Did anybody have any experience with making an advanced Uber booking from Australia but booking it in a different country with a different timezone? Did you use Australia's time or did you adjust the time to match the country's timezone?
Booking Uber in Advanced but in a Different Timezone

HelpingHand on 29/08/2020 - 20:08
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You're right. I checked their Uber help site (which doesn't have any call support for riders, chat support, or email) and it only sends a notification rather than making the booking beforehand. Thanks for that, that would've been a massive headache.
What for. By the time you actually get off the plane, get your bags and pass through immigration most ubers once booked will take 10mins tops if not 3mins. Never had a problems my self. I just buy a local SIM and book an uber myself as I'm going through immigration…
I don't think the advance booking does much except send out the ride request a bit before your booking. It doesn't reserve a car. I've done an asap booking for my duaghter in Rome from Australia which worked out.