This was posted 4 years 5 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VPN Required] 65% off Netflix via VPN (Mobile/Standard/Ultra $3.70/$5.12/$7.01 Mth w/No Fee Card)


Mod remove if incorrect but just want to bring attention back to this post since Netflix jacked their AU prices today. It's been almost a year since it was originally posted.

All credit to @Ulysses37

Basically use a VPN to subscribe to Netflix Turkey and get up to 65% off.

Instructions from prior deal posts

STEP 1: VPN Trial

SaferVPN (no Turkish IP)
Express VPN
PureVPN (bad reports)

Decent VPN Guide @Reddit

STEP 2: Confirm Turkish/Argentinian IP

IP Check
IP Check

STEP 3: Sign Up

Open a new incognito/private-browsing tab in your browser. Might not be enough

Visit Netflix

STEP 4: Enter Card Details

Working: Citibank Debit, 28 Degrees, Macquarie, ANZ Rewards

Mixed reports: ING, CBA

Note: Some banks block 1st attempt & send you a txt to confirm it's you. Once you reply, 2nd attempt will work.

Once complete, it may ask for a mobile phone number. Ignore it, open netflix site in a fresh tab & confirm account is running.

Existing Subscribers:

Visit Netflix website and cancel your subscription ASAP. It will expire at the end of the billing period. Then follow instructions above.

Plans and pricing

(kudos to sleep24seven)
Argentina Plans and pricing Turkey Plans and pricing GST/VAT and Tax related questions

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +1

    How much are the Australian prices now?

  • +15

    Been using the turkey priced subscription for over a year, works perfectly.

    • +2

      Its asks for a mobile number when I do it! How'd you get past this stage?

    • can you prepay 12months? Or does it have to be monthly billed?

    • Does it have all the Australian content?

      • +2

        The content is determined by where you're watching it from, not from where you signed at. This is why people use VPN to watch content only available in other countries.

        • Awesome. So I watch from Australia then I'll get the Australian content. So only using VPN to pay the bills 'from Turkey'. Cheers

    • Which VPN your using may I ask?

  • +1

    I noticed at the bottom of the previous post;

    Existing Subscribers:
    Visit Netflix website and cancel your subscription ASAP. It will expire at the end of the billing period. Then follow instructions above.

    Does this mean I can keep my account and it's Library/currently watching etc but switch over to Turkey/Argentina billing with the steps?

    • +2

      Yep exactly this. The only difference is that you may get an email telling you what is popular in Turkey.

      • Thanks mate, this is great news! Do you know if I have to wait for my previous subscription to run out before switching over? I'm assuming I do.. will have to liaise with the 4 others on my account lol

        • +2

          Yes but you only have to wait till the day after the cancellation takes effect

    • +1

      This worked fine for me via ARG

  • +3

    Last time I tried this netflix had an extra step of asking for a mobile number to text a code..that stopped me from doing it. Anyone successful recently?

    • You can skip that step without having to enter a number. I reckon it’s just for account recovery.

      • +7

        I was tried many time but can not skip that step :0

      • +6

        I also failed on this step. Can't get the account activated. I suspect this is now mandatory, additional measure they have put in place.

      • Pray tell how do I skip having to enter a number?

    • You can get a free temporary overseas phone number from various sites. They are used for precisely this reason - receiving a confirmation code.

      • Can you suggest one that is easy to use?

      • hi, which site did you use? thank you

  • Argentina price (Ultra) has increased to 449 ARS as I just registered a month ago. So it’s over $8 in AUD now.

    • That's still really good. I was paying over $9 back in July so the exchange rate must have improved even more

    • +1

      Ultra account for Turkey was $7.85 in my latest bill. AUD is definitely doing better as it was ~$9 a few months ago

      • +10

        Yep, $7.80 last week, the Turkish currency is taking a bit of a battering. We're all just doing what we can to help

    • How much was it before?
      Do they start charging everyone 499 ARS now or just new subscribers?

      • It has been 449 ARS since April.

    • A new 35% sales tax was introduced this week.

      All Argentinian plans will now have the 35% added for future payments.

      So 449ARS for Ultra + 35%.

      • Hey, just wondering what you have been charged in Sept/Oct?
        For 25/09 I got charged 449ARS = $8.28
        For 29/10 I got charged 736.36ARS = $13.31

        I know theres a 35% tax now but wtf thats a 65% tax based on my October charge…did you get anything similar?

        • My September and October dated charges match your ARS values. I have since swapped to Turkey pricing and 41.99TL came to $6.99 AUD on billing day for the premium package.

        • Yep same pricing as yours.

  • Can other people still access on the same account? Or do they need a VPN as well?

    • +7

      U only need a VPN to sign up. After that. Just access normally from your device of choice

      • It doesn't accept my Citibank debit card for payment

        • +1

          Check that your not getting an SMS or something to verify the payment. I think I might have had the same problem ages ago and they blocked my card. I was using PC to sign up and didn't realise they were sending me SMS

        • Mine has worked for more than a year. But roughly 2mths ago, citibank started flagging the transactions as strange. Emails, calls, sms to me.
          Stupid, due to long history… But fair enough: aussie client paying Turkish currency billed in Netherlands LOL.

  • +2

    Used Windscribe VPN to Turkey and it keeps saying "Incorrect password. Please try again or you can reset your password."

    Turned VPN off and logs in to AU one without issues.

