I'm looking to buy either a Nintendo Switch or PlayStation 4 for a christmas present for my 8 and 6 year old kids.
Any thoughts on what they would prefer based on what games are available?
I'm looking to buy either a Nintendo Switch or PlayStation 4 for a christmas present for my 8 and 6 year old kids.
Any thoughts on what they would prefer based on what games are available?
I totally get this. But I'm trying to weigh up whether the PS4 games although cheaper would still appeal to younger kids. But yeah, a big consideration Thanks
There are stacks of great, cheap games for switch. Especially for younger kids.
None, get them used to reading books, and work to develop their reading ability well past their age-group.
Games can come later once they've nailed down the reading habit…
Is your recommendation based on your own success? It could lead them into a pointless arts faculty degree, 'critical thinking' tutorials and lifetime unemployment.
because apparently playing fortnite or the like will get the average person far in life ffs
I know your children well. I'd say the 8y.o. would want to play a shooting arcade game, and the 6y.o. would prefer more of a multi-tiered rewards game.
Is GG short for Google?
PS4. Lots of really cheap games. I recommend knack 1 and 2. Lego games are great for co op and learning to work as a team.
One of my kids LOVE lego. So good to know. Thanks
Should add a poll, but the Nintendo Switch for sure.
For more serious gaming, the PS4. For your daughters (8 y/o & 6 y/o) the Switch is a great system and has some great titles depending on what they like. Though I'm not the type of parent to base games on gender so keep an open mind about that when deciding on game titles for your daughters, maybe get them involved later down the track n see what interests them? Maybe no shoot-em ups or violent titles for now…. not until they are older.
Though I would limit things like play time to a set amount per day. Don't want them playing for hours n hours on end, trust me my young niece n nephew's spend too much time in front of the big screen. For my own kiddos, I make time to get them outside but also some time playing games on the Switch, also have a PS4 and my own gaming desktop rig (being the big kid myself…). We like playing games like Mario Kart, Super Mario Party, Super Smash Bros, a few Lego titles and Pokemon, Mario Odyssey, Cooking Mamma and our favourite is Overcooked. I try to get involved during a few sessions as well n make it a family kind of thing but that is just me.
My boys are 9 & 6. We have both consoles and they alternate between the 2. Best to focus on the exclusives, Nintendo have superior exclusives with the Mario range being amazing for kids. But really comes down to what they plan on playing. One plus for PS4 is the PSPlus, every month they get new games to try (Some obviously are not suitable)
Nintendo Switch, if you like your kids. PS4 if you don't.
PS4, get The Last of Us part 2. They said it is GOTY. Sold 4 million copies in the first 2 weeks. Nowaday you can find this game very easily.
8 & 6
Oh wait a min….
What do their friends have? The good thing about the Switch is that it's portable. You can take it anywhere. Also many family or joint games. Also Lego series games. I posted one recently.
Switch of course!
if they are girls, nintendo switch, boys ps4, girl/boy nintendo switch
Yes, nothing like introducing gendered stereotypes at a young age!
Switch, PS4 generation is ending so it's a bad time to be buying one, you would even be able to get a cheap used one next year/end of this year if you wanted one still when everyone is selling there old PS4's to upgrade to PS5
Bad time to be buying one? Nah, great time since it has a large established library and being a generation older you will be able to get the games pre-owned for a fraction of their original price. Tons of great singleplayer experiences that kids can enjoy.
A Hat in Time
Crash Bandicoot
Knack / Knack 2
Lego games (harry potter, star wars, marvel, undercover, etc.)
Tony Hawks
Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare 2
Sonic Mania
Little Big Planet 3
Trials Rising
Crash Team Racing
Rayman Legends
For sure PS lover, I'd definitely recommend to go for PS4 without any doubts.
Definitely a switch for younger kids like this. Plenty of cool little co-op and vs games. Despite what a few people have said, there are heaps of cheap switch games. The activity element is also good for younger kids. Switch is much more family oriented. Getting the whole family on for a few games of Mario Kart, Mario Party or Just Dance is always fun.
Your wallet might prefer PS4 in the long run :)