Telemarket Calls/Scram calls.

Hello All,
I've always got a call on my mobile from someone in India talking about "The holiday club" ba, ba ba…
sometimes I hang up, some times talk to them say not interested.
However, they still call & call….once a day/ twice a day….
Anyone know how I can stop them? where I can complaint to?
Thanks for help. I really get sick of them….


  • +1
    • does it work i heard that they still call

      • +1

        Not for Charities, Govt organisations, or people outside of Australia. But it's worth doing.

      • +1

        Doesn't tend to work for off-shore call centres. I've been on the do not call list for years but still get the calls from "Windows" telling me that my PC has a virus and they need me to give them access to fix it. I went through with a complainty to the donotcall people and also my phone provider, both said theres basically nothing they can do when its an overseas company

        • +1

          I had fun with someone with this one… They called up and I said "Bare with me, my computer takes 5 mins to start up"… Put phone down for 5 mins. "Yep, it's on… one sec, need to attend to child"… come back 5 mins later "oh, computer shut down on me, let me reboot"

    • Thanks very much.
      I hope they won't call back again!

  • +1

    you can try contacting your mobile phone provider, they should be able to block it for u.

  • Maybe you should give them a taste of their own medicine, asking them to join the Goat Club or something lol Eventually they'll realise that calling you is only wasting their time.

    • I did waste try to put them on hold or put down the phone, also I play with them for a while. but they still call back….@o@….

  • +6

    The only alternative would be is to put them on hold when they call. Wasting their time, so they target someone else.

    Although, after a number of these calls, I did place a curse on one "Microsoft" rep, his children and childrens children, with a wail and some goobledee gook. Although this was after having them spend sometime trying to have me find the start menu in the bottom lefthand corner of my Mac. (The idiot never asked me what kind of computer I had)

    Since then no more calls, so one of those two things worked.

    • having them spend sometime trying to have me find the start menu in the bottom lefthand corner of my Mac

      LOL. Classic.

  • Find out what their company name is and see if they have a website. From here email them requesting them to stop any further calls or else you will take things further…

    • that might work if you understand what he was saying to you

    • most of the time, these guys legitimately believe what they are saying is true and helpful to you. It's their bosses you have to go after…

      That said trolling them is so fun.

      I'm going to be playing this one

    • +1

      Then, they will have your email address and spam you by email as well…………….

  • talk back in an indian accent (just for funzies, not racism) or say "brb 1 minute, let me get the door" and never hang up. You can also suddenly let out a scream so they get scared and will never call you again :)

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