Pro-Rata Warranty’s on Pool Covers

I bought a spa cover which had an eight year pro-rata warranty.

After a few years it has delaminated making it useless.

The manufacturer tells me it’s likely due to excessive chlorine levels or heat. Well it’s an ionized (chlorine free) spa which doesn’t exceed 40c (certainly below the 70c state’s on their website).

It’s now three years old and they’re wanting me to pay pro-rata for a replacement. We’re not talking big money but really it’s their product which has failed and frankly I don’t want another one. I’d rather buy a replacement which is fit for purpose.

Anyone had experience with these?


  • You not going to post a photo of the damaged cover?

    • Sure -

      To me it appears the inside white material has lost its bond and broken down/ disintegrated.

      • Yuck. Wouldn’t a hard cover be better?

        • Yes, possibly.. was sold this under the impression it was the best option for heat retention and if you believe Daisy Pool Covers marketing it should have been. If it was an above-ground spa, there seem to be loads of options, but the fact this sits on the waterline and there is no surround to wrap makes it a bit different.

  • Was it exposed to sun?So you have put in a claim and they have said they won't replace or repair for free. Either take to small claims. Get ABN and company details :name address. Or just take the loss and try another brand. The car dealers have been pushing back warranty claims for years. Speak to manager. But only if this failure truly meets their T&C of warranty.. Good luck.

    • Yes - definitely exposed to sun as product is intended and all T&C adhered to. Certainly no fault of our own. It just amazes me that a company can manufacture a product clearly not fit for purpose, slap on a laughable 8 year warranty and then have the customer pay for the defects/ poor quality. We're only talking a few hundred dollars, but imagine if it was a pool cover worth a grand or more.

      • +2

        I'd still try and push the not fit for purpose line and their warranty t&c. Say you will go to small claims. They obviously don't care. It's not like it would cost them much to replace. How much did they want you to pay. Seems unreasonable to me. Sometimes you have to push them as they will try it in to put it bsck in the consumer.

  • +2

    Pro-rata warranty and they want to charge you pro-rata?

    My experience with pro-rata warranties was that I paid pro-rata for replacement.

    The only arguments that you can use is the “fit for purpose” in that based on price paid it should last longer than the time before the pro-rata warranty kicks in. Or determining what the statutory warranty would be for the product.

    One starting point would be to look at what other suppliers warrant their products for. And what the price point they are at.

    Btw heat from the sun in a spa outside can also raise temp up a lot on the outside of the cover.

  • I’ve never heard of a pro rata warranty. Are they common, or even legal?

    • Very common for mattresses.

  • +1

    Even if they give you another one for free and it lasted another 3 years you'd still be 2 years short of the promised 8 years. I'd be pushing for a pro-rata refund for the 5 years you've missed out on.

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