• expired

[VIC] 16 Cents Per kWh Solar FeedInTariff @ ClickEnergy via 9saver


For energy plan, the cheap I found in Victoria for low to medium house hold consumption is click energy - for both with and without solar panels. I think the same is applicable in other states as well, check for your post code and calculate.

I have attached the pic of savings over last 2 weeks and compared with other competitors(negative is credit). I have 6.6kw solar systems. With solar feedinTariff rates going low to 10.2 cents, this can be good choice. There is no end date mentioned for this offer as well. So, not sure for how long it works but for coming summer this would be a bargain.

If your house hold consumption is low to medium, it's worth checking and switching.

This is my first deal post. Please modify or delete if it's not appropriate.

Rates in Victoria(powercor):
For solar:
Usage(flat rate): 26.4c per kWh

Usage(time of load - peak): 32.2c per KWh
Usage(time of load - off-peak): 20.1c per Kwh

Daily supply charge: 126.19c per day
FiT: 16 cents per kWh.

Without solar: 16% off on default rates.

Usage(flat rate): 22.176c per kWh

Usage(time of load - peak): 27.05c per KWh
Usage(time of load - off-peak): 16.88c per Kwh

Daily supply charge: 106c per day

All inclusive GST.

Related Stores

Click Energy
Click Energy

closed Comments

  • Mate, you can’t have your referral details in the post itself. We already have a fair referral system in place.

    • Sorry. I don't know how I can provide that in this case. As, the referral link we have does not provide account number which needs to be quoted while we call click energy for signup for 9saver promotion. Since the offer is via 9saver, the way to get referral credit is by calling them. Please advise, if there is a better way to put this.

      • Your account settings has a referral section. Put your referral details under click energy there and edit your post to say use random referral thing at the bottom of your post.

        • I have done that. The referral link there takes the customer reference number. Click energy team is saying that we need to provide account number on phone while signing up. Account number and customer number are different.

          • +1

            @satyag: That’s a problem the mods need to solve then :)

          • @satyag: Hey, could you please message me your account number so that I can signup with you being a referral? Thanks.

      • Hi @satyag, i called ClickEnergy & they wanted the referrer's A/C# and name. I clicked on referrel link but that doesnt show up 9Saver. thnx

  • +4

    That daily supply charge is ridiculous

    • It’s better than NSW ones on Essential Energy network.
      Mine is 151.25c/day with 21c/kWh FIT on Origin.

    • Not at all, that's on the cheap in Victoria. Powercor distribution area is 141c daily

      • not true, i'm in powercor and only pay 108c with Tango Energy

        • The distributor sets a daily charge, which the retailer passes through to the customer. The retailer will generally add additional charges on top of that daily charge, so you'll see various different daily supply charge rates between retailers for the same distribution area.

  • +4

    See… apart from all the electricity deals that advertise a pay on time discount, this is another thing that irks me about the power industry - people with solar getting charged a higher daily rate/consumption rate.

    I mean, sure, someone with solar will still be better off even if those rates are higher, but why attach a negative (higher fees) to something that we want to be promoting?

  • Meh… I'm with Tango, and while the FiT is the 10.2c, on the time of day package, daily is 115.5c, Peak is 25.190c and off peak 13.200c So I doubt this would come close in the total.

    • Depends on your consumption. You can calculate it yourself with a simple excel formula.

      • +1

        Or I could just download my data direct from PowerCor and feed it into https://compare.energy.vic.gov.au/ and see what the best Time of Use offers are at present. :)

        • Yes. But, that does not cover promotional feedintariffs like this.

  • +1

    good effort OP

  • Just FYI, it's $xx.xx not xx.xx$

    • Thanks.. updated.. :)

  • +1

    If you don’t have solar you’re wasting your time sticking with anyone. Just google “energy sign up offer” or “energy bonus offer”. Powershop, Energy Australia or AGL are guaranteed to have something in the $100 - $200 range. Just sign up, take your bucks and then move on.

    • Agree.. that's the best thing to do even with Solar, if you are not getting good rates and FeedInTariff.

    • a lot of these have termination fees when you switch though.

      • Nope. No exit fees are allowed anymore, at least in Vic. Good times!

        • +1

          when did that law come into place? I checked the energycompare web site a few months ago and they are still listed in T&Cs.

  • OP, do you mind updating the pricing to include Time-of-Use tarriff for those of us stuck in AusNet grid?

    Comparison for those wondering.
    Origin offering 20% off VDO

    Peak Usage (7am-11pm M-F)
    38.79 c/kWh
    With 20% discount
    31.04 c/kWh

    Off-Peak Usage
    21.24 c/kWh
    With 20% discount
    17.00 c/kWh

    Daily Supply Charge
    118.14 c/Day

    • +1

      Updated. It's cheaper with clickenergy.. :)

  • AGL took over Click, so assume the effects of that will be passed on soon.

