I'm looking to use a controller for PC gaming and want the best reccomendation.
Considerations are:
1. Connectivity
2. Compatibility/driver support
3. Mappability
4. Reliability
5. Dev support
I like to lean back sometimes and controllers really help relax the posture, especially from working a desk job. I just want to use my PC still.
What's your use case for a controller and why? Which is your preference?
Im currently using an xbox one S controller, with an 8bitdo receiver. Bluetooth never worked for connection for me. Honestly, even a xbox 360 controller gets the job done well. I've got a gamesir G4S and its lightweight, rechargeable and can be used with android (done once in 3 years) that i can also recommend.
I do want to get a ps4 controller additionally, as some of the gyro can and will be helpful in emulator games in cemu and yuzu.
xbox controller has always been so simple and easy, works without having to configure anything.