This was posted 4 years 6 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch, Pre Order] Super Mario 3D All Stars (64/Sunshine/Galaxy) - $69 +Delivery (Free C&C) @ JB Hi Fi


Normally not a fan of these preorder "bargains" as you can almost always get these games slightly cheaper down the line, but this may be the cheapest it ever gets considering Nintendo has already announced this will be a limited release (both physically and digitally) up until the 31st of March 2021.

RRP is $79.95 and it is also available for pre-purchase on the Switch eShop at this price.

I also believe this is releasing in about 3 weeks

Credit to em0r33 and sss333 for the info in the forum post regarding the pre-order availability

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closed Comments

  • +3
      • What year were you born? Surely you don't have respect in retro game + platform.

        • -7

          Oh no, downvotes. This has nothing to do with a real classic Game and Watch which were horrible little LCD things with pre printed graphics, so theres no reason for it to share the limit of one game.

          • -3

            @Merlict: I'm with you on this, lazy/greedy nintendo will make anything from a trashcan and sad weirdos will buy it up!!

      • +2

        You got downvoted, but to an extent I agree that Nintendo, for that price, could have thrown Mario 1/2/3 on that little handheld to justify the cost. I don't have an issue with a tiny portable emulator to celebrate a bit of history and it is a neat little collectable.

    • Now this is what I want to get!

    • +1

      I still play the Donkey Kong game & watch… :D

    • +3

      Damn, that thing looks cool. I really should resist buying it though as I'll never play it - apart from for maybe squinting at that little screen for an hour or so after buying it. It does look frikkin cool though.

  • You need to include delivery as click and collect is unavailable

    • +2

      Yes and OP should also mention free delivery over $100 spend in Victoria

    • I'm pretty sure that's only for Victoria.

      • -3

        I said in Victoria in my original comment

        • +9

          I didn't respond to you

          • -1

            @Faro: Also click and collect is unavailable in all states as this is a preorder, Delivery only

        • +10

          calm down jv

    • Click and collect is available in Vic still - I picked up PGA 2K21 when it released the other week

      • Ohhh I see - this game specifically is unavailable for C&C

        • +1

          I pre-ordered this for pick-up Day 1 at JB, price-matched (price-beat?) to $63.00.

          • @muwu: Did you call up for a price match? Would much rather give JB my money than amazon

            • +1

              @Kessler: Yep, called the store, request gaming for price-match. Might need to try more than one store (I got it on my second)

    • Available for me and pre-ordered at $63

  • I think it will be the same price at least on the launch day. If anyone do not want to wait for delivery. Just grab it on 18 SEP in store .
    it is unclear why they only intend to sell for 6 months. Simply make it limited time? Are they going to make another version for the switch 2?

    • +5

      It's a Mario 35th anniversary thing. Hence only limited edition for this year. But it's manufacturered rarity. As if they're not going to re-release these games on one or another of their future platforms… pfft. This is Nintendo we're talking about here. They'll be rehashing the past until the day they cease to exist (or maybe they won't cease to exist because they keep rehashing, LOL).

      • +1

        Apparently they're good for a looooooong time of no profit. This was 2 years ago, and they've made a massive amount since then

      • +3

        They'll be rehashing the past until the day they cease to exist

        Yeah I feel like they're well known to sell a limited edition, and scalpers buy them all up to sell them at a high price, and once they run out fully for scalpers to shine, Nintendo typically comes out a few weeks later and says a new major batch is coming out at RRP.

        Same thing happened to the Animal Crossing switch and the mini NES I think.

        • +1

          I don't begrudge them that. Scalpers are the worst so if Nintendo is deliberately messing with them all power to Nintendo.

          • +2

            @zzyss: It doesn't mess with scalpers it enables them.
            If Nintendo was upfront about producing more stock then only a few impatient people will pay above RRP which will kill any scalping.

            • @lorikeet: Fair. Was only saying IF it messes with them, but yeah agree that it'd be better if they weren't enabled at all.

    • +1

      they did the same thing for 25th anniversary on Wii

  • +9

    A limited release digitally too? That makes no sense.

    • +2


    • +9

      I feel it's that they'll stop selling the bundle and then the games are $40 each or something.

      • That's a good point.

      • +4

        Nintendo don't mind charging multiple times for the same game so wouldn't be surprised if this happens and these games are sold independently later - as suggested.

        Was expecting the Galaxy series to be given a different treatment for some reason or at least for it to also include 2 also but expect they have other plans for it.

        • +2

          Maybe they couldn't/didn't finish it in time to give it a release in 2020 (due to COVID-19 or whatever) so they just called it a day and released what they had. If Galaxy 2 shows up later separately then that'll prove the point.

          • +2

            @zzyss: Doubt that's the case. Galaxy was ported to NVIDIA Shield in China years ago and this looks like an exact copy of that. It's a weird decision that makes no sense.

    • +2

      Absolutely no sense at all.

      From what I can tell, this seems to be the most "classic Nintendo" decision they've made since the Switch release after it seemed like they learned from their Wii U mistakes.

    • Limited time not quantity.

  • +21

    I'll wait for amazon.

  • +2

    Reviews said it doesn't include Super Mario Galaxy 2, which is kinda dumb. What a wasted opportunity.

    Also: once the Amazon pre-order goes up it'll likely be cheaper due to their discount off pre-orders, so maybe best to wait?

    • For me, JB is always cheaper for those preorder. As you can always get some 10% off jb gift card vs 3% off Amazon giftcard.

      • +6

        Where do you obtain these 10% Jb hifi cards?

        • +1

          And the Amazon ones

      • -1

        Amazon does $5 off pre-order for Prime members I think? Then discounted gift cards on top of that if you have them.

