This was posted 4 years 6 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[US] PlayStation Plus 12 Month Membership Digital Code A$39.39 @ CD Keys

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53% off the RRP, first time it's been sub-$40? Not bad timing if you were planning on picking up a PS5 on release (codes will stack), especially with all of the new games being added to PS Plus for PS5 owners.

Instructions to make a US PSN account…

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  • 39 aud?

    • +1


  • +2

    what's the best deal for aus accounts currently? considering stocking up for ps5.

    • just rrp right now as far as I'm aware of.

      • ahh gotta wait then

    • +3

      100% they will have a deal at PS5 launch
      (to entice new owners to sub when they pick up their consoles)

      Also while they have added 18 games to PS Plus for PS5 owners they are not providing games each month outside the usual PS4 ones (at least at the start) so some "lost value" according to some reports

      • +1

        We might get PS5 PS+ games in December?! But even then, it'll most likely be indie games.

    • Should be able to get 25% off in November

  • +1

    I bet people forgot their cashback links!

  • +1

    Does it need to activate straight away? When the code expires?

    • not sure about this, hopefully someone here can answer

    • PS Plus membership time stacks, if that helps

    • Normally there is a 1 year expiration date (must activate within a year), but that's based on buying it from some of the retailers here.

    • Every Australian PS+ 12 month membership card I have seen says the code doesn't have an expiry date.

      Not sure if US ones are different

      • I bought one from EB when Sony was having a special. I was only given a piece of paper with the code. There is an expiry date (1 year from the date of purchase).

    • Probably receive a code to use when you want. That’s usually the way.

      Although when I purchased a sub from PlayStation store directly it was immediately activated and added to my account.

    • I suggest you activate it right away. Further down the discussion, you will find an OZBer mentioning he bought multiple vouchers from the seller before and only activated one initially. When attempting to activate another one a few month later, XBox Live Web site indicated the code has already been used. Then, he was in this loop of CDKey said talk to Microsoft and Microsoft said talk to CDKey.

      Generally, with these types of deals, it's best to activate right away. If you really want to buy ones for later use, I would try to go for big retailers here.

      • I wonder if someone like cdkeys sells bulk sold keys on a black market months after they are sold. Someone then checks them all and if one works they sell the PSN account.

  • +1

    Put "AUD" in title

    • done :)

  • +2

    I bought 3 of these at 10am via PayPal, The purchase was under review for 3 hrs. I waited 30 mins to speak to someone on chat then they were approved and I have 3 years on a us psn account now for not much more than the Xbox game pass ultimate Brazil hack. And lakers won. Good day all round.

    • Tell me more about the Brazil (my country) hack. Interested =)

      I will get a Xbox as I didn't have chance to pick the ps5

      • Only problem is Xbox gold is now 51 on cdkeys which is the current cheapest so a bit more expensive but still insane value

        • surely there will be xbox gold sale closer to Black Friday

        • I stacked 3 years of game pass ultimate for $1 on my gold live, so am covered for Xbox, not sure if you can still do that but was certainly worth it.

    • Been waiting for an hour and a half, still under review. Waited in chat for 30 mins as well and then it just asked me to leave my details and they'd look into it.

  • +1

    I wish JP/Aus PSN deals were more common.

  • Can I get this and activate it later when I receive my PS5?

    • +1

      Yes! :)

  • Can I hold till November to activate?

    • I have the same question

      • +1

        I’ve emailed CD Keys, will post a response if I get one

        I swear I did this with the PS4 but not with them I don’t think.

    • +3

      Unfortunately not, according to their costumer support: "you only have one month. If you wish to keep these codes, its most likely that they wont make it by November"

  • +1

    remember to buy all dlc from the US store

    • +2

      remember to buy all dlc from the US store only if the base game is of US region.

      • Can u buy digital games from the au. store with an american plus subscription?

        Especially since the header talks about the ps5, when many have pre-ordered the disc free version…

        If u run a 2nd account - au - u still won't be able to get the plus discount on that store .

  • Thanks got it and confirm is working.

  • Is gamepass ultimate available in that form, or has Microsoft cought on already

  • +1

    Found this for those wondering if you need to activate straight away…

  • +1

    Could someone please fill me in on the pros and cons of buying via US? I would usually hold out for an AU sale on PSN.

