Everything else seems to work fine, just cant do the above. Using Safari on a Mac 10.6. Let me know if more info needed.
Anyone else experiencing this?
Everything else seems to work fine, just cant do the above. Using Safari on a Mac 10.6. Let me know if more info needed.
Anyone else experiencing this?
me too. since 6.20pm at least
been broken for >2 hours (IE9)
The backend server process was put in a spin lock at ~6PM. Process restarted and it's back now. It's actually the second time I have seen it. Something is wrong — just need to take a look at the code.
Okay bug found, fixed & code updated. Hopefully that would resolve the spin lock issue. Finger crossed :)
Thanks Scotty.
thanks Scotty
Thanks Scotty!
Same issue here. Firefox. It's been like this for an hour now.