Hey, never posted anything on here before but know you all give great advice on this kind of stuff.
Need to get a new heater as ive just moved into a cold as balls townhouse. Budget is ideally not more than $100 since most of the year it wont be needed.
Rooms aren't too big and don't need the place super toasty just to take the chill off a bit when I'm watching TV on the couch.
Thanks for the help!
Need help buying a new Heater

Get an oil heater from Bunnings or BigW. More efficient to run. Avoid getting a radiant heater.
Spring has sprung! Just packed our few heaters away. You'll probably find some on your nearest council throwout.
I wish it's still rainy and colder than ever here
Just buy a small electric like this , set it at the lowest setting, throw a blanket between you and the heater.
Aldi electric throw blanket or something similar, they are 50watt. use 1/3 of a fridge idling.
I was going to recommend the DeLonghi Portable Convector Heater 2000W (regular price was $59) but it seems to be out of stock everywhere. Perhaps check market place or gumtree if anyone is selling it? I love that heater, it warms up very quickly.
Wander the council cleanups near apartment blocks. Dozens of heaters being put out at the moment as winter ends because there is no storage space.
Heaps of fans at the end of summer too
At that budget and with those requirements, does it really matter? Basically anything will do that job. It's also now spring. Wear some socks.