This was posted 4 years 6 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Segway Ninebot Kickscooter MAX G30LP (Gen 2) $969 Delivered @ PC Market


Segway Ninebot Kickscooter MAX G30LP (Gen 2) 40KM Range 30KM/H Max Speed $969 with Free Shipping Australia Wide

  • 10-inch Pneumatic Tires
  • Built-In Front LED Lights
  • Max speed: 18.6 mph
  • Typical range: 25 miles
  • 20% Hill Grade
  • IPX5 Water-Resistant
  • 6.5H Fast Charging
  • 18,650 Lithium Batteries
  • 220Lbs Weight Load

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closed Comments

  • Colour options?

    • +1

      Just one colour for now.

  • It’s weird to see JB also selling electric scooters but isn’t it illegal to use on public places ?!?

    • +1

      Depending on which state - different regulations.

      • Out of interest, which states allow you to use a 700W 30KM/H scooter in public places?

        • Isn't it a maximum speed of 25km/h before you need a license to ride/drive something ? Even if electric scooters are legal for use in public places.

        • I know it's not a state, but the A.C.T. allows this. They don't limit the power of the scooter you can ride, but they do place speed limits on the various environments you can ride your scooter.

      • I assume you didn't reply because these scooters are not legal in public areas in any state, and you know that!… Very sly and dodgy on your part……

        This amused me, guy in NSW getting $2200 in fines for using one:

        • +2

          They are 100% legal in at least Queensland and the ACT, potentially other jurisdictions too. Just like a motor vehicle, it’s not about the scooter’s maximum speed, but the speed it is being operated. So if you ride a scooter capable of 30kph at 25kph, it’s legal.

          Why don’t you do your own research before negging a good deal?

          • @AKJJ: You're right, I should have read a bit deeper rather than skim…

            The OP should be clear about the legalities and list the states where they can be legally used IMO, it will save the numpties a lot of trouble…

            • @FLICKIT: Good on you for acknowledging, and yeah I agree. I do get a bit tired of the endless “is this legal in x jurisdiction” comments on every electric scooter post. Would be good if ops of these posts could refer to a standard list of jurisdictional rules, like the URL you linked to.

    • +1

      These scooters are prefectly legal on private property with no public access. Not JB's problem if their customers don't know the law.

  • everybody rides these in Melbourne. does anyone see or hear somebody gets pulled over and fined?

    • +1

      This guy got fined $2500 and 6 demerit points in NSW for using one.

      Using an Unlicensed Class R Vehicle, Using an Uninsured Motor Vehicle, Using an unregistered motor vehicle on road, Driving on footpath, Motorbike rider not wearing/secure fit approved helmet. Wouldn't recommend trying it on if you're in NSW.

      • some stupid cop was in a bad mood

        • So did the fine get withdrawn?

          If not then it’s not legal

      • I’ve nearly been hit a couple of times working in the city by these. They run almost silent, people go way too fast on footpaths with them and you just don’t expect them.

        Either legalise and regulate where they can be ridden or come down hard on those who ride them like idiots.

  • -1

    Stock piles everywhere hoping dummies buy em lol…

    I'd buy maybe 50% off to export only :)

  • +1

    How things change! I loved my old foot-powered, red Cyclops scooter with white pneumatic tyres and streamers in the handlebars.

  • These things are everywhere in brisbane. Didn’t know you couldn’t ride them in nsw.

    • Anything over 250w and capable of doing over 25 is illegal in Qld

      • I clocked a lime scooter at 42km/h down hill.
        Illegal or not its not enforced here in QLD because its seen for what it is (A scooter for adults)

        There’s less red tape bureaucracy here In stopping alternative transportation because QLD public transport is on par with WA’s dismal options.

  • Under the current law in Victoria, scooters cannot travel on footpaths faster than 10km/h or operate with a power output of more than 200 watts. The fine for an illegal device is $826.
    My little boy ride on is probably doing right on the limit. What a joke for giving out more fine other than speed cam.

    • Yet in VIC i can ride a road bicycle at 50+Km/h in dandy downhill without a cop blinking an eye.

    • that's when you flick the button and tell it to only go 10km max before they see the speed its set at :P

  • probably 10 years ago, I got warned by the police too when I was riding a mini 49cc scooter on the road. He did mention about I had no bike license, no 3rd poarty insurance and no rego/unroad worthy etc totalling somewhere around $1200 if he was seriously about catching me. Luckily he told me I was the 4th person he caught that day and I am better than the others that I was wearing a full face helmet so he let me go without fining me.

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