As the title says, you will get 5 Golden Keys if you redeem the code on the Gearbox website. Key is valid for all platforms.
As the title says, you will get 5 Golden Keys if you redeem the code on the Gearbox website. Key is valid for all platforms.
Lol special in game loot. More like crap that is far worse than anything you have already…
And you can claim on more than one platform it seems - I just redeemed it successfully on both Steam and Epic (and I don't have BL3 on either platform). Don't know if that works if you already own the game
Failed to redeem your SHiFT code
I am experiencing the same technical difficulty. We probably already claimed this one from a previous posting.
Search the key in OzBargain search, was posted yesterday
Thanks. I don't understand why everyone who posts these codes always uses the wrong link?
Because you need to log in first.
You can set it to stay logged in, I never need to enter my log in details myself
Which reminds me, the new DLC is out…
Are the DLC's any good? I have the $15 epic coupon and tempted to use it on the season pass as it is on sale
Well worth the money, Campaigns are huge. Borderlands is the only series which I buy the season pass automatically because the additional content often is about the same as an entire new game.
Yes, they are. Nearly full games on their own. I just finished Bounty Of Blood and can say I sank probably a solid 20 hours into it. Mind you, I’m a stickler for exploring every nook & cranny because I’m a curious type.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!
5 More Golden Keys for Borderlands 3
K9CTB-5FTRH-KXWRH-FJBJ3-TKKTJ (EXP: 20 SEP 2020 01:00 -0400)
As always, these are not keys to unlock the game, they’re keys to get special in-game loot. Plus, you don’t need to own the game first, you can redeem now them claim them in the game when you get it later.