Hemp cream for pain relief thoughts

Hey guys, my mum has osteoarthritis and carpal tunnel. I have been doing alot of reading on CBD vs hemp cream and trying to understand the differences. I've found this seller that sells hemp creams and am thinking of giving it a go. It's a bit pricey so wanted to explore this topic on here to see if other ppl have alternative recs.
Would also like your opinion on which I better for pain relief, hemp or CBD.
I'm obviously looking at buying hemp because it's available. I don't know any suppliers for CBD oil that I can get my hands on in Australia.


Would appreciate your thoughts and personal experiences with pain relief. My mum has had steroid injections in her joints but still experience pain daily. I'm hoping to have her experiment with hemp to see if it can help.


  • +1

    tried it and I didn't get any benefit, but I've read that others do. It'll probably be just like all the other creams and treatments - try it and find out.

  • Each person responds differently to treatments. Hemp cream may work well for her, may not. Others the opposite. I know it's pricey but the only way you'll know is by testing it.
    Similarly, there are many topical treatments for say, psoriasis. Many are just over the counter at the local chemist & several people swear by them. Then others will try & it does diddly squat. Even prescription topical medications will show different efficacy for different people.

  • +4

    Have used CBD, it does work however it will not provide 'strong pharmaceutical pain relief'

    THC does though

  • Have a read through this https://www.projectcbd.org/tags/pain you might get some tips.

    Also for more local stuff https://smallcaps.com.au/chemist-warehouse-bod-australia-can…

    Not sure what the current prescription requirements are but I think there is a legislative change coming in September and another in February so you might be able to get it OTC at some point as can in more civilised countries.

    There is a hemp based product already on the shelves https://themarketherald.com.au/bod-australia-asxbda-and-swis… but not sure how it goes for pain relief. Have heard plenty of positive stories from arthritis patients using CBD based products with good results however. Crikey, even my 84 year old arthritic mother was asking about getting some the other day. :)

  • Theres a decent discussion on sources and effectiveness of CBD oil here. https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/32702p09

    I imagine it would work better than hemp cream. My partner is battling a very painful bone cancer and found the CBD oil useful in reducing (not replacing) the need for strong S8 painkillers. Also works well for general relaxation and helps with appetite and sleep.

  • Hemp cream contains fatty acids etc so nutrient benefit but zero pain relief benefits at all. Might as well be rubbing on salad dressing because that's all it's good for. It's the oil pressed from the seeds and contains no CBD or THC whatsoever. CBD (cannabidiol) is a compound which can assist with pain relief (my daughter uses it for PMDD and anxiety and it works brilliantly, zero THC, pure CBD only) and unlike hemp oil, it comes from the whole plant, leaves, stems, flowers, everything. It's a very individual thing. What will work for one might not work for another and that varies across conditions as well, including doses, getting the frequency of treatment right, etc. Some people need to consider compounds containing THC as well in certain circumstances (lots of options starting at very, very small ratios of THC to CBD). There's a page on FB "CBD Reviews Australia" which you may find helpful as there's a member who works in chemistry and has actually blind tested a lot of the commonly available CBD and CBD/THC compounds available and can point you in the direction of a reputable company to purchase from (local not OS). Decent CBD is pricey for a reason so it pays to do your research first as many people don't, and end up getting bottles of totally ineffective hemp oil (which you can now buy from chemists and health food stores as it is considered a legal food product, unlike CBD as even without the THC component that is still technically illegal in Australia, thanks archaic government) instead of a product that will actually help. Best of luck with it and I hope it helps your mum. There are quite a few good companies out there so check that site I mentioned and read as much as you can prior to making a decision about which brand to go with.

    • Thanks for your in depth response. I will check out that page. Can you share where you get your CBD from?

  • Just a reminder that CBD based products are only legally accessible when prescribed by a clinician. Anything you can buy currently over the counter (including hemp based products, will not have the required level of CBD).

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