Unpatched Nintendo Switch Selling Price Suggestion Please

Hi folks, I need help with something please.

So I bought a Nintendo switch about 4 years ago and hardly used it. It's in fairly good condition.

Only today I found out it is unpatched and unbanned. I didn't even know what "unpatched" means lol, until i did some research.

What is a realistic price I can sell it for please?

Thanks. Praise the ozbargain overlord.


  • Checking out gumtree or FB market place would give you an indication of what other ones in the market are going for.

    Edit: modified inline with the change to the original post

  • You can probably get $100 more than whatever you could normally sell a brand new Switch for, minus whatever wear and tear it has. But if it's as-new/good then you could probably get $550 for it easy. Or you could mod it yourself if you wanted. Don't update it, it'll burn the update fuses and whoever buys it might want to keep them intact. It's unpatched for certain anyway but the fuses are nice to have.

    • All firmwares are fine, updating is no worry.

      TBH I don't think a moddable Switch is really worth that much more. You can't mod it permanently and with all features intact like you can with a 3DS (where you can play online quite happily). It is a temporary mod which is a pain to switch on again if you turn the machine off, and you can't do anything online (where there are some really good online games). I think it will be worth more in the future if there becomes a permanent mod available that allows you to play online, IF unpatched models are required.

      Also don't sell it "modded". The buyer is still going to need a jack and if you set it up so it doesn't need one then the buyer might not know what to do if they accidentally turn off the machine and it reboots to a black screen. Better they do it themselves since they will have to do the same thing every time they turn the machine off and on.

      • … so what should I sell it for you reckon ?

        • He’s wrong, sx os With the dongle is dead easy to boot.

          • @AustriaBargain: Ok. I’ll try for 550 lol. Thanks matey.

          • @AustriaBargain: You still need to buy the dongle in that case

            • @Quantumcat: Right. Plus a license for SX OS if you only buy the SX Gear which doesn't have the license built in. Ironic that SX OS requires a license to work. But a $40 license vs wasting hours and hours using a free version, it's a no brainer. Plus you get extra features compared to the free version, like XCI loading.

              • @AustriaBargain: Hours and hours? It takes like 2 minutes tops. I think if you pay for something like that you're a chump (until they have a version that works with the Switch lite or patched Switches).
                If willing to pay for the convenience factor of not needing a computer, better to get a dragon injector.

                • @Quantumcat: I think all up you can except to face hours of extra time spent if you don't just pay for SX OS. And it's not just setup, there's other things you'll need to do down the line where you'll save time by choosing SX OS. You'll spend less time looking for workarounds.

                  • @AustriaBargain: Like what?
                    Not including game download time, I've probably spent less than 2 hours on reading, discussing, and downloading the files.
                    SX OS gets up to date with new firmwares much slower as they take time to steal the developments made by open source devs and incorporate them into their menu.

                • @Quantumcat: They have a version that works with switch lite and mariko units. Has to be soldered onto the board, but the plus side is no messing around with a dongle.

  • i wouldn't be buying a 4 year old Switch, even if it has been "hardly used"

    • +1

      It is really hardly used lol. Been sitting in my warehouse for 3 years.

    • +1

      I don't think you're the target market

  • +1

    In February I sold an early hackable switch for a family member for $400. That was before news that newer unpatched consoles could also be hacked through a mod chip and before the Switch shortages. The market is obviously so different now that $400 might seem too low, but the family member made money on that switch and let them buy the Animal Crossing version.

  • Have you updated the firmware recently? As previously mentioned, do not update it.

    If the Firmware is 4.1.0 and under, you may be able to get more for it as there are 'software only' exploits limited to Version 4.1.0 and under.

    • ahhhhhhhhhh. I turned it on yesterday after like 3 years and apparently auto update is on so it's on 10.1.0 :(

      • That's unlucky. I think you shouldn't have any problems getting $550 for it as they're very hard to come by these days.

      • gg

    • Is it really a big deal, though? Unless OP or the end user was planning to dump the NAND, run emuNAND, and only update the latter, then you don't lose all that much by updating. Especially considering a tonne of games wouldn't have run on 4.1.0

      • It's more of a convience thing since V4.1.0 allows you to run the Caffeine exploit which does not require a RCM jig or dongle.

        You can always update your firmware (SysNAND or emuNAND) without burning fuses using Choi from 4.1.0 to latest, allowing you to run the latest version while allowing you to boot simply without dongle and jig.

  • +2

    I sold mine for $500 on eBay doing $600 or best offer. You may get more if you set it up but there's not many examples to know that for sure.
    Search ebay with completed listings to get an idea.

  • I think around $400 is a fair price. You can buy a brand new v2 Switch for around $400 on FB / Gumtree. Less people care about a moddable switch than you think. I bought mine (v1 unpatched) pre-covid in good condition for $330. Prices have now gone back to normal levels.

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