3Camels confirm best price shipped from Amazon AU
Don't forget 8% Cashback
Hey this is OB.. a dollar cheaper is still a dollar saved when it's a deal.
I've heard people will drive across town to save a dollar on a pack of pens, but when buying something expensive like a mattress they can't be bothered shopping around, they just pay whatever the local mattress salesman asks.
Can confirm, I would do exactly this.
The pens might have been a smart pen :)
Helps local business for non small items, that's what I do too… how irony…
Amazon's RRP are typically meaningless.
You should see Shopping Express' RRP. They are LOL worthy.
Harris Scarf has them both beat. They invent their own RRP based on foreign products that don't even have a RRP in Australia. They just set it to whatever they want to make it look like a huge discount.
Would this work in a in a modded Wii U?
I don’t see the point in such a large SD for Wii U. If you’re loading games of the SD card you should change to USB since it’s so much faster
i used this with a microsd to usb adaptor with the same card listed, it works no issue. It's much smaller than using a hard connected. Its not big enough for some games. I'll be looking at a 1tb hard drive deal pretty soon.
I thought he was referring to running of the internal SD card slot through loadiine. It’s pretty obsolete method. I would have thought a USB thumb drive would be cheaper than a SD card + USB converter
I recall looking into this a while ago and most people reported neglible ingame differences. Are you able to share where you saw this, or was this your personal experience? Genuinely interested.
tbh, i havn't done an comparison between disc and microsd.
But having to be able to rip games and storage them onto card is great as i can't afford to replace them if kids get their hands on them.
games like super lugi u are about 2gb where games like just dance are about 25gb.
If we’re talking Wii U games there was a very noticeable difference when loading the games. I don’t recall it having trouble in game but loading was definitely much longer on SD.
It was only in the early days of modding that installing on the SD was necessary. Moved to external USB hard drive which was much larger and faster and have never looked back
There is a good reason for a large SD actually. You may want to put all your gamecube games on the SD card because there was some advantage to doing that, I can't remember what. My WiiU died in a fire and I need to mod another one. But the whole gamecube collection uncompressed is around 500GB or something. Some games won't play properly compressed so I leave them all uncompressed. Then one hard drive dedicated to WiiU games, another dedicated to Wii games in Wii mode, and the gamecube games on the SD card. It's better than trying to mix gamecube games with the Wii games on the hard drive, the WiiU doesn't like two hard drives connected at once iirc and it just makes things easier.
I just inject the gamecube games which works fine + can use the Wii U gamepad as a controller
@FireRunner: I just inject Nintendont, which also lets you use the WiiU gamepad as a controller for the entire gamecube library on your SD card. Child-me would probably have killed a man to get a modded WiiU.
@AustriaBargain: which cfw did you use to inject nintendont? i am any able to run nintendot from the wii homebrew menu. I am using the website hack.
@godofpizza: Now I remember what the benefit was to having them on SD card. You need that to play with the WiiU gamepad controller, the games need to be on the SD card and not on a USB drive. You need your vWii to be modded too of course, install Nintendont, and then add the forwarder in WiiU menu. And then it loads into Nintendont where you can browse your SD card for the game to load. You play on your gamepad as normal (the same display comes out on the HDMI too at the same time) and when you're done you press the home button and it resets the console back to the WiiU menu. You can set most games to run natively in widescreen, but some games like Timesplitters 2 will look fine widescreen but crash for some reason, so individually you'll want to turn that setting off, for example.
Your normal USB loader in vWii will still show up the games as normal from SD, but to play on gamepad i think you need the forwarder in WiiU mode. Where to get the forwarder, I don't know, I'll look it up again when I mod my next WiiU.
@AustriaBargain: I've got my gamecube games on a sd card on the front console, and the wii u games on the back with said usb - micro adpator. I tried using variouz method of injection/installing the GC game directly to boot from the normal wiiu menu but it keeps failing. I am not sure if it the CFW iam running that cauing them to fail. I might try using a forwarder instead of the install method.
