Save the code in a note pad
    7. Sign out from itunes and sign back in with your original apple ID
    8. Sign up with free 3months trial
    9. Go to profile in your apple music app and redeem that 3months code saved in your note

    You can sign up with new accounts as many times as you want and get unlimited amiunt of codes, you can basically get it for years.

    Tested for up to a year on two accounts and worked fine.

    • +2

      I got 4 months and didn't need to create a new Apple ID.

      Signed out from the Apple store. Shazamed a song. Clicked Play Full Song and was offered 6 months free. Screenshotted the code. Signed back into my Apple account. Used the Shazam option to redeem 1 free month. Went into Apple Music and redeemed the code for 3 extra months.

      Without signing out I was only offered 1 month from Shazam or nothing direct from Apple.

    • How do you get the code?
      It lets you start the trial but doesn't provide a code

      • +1

        After I accepted the 6 months offer it opened an Apple Music pop-up on a redeem code page. There's a short window there where you can see the code before it auto-redeems it.

        • Are you using ios13 or 14?
          I tried it with another phone on ios13 which didn't use apple music. I get a popup on shazam for 6 months to subscribe for an individual subscription but didn't get any code.

          • +1

            @Radiant: iOS13. That's what the pop-up looked like for me after I clicked on the 6 month option. The code is where that box is. After couple seconds the page auto-redeems the code and changes to a different screen.

            • @Benji: Cheers for the screenshot. For the ios13 device, it just asked me to double click the lock button to subscribe. I'll try it again, thanks.

  • This deal doesn’t work for all. I followed all the instructions. Went into Apple Music and cancelled my subscription. Kill all apps and opened shazam and went to play a song in Apple Music and it just played. Also went to my recent tracks and no message about free trial.

    • Prob cause your subscription is paid up until a certain date, cancellation won't take effect immediately.

  • does anyone have a code they don't want if yes pls pm me as I cant get this deal to work for me

  • Yeah same as a lot above only offers me a month after following the steps did a trial over 1 year ago.

  • Couldn't get any offers at all on my IOS9 device.
    I tried on my IOS13 device and I only got the "missed us? here's a free month just for you".

  • Didn't work for me. It offered me 3 months for free, but I was already getting this offer. iTunes also says the offer is "ending soon"
    The family subscription I was part of was cancelled earlier this year.

  • Thanks OP, it worked for me, free subscription till 20th March 2021

  • Worked 6 months free \o/

  • -2

    Doesn't work for me, I've had an Apple Music trial previously and no current subscription.

    "Open in Apple Music" is not an option on any of my recent Shazams, if I go to Settings and tap 'Try Now' next to Apple Music it just takes me to a screen where I can subscribe for $11.99 a month

    I also have 2000+ Shazams and wouldn't dream of creating a new Apple ID or Shazam login to save a few bucks

  • +1

    Deal didn't work for me, I last used apple music in Jan 2020. The 9to5mac artical says "the deal is only valid in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada" maybe that's the problem.

    • It works in all countries.

  • Worked for me on iOS 14 on my old 6s, but only for 1 month. I had used a trial previously, so I guess that's why. Thanks!

  • Looks like it only works for anyone that has not had a trial previously….having not used a trial before it worked for me at 6months free.

  • Got three months after creating a new iTunes account. Thank you!

  • Got 6 months thanks

  • I creates a new apple id and got the 6 months to show up. When I click on it to get the code I get an "oops, something went wrong"

    So close, but no dice

  • -3

    Doesn’t work in Australia!

    • +1

      Doesn't work for you ≠ doesn't work in Australia.

      EDIT: I didn't neg you.

      • -1

        Other people also had problems with it as well.

  • Didn’t work for me. I’m already on a recent 3-for-1 deal and already cancelled sub so it didn’t roll over. No offer displayed at all. I can’t cancel my sub any further.

  • Can you cancel straight away and still keeping the trial running?

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