    • I find US store have much better deals for a wider variety of games. Some games get released earlier than Aus. It’s worth the stuffing around creating the account and buying the cards

    • +3

      Cons first:

      • You current existing save games most likely won't work. So, let's say Sony later offers a game for free that you previously owned and still own, your save games probably won't work AND you still have to download the USA version of the same title. Some games do have save game converter, but honestly, not that many games offer that.
      • If you later switched back to AU PS Plus, you will lose the free games collected.
      • The free games each month, while in most months are the same, can at times be different or slightly different.
      • You do need to login to the USA PSN account each month once to "collect" the free games.


      • Right now, it is cheaper.
      • USA PSN tends to offer better deals for PS Plus, but whether you have a credit card USA PSN will accept is a question mark. You can buy USA PSN vouchers, but they will cost more.
      • Thanks for the break down, much appreciated. I'll stick with the AU PSN as I already have a catalogue built up and I usually buy my PSN when it's on special. I don't buy digital, always buy physical copies of games so don't think I'll get value switching across.

        • PS Plus Collection for PS5 is rather interesting as it essentially contains a good portion of the good games offered in the past few year's PS Plus. That could potentially make switching region less painful. The main thing is the save game issue. It depends on whether you will still want to play those games. I do have some of them 1/3 or half played and decided to sell my physical copies. So AU PS Plus is less hassle for me.

          Unclear whether I will be getting PS5 any time soon (and it won't actually be up to me since all the pre-orders have already sold out).

          This one saves you $16 though (compared to discounted AU PS Plus) so it is attractive.

      • Another cons is cloud saves will not work unless you play only on the account with PS+.

        • So you cant buy this for a backup account and share it with your main account?

          I already have a US account i created for using Hulu years ago. So i could easily add it. But would only do so for my main account to use… Which seems like it wouldn't work?

  • Will it be valid if I activate the code after I get the PS5? Wonder when the code expires.

  • Does this work on just vanilla AU PS account?

    • No, has to be a US Playstation Plus Account

      • wish they took they removed this geo division stuff.. i gave up on my US account and just moved forward with Aus one.

        • i did the same because it wasted time.

  • Am I right in thinking a PS4 only needs 1 active PS+ subscription for all accounts on the console to be able to play online?

    My thinking would be to make a US+ account once my AU one finishes but just continue to play online with AU account but buy games etc through the US store

    • That's correct. The only down side is you won't be able to access any PS Plus free games you collected through your AU account (until you re-activate PS Plus AU on that account).

      The PS Plus Collection for PS5 is a good way for people to switch region as quite a few key exclusives collected over the past few years are on that collection.

      • awesome. thanks for that

        • Read my comment above regarding save game incompatibility issue across region as I found that's generally the most annoying issue with PS Plus in another region. Just as an example, let's say you get USA PS Plus, AU PS5 so you get USA PS Collection, Uncharted 4 USA version will require a new download and your existing AU save games won't work (unless Uncharted 4 offers a save game region converter - most games don't).

          Normally, OZBers would have accounts in multiple regions as you can buy cheap games in each region. I don't have USA PS Plus but I have an USA PSN account for years and purchased a number of games.

          • @netsurfer: Yep was thinking the same thing about save games. I have a credit card with price protection so I use that for games to essentially get the price back 12 months later. Tends to work well with games that release yearly like FIFA and COD as we've seen FIFA for $7 before the 12 months is up

            That alone is probably more benefitial than the US plus account saving as I doubt I'll be able to use the American store to claim prices

  • Hate that Ps doesn’t let you change your account region I’m still stuck with a UK psn as all my plus games and saves are on there even though I moved to Aus like 10 years ago.

    • If you do get a PS5, with PS collection, I think the Plus game collection issue is somewhat minimised. Yes, the save game issue is a pain.

      Most people have multiple accounts in different region. Technically, you could change account region, but Sony won't convert your PS Plus entitlement across nor save games.

      • Yeah I have a US, UK and Aus account, but PS Plus, saves etc are tied to UK account.

  • +1

    oohhh no…again my order went to 'under review' - i giveup on these guys. been a customer since 2016 and they still screw me over.

    • Mines under review as well. Does it eventually go through?

      • none of orders "under review' were successful (thats 4 so far) .

        • What did you end up doing?

