Hi guys, so NBN is cutting off my Telstra cable internet next month and I'm keen to move on, but they keep tempting me with all these delicious free goodies on my Telstra account. I'm coming up to the end of my two years free Foxtel, but I've been given 9 months free Binge (which I haven't activated yet) and I have free Kayo and a couple of other things. If I enable my free Binge, but then move on from Telstra completely (I have no other services with them if I cancel my cable), do I lose my free Binge? I'd stick with Telstra NBN, but the installation of my cable was a shambles to the point where I contacted the CEO and had his private secretary deal with the installation in the end, so I don't want to go through that again. Also Telstra only offer 100/40 at my address, where as Kogan offer 250/40.
nbn Is Replacing My Telstra Cable Internet, I Want to Leave Telstra but Do I Lose My Perks?

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I think I've paid for them many times over with 20 years of being a customer.
No, you paid for the service you used for over 20 years…
I contacted the CEO and had his private secretary deal with the installation in the end
Reminds me of a pesky client I had yonks ago who would threaten to contact Bill Gates every time her Outlook was causing grief. I still wish I should have asked her to go ahead and ring 'Bill' !!
14 missed appointments to a straight forward street address isn't exactly 'outlook not working'. It took 3 months to run a cable 4 metres. And they charged me the whole time for no service. Oh, and they didn't deliver the modems/gateways or Telstra TVs as laid out in the contracts. Or any of the promised bonuses for signing up.
Yeah, with all the outsourcing they’ve done Telstra delivery has gone to crap. They decided to remove the asbestos riddled pit from out the front of our house in June last year. They left all the cabling lying in the dirt and put a plastic step plate over the top; which they didn’t even secure. They came back last week to finish the job. Three guys, not one of them wearing a mask or clue one on social distancing. Over 12 months to do a pit replacement. However, it does look like they did a decent job of it in the end.
Whinging to the CEO about this trivial trash. Ffs…
Trash is the word. 14 days off work isn’t trivial. That’s a holiday.
I contacted the CEO and had his private secretary deal with the installation in the end
This reeks of a boomer attitude hhahaha
The second you use the term 'boomer', you lose.
Okay, boomer. Sorry, you walked into that one.
I presume you are getting NBN HFC? If so, they will use the same Telstra cabling you have unless there is an issue with the existing cabling.
Regardless if you stay with Telstra or other ISP, the cabling will be maintained by nbn.
Yeah, I'm not worried about the cabling so much as being able to keep my free lollies.
if you do not have any service with telstra you will lose all the lollies like telstra+ points and other freebies.
But I want to have my cake and eat it too?
haha, you need to keep paying for being able to take a bite of it!
Binge and Kayo should continue even if you change ISP. Can't say for certain but I had a Kayo subscription thanks to a website, since closed my account with them but the Kayo kept on. It will probably be a bit of a risk but I'm inclined to think you will be fine.
Telstra have a decent network but not an ISP I would look at as I fear what happens if I need support. I tried questioning a phone bill with them recently and it was an exercise in futility.
Lots of other quality ISP out there…also phone VOIP providers.
Shop around. You'll probably find a good enough deal on a NBN plan not from telstra where you might be able to afford your own subscriptions like a big boy.
Yes, the issue is I’m too poor to pay for content. Or I just want to keep my free shit. One of the two.
Do what the rest of us do. Leech off your parents account until they notice.
Or just share… I have a Kayo and share it with an online friend.. Halves the price. Also use discounted gift vouchers and freebies such as what a betting agency was offering.3 months free kayo..
Just work the system a little.
As for the benefits after leaving, can confirm if you have activated your binge/stan offers they will continue to still work after leaving telstra and not having access to telstra plus store
That's all I needed. Thanks fella. Kogan, here I come. Gulp. (And I thought my Telstra issues were bad).
No worries mate, don’t forget to spend all your points before you go aswell
Already have 3 free boxed google nest speakers in my cupboard. I use Alexa, but I was either going to put them on ebay (not worth my time) or put them around my beach house.
Don't Kogan yourself, you'll think Telstra was a wonderful dream in comparison. Go with Superloop or AussieBB.
Kogan is the only NBN provider that claims they can deliver 250mbps to my house. All the others (inc. AussieBB) say 100mbps.
Telstra are so useless you'd probably keep anything free that is via a third party for a while before they notice. I had free 4G back-up using their modem for about 4 months before the crippled the connection, and they never asked for the modems back either (they sent 2). This was after cancelling my connection before it ever got connected/me being charged.
nbn is flawed and many isps do not offer 100 mbps for that reason. read lifehacker for kogan review. and best isps. integrity is important. aussie seems to have that. I used spintel. OK. now with tangerine. better.
I want lollies but do not want to pay for them :(