Just saw this deal via a Facebook ad for $300 off Roborock S6 that ends in about 2hrs. https://roborock.com.au/products/roborock-s6-robotic-vacuum-… We’ve discussed getting a robot vac and friends have the S5 and love it. A vac mop combo would be good for us. We tend to make joint decisions on bigger purchases e.g. over $500. $799 seems to be the going price for these, but I like the idea of buying directly from Roborock rather than Kogan. Not sure if they do this deal all the time or not.
Do I Wake Husband at 2am to Discuss Roborock S6 Deal with 2hrs Left?

Last edited 04/09/2020 - 02:01
Poll Options
- 53Wake him to discuss
- 16Just buy it
- 9Get help for your insomnia and get off the internet at 2am
- 3Leave it for now - it will be available tomorrow at same price
- 3You’d be better off buying from a different store / can get better price
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Okay, thanks, that’s helpful. Do you like the S5 max?
I love it, it's scheduled to run twice a day and still able to pick up dust from god knows where. My only regret is not buying it sooner, it's honestly life changing. It also has multiple map/flooring, which was an OTA firmware update, and was absent in the s6 - at least when I purchased it.
Awesome. I think we’ll definitely get one, just have to figure out which model to get and lock in a decent price. At least seeing this deal made me realise I really do want one.
@morse: I trust you'll love it too!
I did a lot of research prior to buying and it came down to: wait for S6 MaxV AU release, with an exorbitant price tag due due to the AI detection technology (avoid dog poop lol) or go for the S5 Max which improves on both vacuum power and water tank (mopping is meh, better to get a steam mop) over previous models.
Ended up with the S5 Max and would still buy it again in a heart beat. I figured if I was going to shell out this much, I may as well get the S5 Max over the S6 as price difference was negligible whilst performance gains were to be had. I would avoid the latest OzBargain post for the S6 Pure. It is identical to the S6 but has a longer charging time.
Wake him… otherwise he will be in trouble in the morning when it sells out.
Haha, nah, he’s not in trouble - I let him sleep in the end.
Yes, of course 🙃
You have four minutes to decide. But you can just order it and return it, I'd rather return something than wake up at 2am. https://roborock.com.au/pages/return-policy
Oh thanks, I didn’t see returns policy. Decided to hold off based on ScrubCorps helpful advice. I think I haven’t done enough research into the model I want. Husband gets to sleep - I’m still wake though, damn it.
It's easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.
Oh, if my wife woke me at 2am to discuss robot vacuum cleaners, I’d be happy to chat and super agreeable. More so if I had work the next day…
lol, it was only a semi-serious consideration if it was in fact a really good deal. Luckily ozbargain came to the rescue with the answers I needed and prevented hubby being woken up.
I'd be more upset if my spouse didn't wake me up for a good deal!
I've seen that deal on FB for the last month or so - seems to be on sale around the $800 mark often to me (unless I'm mixing up the different Roborock ads)
For example, you posted this about 7 hours ago (approx 2am) and said the ad was going to end in 2 hrs. It's now almost 10am Sydney time and the 'sale' timer to me is showing $300 off for another 5 hours and 50 mins… Buy now to receive instant $300 OFF the RRP $1099.00 and FREE AusPost eParcel Post Shipping for Father's Day. Was that the same price you saw?
yep - I noticed that same thing when I clicked the link later today. Their marketing definitely tricked me! (I'm an amateur) I really do need to stop going online when I can't sleep in the wee hours of the morning.
I bought a roborock s5 some time ago without consulting my wife - got it for like, $400 and was stoked to get it so cheap at the time.
Mrs was angry about the lack of consultation for about a week before she realised how life changing a robovac is, and now sings its praises, along with standing agreement that if it dies we just replace it without question.
We have a similar thing with expensive stuff. I woke my hubby for the Virgin pricing error on here a few years ago. 2am and I was shaking him awake asking if I could book us flights to London again (we'd just been the year before). Had the holiday of a lifetime for the second year in a row. Best call ever, especially in hindsight. But…robot vacuum cleaner…he'd just want me to buy it as he gives zero craps about stuff like that - even if it was a lot of money.
Can see you didn't go with the purchase - I'd just run it by him as a 'this is something we agree we're going to buy right?' conversation and that way you're both on the same page and you can buy it without needing to consult him if you see another good deal at an awkward time.
I'd be waking him up for a really good flight pricing error too!
Good idea about having a pre-agreement. We should probably do that for a few items we have our eye out for.
If my wife woke me at 2am, I'd be drowsy and just wave my arms and say "er.. sure, whatever you want honey.. ZZzzz…."
Wake up at 2am, discuss robo vacuum, buy robo vacuum, have some 'adult cuddles' then go back to bed…
Instructions unclear, 'cuddled' vacuum cleaner
Good suction?
If the deal is for the person you wake up. I think it's ok. The next morning may be an issue though. You might get the colg shoulder for the interrupted sleep.
Oh thanks - I saw this last night/morning but it came up at a higher price. Now I think I want the S5max or S6maxV. Haha, good thing I didn’t wake husband.
I got the s5 max for that price ~2 months ago, direct from Roborock. I would hold off for a better price, especially with s6 maxV being the latest iteration (s6 maxV >s5 Max > s6 etc.)