    That being said, great opportunity to port over with a cash incentive, then port out when they drop the FIT. That being said, the day rate…ouch!

  • OP, what's the capacity of your solar system? 300kWh in two weeks is impressive

    • +1

      It's 5kw inverter with 6.6kw panels. Welcome to spring.. :)

    • +1

      About right this time of the year, north facing system should produce over 20kwh on average, sunny days like today can easily hit 30+

  • Mate that rate is definitely not for all victoria, daily supply charge in powercor zone will be 20c more at least

    • The rates are for powercor. You can check rates for your post code at 9saver site.

  • +1

    Elysian Energy have very good rates (Vic) from what I've read, thinking of changing to them from Tango. Anyone else using them?

    • In another group someone mentioned them and they looked good, but by the website are they only available for concession holders?

    • I'm with them, best thing is NO daily supply charge which actually saves quiet a fair bit on the total bill. Although i do not have solar but so far i'm happy with what i'm paying.

      • I believe there is a daily supply charge, it's part of the monthly fee.

        ie the lowest plan includes 200kw at 20.9 per kwh. The balance of the monthly fee is the daily fee at approx 91c per day. It explains this on the website.

        I don' think it's only open to concession holders. Just checked the website now and it seems for everyone.

        • +1

          Hmmm, all the Victorian ones seem to state “Concession Card Only Plan”.

          • @bg: Okay I see where you saw that, and it's now got me curious, as I know someone that's recently signed up and I don't think they are a concession card holder. I'll follow up with them how they managed this.

          • @bg: I did not have Concession Card and i did signed up so i believe it's open for everyone.

  • +1

    I'm not trying to talk down this deal but just wanted to share my experience with Click in South Australia. I joined for the great solar F.I.T. and competitive c/kw rate. Over a couple of years I didn't take too much notice of the bills until I got an extremely high one and realised the c/kw and daily supply charge had been increasing by up to 20% over 6 month periods. Checking their website they still offered competitive plans for new customers but seemed to be ripping off customers who had been with them for a few years. It's my fault for not keeping an eye on it but it seems like a dodgy way to treat your customers.

    • I had a similar experience in Melbourne as a new customer they give you some good deals, and encourage you to con your friends into the same deal , and all of a sudden the rates need to change the daily supply charge more than doubled, feed in tariff dropped, supply rate went up substantially. They're a scam company who try and get you in on the cheap and hope you forget to check your bills

  • I recently switched to Powerclub. Since I have a battery, daily charge was my main cost.
    Daily supply charge 59.37c/day
    All consumption usage per day 22.17c/kWh

  • That deal is woeful.

    checks bill

    92.4c supply charge/day
    19.283c/kwh peak
    12.166c/kwh off peak (lost that when I got my FIT).

    Yeah, I'm good.

    • Which state, and which retailer?

  • Anyone with or heard of OVO energy? Flat rate of usage @23.8c and supply @59.4c for Victorians.

    • Looking into OVO too. 22.275c and 99c in Powercor VIC. Without solar, it is the best price in my own pricing table of 20 providers, also in econnex comparison from cashrewards.com.

      I noticed that some properties are not eligible to get a quote at OVO, even in a same street. My neighbours of next few doors are not eligible. I think OVO runs a credit check system based on address.

      When considering solar feed in, ClickEnergy with 16c is better.

  • This deal isn”t 1/2 bad for me. Currently with Tango and I”ve been meaning to shop around since they dropped their FIT to 10c a couple of months ago..

    • Tango used to be very competitive, but not so any more. I'm looking to change from them ASAP. Elysian looks good at the moment.

      What are some provider with higher FIT at the moment, might be an option to look in over the sunnier months, since we are low grid users, so high FIT could be okay.

      • Momentum Energy 'Solar and Friends' plan has a 13.5c/kWh feed-in rate until 30/06/21.

  • All (well, most at this stage) have dropped their FIT to 10c. Unless you are premium which has dropped, but obviously not as much.

  • I have 20Kw, this will come handy but with Elyssian I'm paying a flat rate fee no ToU rates even though Ausnet pushes for ToU.
    I am looking to Produce 50Kw extra on avg in Melbourne

  • Good deal OP for low consumption high export households. I'm currently with AGL on the 20c FIT solar savers plan which ends in Dec. I think I'll just hope this deal is still running then as the lack of locking in the FIT worries me with this click energy offer.

  • Thanks for your post will certainly look into it 😃👍

  • This is a super deal as lot of companies are now a days offering less. FITs.. Agl recently ended it's very popular 21cent. fit .

    • I called AGL once about there FIT price im sure it was @ 8 cents, im wondering if they still offer even that now or nothing at all

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