@godofpizza: I still have the files I used actually. Anyway I'm looking at the guide I used again closely https://wiiu.hacks.guide/#/
And yes I did use Haxchi, paying the $10 or whatever for the brain age game. That was a no-brainer for the convenience. So I would have followed the Haxchi guide before doing anything else. I don't know if it makes a difference for using the nitnendont forwarder.
U1 not U3, seems to be slow
Looks like a good card for Nintendo Switch
Hey, are you confident?
I've been looking for a microSD for switch. Any drawbacks on this one?
Haven't tried it but it shouldn't have any issues.
It looks pretty fast at UHS-1.
I think max speed for Switch is Class 10, or whatever they call class 10 now. Any faster and the only speed benefit will be when you copy games to the SD card from your PC, or when you backup the whole card to your PC.
4k random read test:
Ultra: 9MB/s
Evo+: 13MB/s
Heavy software read (adobe) test:
Ultra: 17MB/s
Evo+: 30MB/s
Evo plus are much better for the slight increase in price unless you don't care about loading speeds at all in my opinion
Load times are bottlenecked by random reads not sequential. Also most of this comment is cut+paste from previous deal comment
@adepta: It's good to know. Transferring things to or from a SD card is way slower than you think it should be, if you're used to USB3 portable drives.
see my other comment
Does it work with Raspberry Pi 4? Anyone tried it?
It should work.
Yeah i currently have 2 of these setup with pi 4s atm. Both work fine.
Bought 3! Thanks op - perfect for my drone!
Which drone you have? Looking to buy one , don't know much about drones.
I have a DJI Spark, have also used the DJI Phantoms & DJI Mavic Mini. Would recommend the Spark or Mini if youre starting out with the Fly More Combo which gives you extra batteries.
Thanks for that.
Can that drone hold a camera good enough for a Facebook video ad?
@AustriaBargain: It should, providing you know how to use them and how to edit the movie with the app (such as adobe premiere).
Check out facebook group called "dji owners australia - no sheriffs" for a bunch of movies found on missing drone sdcards
@AustriaBargain: Yes, it sure can! You can direct message me if you would like my social media to check out some DJI Spark examples
@AustriaBargain: There is only one version of the DJI Spark & the $600 is what I use.
Basically you can get the drone itself or you can get the drone with all the extras (e.g. extra batteries) which is called the Fly More Combo.
@AustriaBargain: Best to look into these specs online. It has a built in camera with 2-axis gimbal. Its quiet a small drone so dont think it can carry another camera. Best to YouTube that.
Nice, grabbed one for the wife's camera. 100MB per second should be suitable, yeah?
100 MB/s reading speed under the most perfect lab tests, yes.
A quick google seems to show you might get 45-50 MB/s write.
Shooting in raw, I think those pics are a good 30MB a piece. Sounds like it would just barely cut it, but I really don't know how they work in the sense of a camera punishing the I/O.
At least it would be a great backup.
Thanks for the info!
A speedy card is nice, that little loading time on slow cards is annoying. And transferring them off is annoying on slow cards too.
Got one for me mum 😁
Should be fine for the oppo a52 right? 😬
Sure, send her my regards!
You reckon it won't work well in an Oppo A52?
I have samsung 256 gb card in oppo a52, works fine.
But it's almost father's day, I think you need it for him too…
Would this perform reliably on a BlackVue dashcam? Any tips would be greatly appreciated
I'd suggest grabbing an endurance sd card (basically a sd card designed for continuous writing / for CCTV or dashcam purposes). A lot of people seem to rate the Samsung Endurance SD cards (SanDisk also make them, but iirc I've heard they don't work well in some BlackVue dashcams (?)).
You can use a regular sd card, but they'll eventually die (mine worked for around 2 years before I got an endurance one), so I reckon just grab an endurance sd card (buy once cry once haha). From memory endurance cards might be warrantied for continuous use too. I've used a Samsung endurance sd card for just over a year and no issues so far :)
I really appreciate the time you took to give these details. This is super helpful!
So cheap!
cashrewards declined the purchase. what category is this microsd under?
Mine too, so did everything else I ordered in the transaction
This is good for your Nintendo Switch. I already have a 128 GB card otherwise I would jump on this deal.
Price: $34.00
Deal Price: $33.00
You Save: $1.00 (3%)