Replacing Filter of Air Purifier

Hi fellow OzB'ers

Those of you who are using air purifiers, do you change your filter when the indicator says there is 0% left or do you ignore and visually check the filter for signs of dust clogging up the outer filter casing?

I've owned my air purifier (my first so totally a newbie) for about 3 months and started noticing the LCD displaying the reducing filter life span %. When it got to 0%, it still works. Out of curiosity, I took out the old filter fully expecting to touch a fully dust covered filter, but to my surprise it looks almost like new (next to my new filter on standby).

Maybe I don't really understand how air purifier works other than it has noticeably been working harder at times when detected smoke from neighbours' cigarettes or burnt cooking, before my nose does!

Any tips anyone?


  • -1

    Interested to know in this as well, I just bought today the xiaomi air purifier which apparently has a percentage on it that counts down until you need to change it. But honestly I have a hard time believing that the xiaomi ones don't reduce the percentage faster then it should.

    • the % drops based on the fan speed aka the amount of air sucked through the unit.

  • I've had the Xiaomi 2s for over a year now. The filter hit 0% well over 6 months ago, and I cleaned it and put it back in. The air purifier still works even though the screen keeps reminding me to change the filter.

  • +1

    The air purifier doesn't know how dirty the filter is, it just times it for 6 months.

    • Well it could if it wanted to, it knows how dirty the air is and how much air has passed through the filter based on the fan speed.

  • +3

    Pro tip….. most newer xiaomi air filters use a NFC tag on the bottom of the filter to 'assist' with timing for changing the filter.

    The first series didn't have NFC readers and use the same style filter, these can also be used in the later xiaomi units. If the filter doesn't pickup a NFC tag, it assumes one of these filters and does a 6 month countdown.

    So to stop the nagging on a expired filter, remove the NFC sticker on the bottom of the filter, and push and hold the filter reset button at the back of the unit.

    Hello to 6 months nag free!

    That said, I do say to replace them every 12 months at least. While you can't 'see' the dust etc, it does clog the filters fine pores etc

  • +1

    I used my Xiaomi 3H for 8 months. I programmed it to be above 10 to turn on, and off below 10.
    Which occurs everyday around dinner time when I cook.
    It was used at peak when we had bushfires in Jan/Feb.

    The filter reached 0% and I kept using it for about a month. The old filter is noticeably darker than a new filter, but overall looks rather clean. It's the finer particles you can't see that is collected in the filter, which is why we use the purifier in the first place.
    Better to replace it.

    But if you know if hasn't been ON regularly I guess there is no particles building up as there is no airflow and you can extend the filter a bit longer.

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