Moved to Forum: Original Link
Found this deal on the big w website, delivery $3.90.
Mod: Price error, orders cancelled. See comments. Moved to forums.
Moved to Forum: Original Link
Found this deal on the big w website, delivery $3.90.
Mod: Price error, orders cancelled. See comments. Moved to forums.
Wow. Ordered! Thanks op.
Looks like it's $10 for a few PS5 Items like the controllers and games.
Accessories are just a preorder reservation. It's only the games that are not
No. It says it’s a placeholder fee at $10 for everything else.
It says how much is remaining right under the $10 for accessories.
Is this a price error?
That price is most likely 'Reservation Fee'
Well it doesn’t say so, it’s says “save $xx.xx” on the two games, whereas everything else does say reservation fee - so we’ll go with price error…
Thanks OP, ordered it and the Sackboy Adventure game.
the controller states it's a 'reservation fee'…
No chance this will get honoured, but worth a punt I guess
Waiting for Amazon to pricematch now… comon Amazon Algorithm !
I reckon pricing error. They forgot to put the 'When stock arrives, we will contact you to pay the remaining balance' on the page. doubt it will get honoured.
Ordered both games, cheers OP. The website actually says ‘save $99’ or whatever it is. So this isn’t a placeholder amount.
It is very clearly an error with the pre order pricing system.
Whats bigw's track record for honouring price errors?
Save the screenshot or page info just incase bois!
Yeah that’s what I’ve done ✅
Edit: screenshot available below.
There is zero obligation to honour this, even with a screenshot.
Bought. Let's see what happens
Wow. Ordered even though I'm a digital console pre-orderer.
I agree that its doubtful these will be honored but it would be interesting to take them straight back to EB or something for credit :P
$13.90 all up delivered.
Trying my luck. Thanks OP
Not worth going through the refund process.
I mean, from past experience these things usually auto refund and money returned within a week if or when they aren't honoured.
~24 bucks for this and Sackboy isn't going to break the bank, may as well take the gamble.
But it’s not a gamble, there is no chance this gets honoured. You’re temporarily giving Big W $23.
Its a gamble, it always is. Some you win, some you lose. $23 is not a large amount that will break the bank if it temporarily stayed with big w. However if successful saving of nearly $200 is a big saving in the bank.
Give it a crack, thanks OP
just ordered. trying my luck
Man, you sure have a keen eye so early in the morning!
If this comes through it'll probably result in an unplanned ps5 purchase!
I don't really want this, don't have a ps5 ordered, but am in for the ride. bought one
… but why?
Not him but i bought a copy cause i know ill get a ps5 at one point. Heres hoping amazon preorders reopen
Here is web archive versions of both games pages at this price for anyone who might need them.……
The real MVP
Also screenshots of both sites can be found here since the formatting and layout seems a little off in the archives
No way this gets honoured, especially now it's being ozbargained! Still took the punt ;)
Can also stack with zip promotion. Spend 50 get 20 back!
Now showing full prices for both MM and Sackboy
Show is over
Deal's dead. Ordered 1 sackboy 1 spiderman. Good luck to all!
Yep just got ozbargained. I got one through for each though. Now we play the waiting game.
Just fixed while I was in my cart.
Those that checked out at $10, let us know how you go…
$94 now.
Been updated now, it was a pricing error.
Yeah got one too! Thanks OP
I wouldnt say you got one just yet!
All gone now. They have someone monitoring this so early in the morning.
Hope you guys got the deals honoured
Just grabbed my wallet and it's been updated back
You gotta be ready for these things. Just get paypal
Now we wait…
I’m getting $94 when I try to check out
Deal's dead
Just made it in time to order both! Thanks OP… Now the waiting game begins
I'm now waiting for them to cancel my order.
I managed to get Spider-Man, no way they’re going to honour it though!
Managed to order a copy of each. Unsure if they'll honour because it's a pre-order and not like they have the stock lying around. See how it goes. Fingers crossed though…
Managed to get it ordered! Fingers crossed they honour it! Doubt it though.