        • Are you sure they do the preorder discount still? I preordered Assasins Creed Valhalla but it didn't say anything about a discount? I have prime too.

          • @enwar: Yeah that discount was over ages ago

            • @Merlict: Fair enough, my bad. Thought that was an ongoing thing.

  • +7

    Already redeemable for NSO vouchers on the estore also, for a relative ~$67.50

    • Yeah that might be the way to go.

    • +4

      Plus you get 670 gold points from the NSO purchase which ends up being $6.70 credit on the eshop. Put this towards another NSO voucher and the games will cost ~$64.15 each next time. Not a bad way to go if you plan on buying a lot of big titles

      • Oh nice, I forgot about that part.
        Even better.

    • Which means if you know someone that can get cheaper NSO vouchers… Hehe

  • +19

    EB Games continue to be a rip-off 🙄🙄

    Also,don't give me the whole support an Australian businesses nonsense because they're not,lmao.

  • +1

    they coulda just added n64 to switch online along with SNES and NES but i guess this way they make more money

    • Smart would be sell this, then sell N64 in a year as well

    • +2

      Yup they've had super decent 64 emulation of their own for almost a decade.

      The Nintendo money printer goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

      • Heck I have Wind Waker on Gamecube which came with emulated versions of the N64 games

  • But can I do BLJ?

    • +16

      Below RRP
      Nintendo 1st party product
      Limited run release
      Compilation of nostalgic games
      High demand

      I don't personally see it getting cheaper than this unless Games men or someone undercut this preorder price.

    • +2

      It's $79.95 at EB Games. So,yes,i would say this is a bargain.

  • I wonder how good the HD upscale/remastering is… I didn't play all of the games before but I also have a big enough backlog.

    • +4

      Based on the announcement trailers, 64 will be basically just upscaled to HD. Sunshine will be upscaled to HD with widescreen support and Galaxy will be upscaled to HD with a new control scheme (no Wii remotes on Switch).

      The announcement trailer also appeared to show 64 and Galaxy running at 30fps with Galaxy running at 60 which is also disappointing.

      • -1

        PC Emulators still better then.

        • +3

          Your legal mileage may vary

          But yeah I guess so.

        • +1

          Yes. This is still portable and easy to use

        • I'll take plug and play over mucking about with emulators any day

      • Seems to me they've included some original but uncompressed textures for mario 64.

    • Probably not good, they look like straight ports. Compare the beauty of Zelda 64 on 3DS compared to the original which was nearly as blocky as Mario 64. Doesn't look like they remastered at all.

      If they are straight ports though that could be good as the container might be able to be reused to bring in an N64/wii/GC emu for other games

      • The 3DS Zeldas also messed with some stuff and made it worse, I'm fine with a straight upscaled emulation

        • Like what (just curious - not saying I don't think anything was messed up)?

          • +1

            @Quantumcat: Ocarina was pretty decent, looked nicer and had some QOL things.

            Majora's Mask went really overboard.… sums it up better than me, some of those are justified by it being a handheld (saving where you want, brighter for the crappy screen) but there was no need to mess with a classic like that.

          • +1

            @Quantumcat: Mainly MM where movement got messed up.

            They slowed down the way momentum and speed worked that it made a section of platforming annoying.

            Swimming mechanic was altered where it is now a lot slower and not fun.

            Edit: damn, merlick beat me to it. Pretty much summed up in the article

  • +5

    Odd they left out Galaxy 2, if nothing more than so they could sell it as a complete set.

    • +4

      I hope they dont f up the Zelda 35th one.

      Better have WW, SS and TP on it !

  • +3

    Waiting for Amazon.

    • +1

      Yeah, just in case BigW does a few dollars cheaper that way I'll get the automatch.

      • +1

        Prime might save $5 too and free shipping!

        • Kicking myself, the page was playing up so I decided to wait until later.

          But it sold out on Amazon in the meantime!

          Put in a pre-order at JB for 10 more just in case the same thing happens, hopefulyl Amazon restocks and I can cancel JB.

          • @HolyFosh: I got in.. feel really lucky! Been F5ing all morning!

  • +2

    Absolutely a bargain, considering how many hours or gameplay there is in this!!!

  • Will there be a limited number digitally or a limited time frame?

    • +1

      Digitally it will be available to purchase up until the 31st of March 2021 for reasons unclear, but will not be limited by number of downloads

  • Its limited until the end of March 2021.

    I am sure there will be a better deal

  • Don't have time to play this due to huge backlog, but damn I got a feeling I will regret not buying this due to it's a limited-timed release.

  • Have they updated the camera/controls in SM64? Favourite game growing up, but I went to replay it recently and really struggled with the horrible camera angles.

    • +1

      I'd say they have considering they would have had to make adjustments for each of these games to work well on a switch controller (analog trigger controls on Sunshine/no Wii remotes for Galaxy)

  • +1

    Sad not to see Thousand Year Door announced among all this, but Sunshine was my top request. Wha-whooo!

  • +3

    I just got Super Mario 64 on PC and bought some USB N64 controllers - but playing officially on the TV sure is tempting.

    I just want them to release an N64 mini - can't beat having the original controller.

    • switch has had a port of 64 for a while now. native code.

    • +1

      The original controller was arse. Get a makopad64.

      For some reason people are stubborn and refuse to think anything third party is superior, and usually I'd think that too, but I tell you the analogue feeling and z button layout on the makopad are a dream and you'll never get a loose analogue stick because the analogue mechanism is fundamentally different.

      Also, vibration on n64 was better. It's so tinny and implemented in such a binary way on the switch that I find it annoying enough to have it turned off. "Hd" lol.

  • +6
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