          • @interfreak: they just refund - (paid via paypal) also tried bank card (diff transaction from a few days back and that one is yet to be refunded). If this PSN order is unsuccessful - i will wait for refund and close/delete my CDKEY account. mtcgame on the other hand have been awesome.

            UPDATE: received refund - 2mins ago - so no go on PSN order.

            • @tofux: Mine too, ordered 3 through checking out with paypal and got a confirmation email within a minute then an hour later my order was cancelled.

            • @tofux: I finally got the key come through 40 mins ago. Got this email from support:

              Thank you for contacting CDKeys.

              We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We have had an increase in orders selected for approval review and our team is working hard to get through these ASAP.

              Unfortunately we cannot give you a exact ETA as we are unable to see where you are in the queue.

              Thank you for your patience.

              I now have PS Plus through to December 2024. :)

              • +1

                @interfreak: Lucky you, I tried to buy 3 and about 30 minutes after I payed i got told my order was cancelled and I would be refunded. I asked why and almost 4 hours later I still havent gotten a reply

                • @Shindo989: Same, I'm in the process of back and forth email about why they refunded my purchases (including ones I made months ago for Xbox Brazil cards) and they said that it's because it's not for the region I live in. Like yeah, I know…. So I can't buy cards that are outside of my available region for that product….

    • +2

      I waited in queue over an hour on live chat and was told it takes up to 24 hours to review and another email will be sent when it is verified.

      I have also been a customer for about the same amount of time.

      Not giving me good vibes since an email was sent saying "order is complete and ready for collection" after money was taken instantly out of paypal and when clicking the link it says "Under Review." These guys have gone downhill I think. I'll think twice next time for sure.

      • +2

        I bought a few games from them awhile ago, no problem.
        But purchasing this I'm getting the "Under Review" thing too, probably won't use them again if it takes 24 hours.

      • And just got refund email from PayPal. Maybe the deal is region-specific? Or maybe because I used guest checkout? Feel like it was a bait and switch.

        • I was under review as well, but the code have through 40 mins ago.

        • Ive purchased 2 cards but the third one got refunded. Not sure why

  • +2

    Just a warning for people wondering if they should buy this now and activate the code in November… I bought two sets of 3 months Xbox Live from CD Keys in a sale early this year. I already had nearly three years of Game Pass Ultimate stacked so had to wait a couple of months to activate the second key but when I tried, I got a message saying the code had already been redeemed. Microsoft support told me to contact the retailer. CD Keys told me to contact Microsoft. They both refused to accept responsibility and I lost out.

    • +2

      Sounds like the business practice here is to periodically check if sold codes have been redeemed, if not, resell them.
      Sounds reasonable…???

  • +2

    Been using a US PSN account for 11 years, no regrets, far superior to Australian.

  • Man that's so cheap. I had a US plus account for 2 years but I transitioned back to Australian last year when there was the $44.95 deal.

  • +1

    If I create US Account but buy physical games here in AUS, will I be able to play that AUS Game on US Account? I'm new to PS.

    • You will be able to play aus bought games, but to play online you will have to use the US account.

      If you have any digital games on your AU account and want to use them on your US, set your AU account as primary on your PS4

      • PS5 would be my first, I shared PS4 with my brother. So basically Im creating my own account and I've been reading that US has batter store than AU. so DLC wise if I bought AUS Game Physical and bought US Digital DLC, it will work with my US Account correct? Even though the game was bought from AUS

        • US has a lot better deals and flash sales.

          If you buy a physical disc here in AU, you will need to buy DLC from the Australian store. DLC is region locked.

          • @Shindo989: Ok so if im understanding this correctly I can setup a US Account and an AU Account and Set my PS5 with US Account as Primary Console and my AU Account will be able to share the plus benefit? But to get DLC I must use my AU Account on the PS5 to get DLC (will I still be able to purchase DLC in the event PS Plus doesnt share from US Account?)

      • Just to clear up confusion, you can play AU games on a US account and go online as well.

        You won't however, be able to buy US DLC for AU games. You'd have to buy them on an AU account - but once you have you can use the DLC for that game on the US account.

        • Ok so if im understanding this correctly I can setup a US Account and an AU Account and Set my PS5 with US Account as Primary Console and my AU Account will be able to share the plus benefit? But to get DLC I must use my AU Account on the PS5 to get DLC (will I still be able to purchase DLC in the event PS Plus doesnt share from US Account?)

