DO NOT DO IT. I already see a few going for $1000+ on ebay. If you don't buy it they will either cancel/return it or sell it for the retail price.
PSA: DO NOT Buy a PS5 or Xbox Series X/S from Scalpers

Last edited 17/09/2020 - 16:44
Oh, there are some for sale?
OK boss
Dw the scalpers i know are trustworthy individuals.
You should probably post the PSA on other forums. Those of us on OzBargain would never pay more than RRP.
It hurts me when i see people paying RRP as it is. But it's understandable for the new consoles.
As someone not planning on buying the console at launch, what's my best opportunity for getting it at a slight discount a bit later? Black Friday? Christmas? New Years? Or is there no chance of getting it cheaper until well into 2021?
At this time, it's hard to say. If Sony and retailers release more consoles for pre-order periodically before release, that tells me the stock is there, and they're just allocating it bit by bit. If this is the case, i suspect there will be console bundles around christmas/boxing day, at the same price (RRP) but you'll get games, subscriptions or what have you 'thrown in'.
If both consoles remain "sold out" up until release, we definitely won't see bundles or sales until early 2021 (feb/march).
There was consistent talk around stock shortages, and Sony even opting to air freight consoles instead of shipping them in containers - a higher cost but obviously much faster.
EB Games are estimating early 2021 for the next shipment. If that’s accurate, then I don’t expect there to be any discounts until middle of next year at the earliest.
Eventually they all end up at Cash Converters.
Yes my lord
but but but… i want to play.. i am in lockdown.. and my parents are printing money anyway… i have apple watch and ipad pro collecting dust… i have gucci bag…
But is it a Hermes apple watch?
Anything as long not herpes
Don't tell me what to do
Or, if you want to, definitely DO buy from scalpers.
Really annoys me when lazy people crap on organised people.
If you missed out, you didn't want it enough to get your shit together. Simple.
Probably shouldn't get worked up by what others do that doesn't affect you.
Or do, i'm not your dad.
You're right, this (profanity) year just makes me angry
You're right, this (profanity) year just makes me angry
Chatbot v0.1 is online
angry enough you made your point twice
Found jimmy two times
Yeah I wish I'd stuck with programming at uni so I could have programmed a bot to check one out in 5 seconds.
Our modern society is based on capitalism, it makes the world go around.
If capitalism was actually what was really happening, i would agree. Nothing wrong with capitalism, except those on top who claim to be capitalists, cry socialism when their big companies need bail-outs.
Capitalism isn't flawed, the system is.
Do scalpers accept flybuys $? No? I don't think I have to worry about them then. :p
As long as Target still exists in some capacity next year I'm fine with waiting for any 2021 restocks. :)
My local store is not marked as closing or a rebrand into kmart before Q3 next year. So I have 6 months at least?But, I just have to get it on release day so I can spend the next 12 hours downloading the 8tb update for latest Series X patch for Halo MCC…
It's not a limited edition. There will be more made. The special edition paint job doesn't make it any better or faster.
I don't mind scalpers, I just ignore them. I would never buy off them because nothing they sell matters in the long term, but there are people happy to keep them afloat. But I do get a good chuckle when they buy 50 of something and can only sell 5 at the scalper price and take a bath just trying to move the remaining stock.
RIP SNES Mini scalpers haha
This isn't a concert ticket to a performer that tours once every decade to your city. It's a games console. Millions will be made, and within a month after launch stores will be stacked with more than they can sell.
Just chill a bit and wait. Don't give a cent to scalpers.
anyone thats stupid enough to pay more can do just that.
I guess you don't have kids. Cause Christmas is coming and I better have a console of some description under the tree!
I'm already thinking of just hanging onto my PS4 Pro and One X, just in case the new consoles are out of stock for a few months. I know if I sell it now then I'll suddenly want to play all the games I have, and then the new console well sell out and I won't get one until March.
On eBay auction is up to $1000 with 13 bidders are they really will pay? I don't think so
…Same as before, many bid toilet roll to $5000
Or the $50,000 Ooshies… ain’t no one paying for that…
You can bid for something and then decide not to pay? Surely that would put a strike against your account.
Can create a burner account though…
$749 retail. Christmas is coming and it appears neither Xb or PS will be available before then unless you pre-order. This means that many will get to December and realise they can't get their hands on one, but the kids want one for Christmas. a $749 product will go for $1200-1400 at that point I am guessing. I am pre-ordering cause ain't nobody got time for that!
Eff me!! Someone actually paid over $20,000 for one:…There was also one sold for $10,000. People need to think about what they're doing with their money haha.
2020 is one of the strangest times there has ever been!
I think people are just overbidding and cancelling after the auction to waste the scalpers time.
Just people trolling. It's been relisted.
I have two preorders, I need to cancel one as I don’t really want to scalp.
Maybe sell one at about $50 increase? Technically scalping but I'm sure a lot of people would happily pay an extra $50, and it's an extra $50 you've made for your time.
I personally hate when scalpers up it by like $200-$300+.
The RTX3080 scalpers are worse, rather buy from a PS5 scalper.
/Just kidding
Currently going for 20k on ebay, people are bidding is this for real? One apparently sold for 50k if you look at sold items.
They were relisted. People probably making accounts to troll scalpers. A guy on Reddit made a script that detected scalpers and prices, and bombarded them with fake offers.
Not all heroes wear capes (maybe they do, who knows)
Scalpers are horrible scum of the earth humans.
I've seen them start going up on Facebook Marketplace now too. Trying to do my bit to help by reporting any listings I see.
People who pay premiums from scalpers don't hang out on Ozbargain surely…
Similar to hand sanitiser and PPE, eBay should ban this stupid practice of people scalping consoles.
Having said that anyone that buys from a scalper pretty much encourages this behaviour. Instead people should troll these scum buy and not paying with burn accounts & let them pay the eBay commission fee. Or better buy and return back to the scalpers when stock levels become normal.
You can't control what people do, I don't judge if people buy from scalpers and I would probably buy one from scalpers.
Supply and demand unfortunately create this breeding ground and the PS5 terrific price point is certainly another factor in sparking outrageous demand.
If you don't want scalpers to exists maybe you should campaign harder to curb that type of behavior by trying to ban people who are known scalpers and verifying accounts with mobile phone numbers before seeing posts here on Oz bargain.
The other option is for resale platforms like eBay to ban the sale of pre-order items (pending actual item release). OR set cap at RRP.
eBay does ban the practice of selling pre-order items. You must clearly declare any presale product in the description, state the date it will be shipped, and must not sell a presale product more than 20 days from it being shipped. But fleabay doesn't enforce their own rules because god forbid they miss out on a success fee.