Hey guys
Is anyone aware of any shops where we can find good deals on Ralph Lauren polos?
I usually check DJ,myer and DFO.
Anything else?
Hey guys
Is anyone aware of any shops where we can find good deals on Ralph Lauren polos?
I usually check DJ,myer and DFO.
Anything else?
Did you ever get those Lacoste shirts, with the croc facing the other way?
recently the quality of their stuff has been terrible… this also applies to TH
I am finding TH button down shirts to be better quality than RL lately. RL polos though have really gone downhill. My ones from 10 years ago look and feel a hell of a lot better, new ones are too stiff and the fit is not as good.
Macy’s Black Friday sale via the personal shopper @ myus.com
further details please :)
aliexpress. search horse polo shirts
horse polo shirts
have you ordered before and quality ok?
I haven’t ordered Ralph Lauren but other designer items of clothing and found them all to be exceptional quality/genuine. Just be sure to only buy Prime items and you’ll be fine.
I just get from DFO or when DJ's has 30-40% off sale. Otherwise Eastdane and sometime End Clothing.
I also just check here:
Why do so many people erroneously employ apostrophes to denote plurality; polos, not polo's.
i buy them off a chick called sonya in phuket for $6
look the same, last longer than the real ones, and feel better too.