          • @Nullefied: You can set both the US and AU accounts as primary.

            If you have US PS+, the AU account will allow you to play online, but it won't give you the benefits of PS+ (Cloud saves, discounts, free games etc).

            If you buy an AU disc game (or digital), then you must buy DLC on the AU account.

            If you buy a US disc game (or digital), then you must buy DLC on the US account.

            DLC will share across both accounts.

            • @interfreak: Ok cool I guess I will use the US Account as Primary and AU Account for purchases. Seems sensible that way

  • I can't use this to extend my AU account right?

    • No, as has been mentioned above.

      PS+ can only be redeemed for the region it is meant for.

  • If someone who don’t care about gaming library and using PS+ for sole purpose of gaming online, then go for it. But if you already using PS+ on AU account and do care about PS+ Games then don’t buy it or never buy it. Because all the games you will get will be on your US account and you won’t be able to use your PS+ Games on AU account. And once US account subscription will expire then you will have some games on AU and some on US account and then comes the problem, you can either get US account games or AU account games coz no one gonna get PS+ on both accounts. So wait for some time and am sure soon there will be PS+ discount on AU store.
    **I do recommend you to use PSNow, i brought PSNow for 3 months. Am almost finished with most of good games those i never played. If you’re stuck in quarantine then you can squeeze all from it. Create US account, get PSNow, download and play on AU account.
    **EA access is also cheap @6-7$ for month and you can play all BF and NFS games. Again best if you’re stuck at home and new to Playstation.

    • New to PS but for me I think I will main US account with AU for DLC Purchases. Considering US Store sound more better than AU

      • US account is much better then AU account, it have more discounts and you often get vouchers at discounted price like this one. Sometimes you can get 100USD vouchers at lower cost then 100USD from websites like CDkeys, gamivo or others. Get discounted vouchers from CDkeys and use it to buy Discounted PS+ when available via store..much cheaper. PS+ was on almost on 50% discount few months ago on US account.

  • Thanks OP first PS Account got 2 years worth for the price of one (AU). noice

  • I'm new to PS with my pre-order of PS5 (digital), so never had games nor a PSN/PS plus account. I have a few questions:

    1) Do I need to be "located" (VPN) in the US to use the US PSN or just login with a US account?
    2) Are there differences in the number of available games for US and AU?
    3) Can I buy a couple of these to get a, say, 3-year subscription?
    4) Any downsides to going the US account route, from the perspective of a new user?
    5) I don't have an existing PS4, just waiting for my PS5, can I create a US PSN account (with the instructions in the link in the original post) without a console right now?
    6) Any other tips or thoughts to consider?


    • +1
      1. No you don’t need VPN
        2.yes but confirm expiry and redeem when one expire downside, plus it have more discounts and PSNow.. but you can’t stream on PSNow. However you can download and play.
        4.yes buying digital ps5 but i will suggest you to go for disc version. Believe me, over the time you will save alot of money. Just an example: Two Persons
        A who buy digitals on preorder
        B who buy disc on predoder

      A paid 99$ for COD Cold War
      B paid 79$ for COD Cold War

      A played it for 2 months and moved to another new game
      B played it for 2 months and sold it for 60$ and moved to another games

      Cost to A is 99$ for COD Cold War
      Cost to B is 19$ for COD Cold War

      Over 5 Years A brought 100 games
      Over 5 Years B brought 100 games

      Cost to A for 100 games = 9900$
      Cost to B for 100 games 1900$

      B played same game on same day as A but saved 8000$. So, over the period you will save alot just by having disc version console. Just pay 100-200$ extra for disc version. You won’t regret it later.

      • Don't really plan on buying games, just want to play what's available on services like PS plus.

        • Well in that case digital is good but maybe in future you might wants to explore more because great games comes to PS+ very late and in PS5 case I don’t know how they gonna start. All those trailers and sales will push you so hard to buy new games. If you committed to stick to only PS+ Games then stick to US account and Digital PS5. Since, You won’t be able to play disc version so you won’t buy disc from locals(AU Games) and you’ll be using US account for everything so no need to worry about DLCs. On US store all DLCs are of US games.

    • downside is you miss out on cloud storage

      unable to buy DLC to be played in aussie account

      • What do you mean by miss out on cloud storage? If I use US PSN I can't save games via cloud?

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