    I wonder if it's some kind of security measure when logging in to existing (but lapsed) account from different regions

    • +2

      Log in without vpn, only turn on VPN when you are selecting a plan. Instead of AUD price it gave me the TL price.

  • +2

    Wonder if this price rise has something to do with their stocks plummeting, after the "Cuties" backlash.

    • +2

      What was the cuties backlash? … Asking for a friend, not that I'm uninformed.

      • +3

        Cuties is a show about young girls being adults - essentially being all prmiscous and twerking. People shot it down before it even aired.

      • +2

        Ha ha. The netflix cuties movie poster is enough to answer your friends questions. The original movie poster I may ad. They decided to change it. Not that it helps.

      • +3

        It's a movie allegedly denouncing child sexual exploitation… that sexually exploits its young cast.

        More here.

      • There was no backlash, and the fall in NFLX mirrors the fall in the Nasd comp index.

        Just more recycled talking points.

  • Isnt this under long running deals?

    • +1


    • +6

      Should you be allowed on ozb is the real question?

    • +7

      It's unethical for Netflix to jack up their price when the content hasn't been that good lately.

    • +5

      Speaking of ethics, wait till you see how much tax Netflix (doesn't) pays

    • +5

      I believe a company that charges different prices in different countries for the same thing acts about as ethical as a user who takes advantage of that behaviour.

      • Technically not the same thing, different library of content available for different regions as they have to pay different licencing fees to content providers.

        Certainly we get Australia Taxed - decent enough economy to wear higher prices, and at the same time don't get as large a library of shows because its not worth paying for as many licences when we have such a small population.

      • But most people in these countries earn a lot less than people in Australia.

    • +1

      Nothing unethical about f#%*ing over capitalists. They have become rich but fleecing us consumers through excessive markups. Like a tradesman charging you $500 an hour.

    • +1

      I'd say 'slightly unethical', and there have always been posts like this on OzB. Its a loophole and yes by definition is morally ambiguous depending on your stance on a few things. I believe a lot of people on here see it more as 'grey importing' the product.

      **Some justifying points could include: **
      Many people split a 4 family membership anyway, this in terms of cost/user isn't any worse than that (although could be combo'd with that for a worse outcome for Netflix)
      Better than just pirating all the shows and Netflix not getting any money.

      Some points against include:
      Different licencing costs in Aus, different library designed for each region
      Its the users choice to buy the product as provided in Aus if they are interested, or to go with a competitor

      I'm not sure the current requirements regarding showing locally produced content, other forms of media often has a minimum % of local stuff. If they do I'm sure that is factored into the Aussie pricing.

      For reference - I pay for our account using gift cards from Colesworth whenever they have bonus points. I don't begrudge people who go this route though. Netflix are undoubtibly aware, they know what traffic is linked to each account and even what accounts a being shared between multiple households. At some point they will do something about it but at this stage it seems like they are have decided the money lost is less than the money needed to deal with it.

  • Can't get past the needing a mobile phone number step. Am I missing something?

    • +2

      Only turn on Turkish VPN when your putting cc details (may need to reload the page when you turn VPN on) and it will charge you turkey prices and currency, use a different country during registration to avoid it asking for a mobile number.

      I'm assuming Netflix has put some measure on Turkish registrations to make sure only residents apply.

      • +2

        Signed up for windscribe VPN, built a plan for $2 per month. Turn it on to Turkey and get all the way to processing payment and it says there is a problem with my payment method. Tried two diff visa and one amex. Any tips?

        • +2

          same problem,dont know what to do now

        • same, back to Argentina, it is what it is!

      • don't they use PayPal? CC only?

  • Isnt the library smaller then?

    • +6

      No, the Netflix library changes depending on th country you're watching in, not the one you signed up to.

      Source: I've used my Aus Netflix account overseas and see a different set of shows available to what I see at home.

      • Are you 100% sure?

        • +2


        • +1

          Yes. Again, I've used my account in various countries overseas and you have access to that country's library

  • +38

    Hello from Turkey (according to my Netflix billing)

    Actually gets billed from the Netherlands - so they can avoid tax - so ethically they can stick it.

    • What is this “ethics” you talk of?

  • Although the Argentina price is listed as 449(for ultra), it comes out on my billing at 570'ish
    I think there is a sales tax in Argentina on top of the 449, which I googled was 21%!!!!!!

      • yea, hmm not sure either
        I might change the netflix plan and see what happens

        • So with your CC statement does it actually say you’re being charged 449ARS or 570ARS?

    • +1

      A new 35% sales tax was introduced this week.

      All Argentinian plans will now have the 35% added for future payments.

  • +1

    NordVPN still not working to access Netflix Argentina or Turkey

    • +5

      Nord doesn't support those two regions for content - defaults to USA.

      So NordVPN is a no go for this.

  • any success doing so with NordVPN?

    • or with HSBC Global debit card?

  • +2

    Have been doing this for a while. From memory the way around the phone number thing was to use a lapsed account that already had an Australian number associated. So sign up for a free trial and cancel it. Then once cancelled, and lapsed, do the vpn thingy. Trouble comes with which cards are and aren't accepted too. Kogan credit card works for me. Citi credit card did too.

    While you're at it do it for indian YouTube premium.

    • Normal citiibank debit card won’t work and Macquarie bank doesn’t work either

    • +1

      No more free trials in Oz. Killed off around March 2020

  • $8.42AUD from my last bill using Argentina

  • Also wondering how good or bad is the content in comparison

    • +2

      Content based on location while streaming. So it's the same unless you use a VPN while streaming.

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