Ordered it and it changed to full price while I ordered it. Didn't realise and paid $97, FFS.
Oh shit dude… :(
The old spidey senses really let you down!
The old bait and switch hey? Big W she's a crafty old dame
Contact to cancel or charge back.
Anyone get a confirmation email?
Yep. Got one for each order (1x for Spider Man and 1x for Sack Boy since I saw it after the first order)
What is the email address that they sent the email from? I just realised I had as a blocked sender from my emails which might explain why I got no confirmation.
Just curious, shouldn’t they honor this as it’s their mistake?
Haha… Good one!
Nah. Don't believe the pompous righteous dingbats that that seem to appear in these sorts of threads. Price errors are legally allowed to be fixed.
dingbat. I like that one. Never heard that before ahahha
Nope, and their online sales T & C's state:
In certain circumstances, your Order may be rejected, such as where the requested Product is not available or if there is an error in the price or the product description posted on the Site.
And the ACCC would agree.
Yeah make sure you call the cops when it gets cancelled
lol at anyone thinking I ordered and asking this question.
I didn't. I'm just really curious. Lucky for those who got them and gets honoured.
In Aus they don't have to honour that.
It's different overseas - if an item is offered (ie. it's on a store shelf with a price tag or online), you pay for it and walk away, the deal's done.
edit: i thought this was a loss-leading strategy to sell disc versions of the console rather than a price error
Only in bizarro world are discs sold at a loss to shift consoles… unless the discs are being sold to sell consoles in the hope that people will buy more discs at full price down the track. 4D chess?
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound rude. We do live a strange world, which I was poking fun at in my comment.
chase u truly are on the case
Sigh. Okay, let's break it down. Bizarro is Superman's opposite, so the idiom 'bizarro world' is like saying 'opposite day,' which is what this would be, if they were selling games at a loss to move consoles, the opposite of several decades of conventional wisdom.
If you're suggesting they're selling games at a loss to subtly encourage to people to buy the disc-based version, sure… but it's not a very good plan. After all, there's no guarantee people would continue to buy future discs from Big W, so they'd be taking a hit to potentially benefit their retail competitors. But this is beside the point, it's obviously a price error.
@SydStrand: Yes I got the reference. "Sigh"?
If you want to argue against the merits of loss-leading economics that is fair enough, but your anecdotal speculation probably isn't a compelling counter-argument based on the reams of academic counter-evidence in my humble opinion, and it is over-simplification of how distribution works cost-burdens. The reaction here is like this is a pricing strategy I invented for the sake of a forum comment. It is not, as a google search will verify.
But you are correct is saying it is a pricing error.
Other way round… sell console cheap to make money on games sales
Yes that had been a strategy in consumer electronics for decades.
Now that the distribution model is being removed from retail outlets, it is logical for high street and online shops to try and play the long game at a console launch in order to preserve a revenue stream for the next decade
No. He's saying stores don't want to sell the digital console because then they can't sell physical games to those customers.
So he's presuming these stores aren't allowed to simply not sell the digital console. But if they instead sell games at a loss up front, consumers will choose to buy the disc console instead and therefore those customers able to buy physical games in the future.
IMHO it's very unlikely that stores have even thought about this let alone done it. But there is a logic to it.
Digital only consoles are a turd choice for consumers. By I'm sure many families will get trapped as parents try to buy for their kids and they can't spare the extra $150, not knowing what digital games will cost them in the long run
Yes it is clearly not a loss-leading effort here, and a pricing error, hence the edit to the original post before any comments were made.
If distributors were going to support a loss-leading effort (which I imagine Sony has contractually prohibited them to do as part of licensing agreements) it would have been through 3rd party titles rather than Sony games also.
Managed to get Morales for 13.9 including delivery. Not sure if it will be honoured.
FYI I placed an order when the price was showing $10, but I got charged the full amount of $97.
Anyone who got an order in should check their bank account.
Mine is still 13.90. Maybe you ordered just as the price ticked over
Ordered. I'm on board with these kinds of pricing strategies for new PS5 videogames.