• expired

Special Coupon Code for FACEBOOK FANS Today at eSOLD - $10 off selected already Reduced Items


Special coupon code for FACEBOOK FANS today - $10 off selected already reduced items including Wet n Dry Vacuum, 9" DVD Player, High School Musical Guitar and others. Check our "Coupons/Offers" link at the bottom left of our facebook page for more info! Some really good deals to be had with a 9" portable dvd player dropping to $59 and an AV sender at only $27.50 which is an awesome deal as this exact same unit is selling for around $70+ in retail stores.

Just like us on facebook to redeem. A big thank you to all of you for such a great year and best wishes heading into the festive season. UPDATE: DEAL HAS BEEN EXTENDED FOR TODAY AS PROMISED :)

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closed Comments

  • To give $10 bucks off a list of overpriced stock whats with that, who buys a chainsaw for $235?

  • I tried placing the code for the kettle, says
    "The supplied coupon code is invalid. Possible reasons include incorrect code entry, expiration date, cannot be used with another coupon or no qualifying product in your cart."

    • Let me check for you. BRB

      • Sorry Jlove, I confused myself when posting and corrected it. It includes a $10 discount on a wet and dry commercial vacuum, 2.4 GHZ, AV Sender/Receiver, Portable 9" DVD Player and a few more items as listed on our facebook page. Some really good deals to be had with the 9" dvd player dropping to $59 and the AV sender at only $27.50 which is an awesome deal.

  • +1

    how about special code for ozbargainers that dont use facebook too..

    • +2

      Good question nubzy… I guess this is a facebook like us $10 coupon.. but I will see what I can organise if I can get hold of our web admin guy at this time of night.

      • +3

        I'll give you a +ve for the effort, so many lazy/unresponsive reps on OzBargain :D

  • If a Rep posts here, they should provide the code… Otherwise, keep the advertising on facebook…

    • Hi JV, Thanks for the feedback. This is a facebook like us giveaway and I have seen many more posted here before. It is part of the conditions of getting the $10 off.. I think that is fair and reasonable? :) Do you think it might be a little unfair to neg us for a good offer? Please be fair

      • +1

        "I think that is fair and reasonable"

        I don't…

        Do you have a condition on Facebook for your facebook customers to check-in to Ozbargain ?

        If you're going to post a deal, and the codes aren't unique, why not post the code here ???

        You are using Ozbargain to advertise your site for free, what's it costing you? nothing…

        • thks

        • +1

          "I am posting the offer as give to me by management. "

          Well tell your management that facebook is facebook and ozbargain is ozbargain…

          you advertise on facebook and give your facebook customers a discount…

          why not give ozbargain members the same discount by posting a code here ?

          (if you post the code, i'll remove the -ve)

        • +1

          HERE IS THE CODE FOR YOU JV and I hope you can remove your neg as I have done my best (my part as asked) : CLEARTIME9 is the coupon code. I am doing my best to please all maybe you can change you - to a +. :) have a great night. cheers

        • +2

          you might want to clarify if it's a storewide discount or not….. people are just going to take the code to your front page….. not check your facebook page for what items might be on special

        • +1

          "HERE IS THE CODE"

          cheers !!! :P

        • Respect to your feedback and your fair minded attitude.. Thks JV

          Have a good night all, I am bushed.. Good luck to all on Melbourne Cup if thats your cup of Tea and Happy Halloween

  • +2

    thanks for posting the code, it helps because some of us dont use facebook but still love to get a bargain.

    • No Problem nubzy and andy19363, it makes sense after thinking about it. The offer is on the AV Sender, High School Musical Guitar, that would make a great xmas present for a teenager, cocoon 2.4 ghz av sender, Portable 9" DVD Player, Key ring Spy Camera, Talon 55cc Petrol Chainsaw, Wet and Dry Commercial Vacuum cleaner and Skyrunner Kangaroo Shoes. So not a bad selection of already reduced items

  • Tried to purchase the Cocoon AV Receiver but the code, CLEARTIME9 don't seemed to work. :(

    • Didn't work for me either. And I liked them on Facebook just for the rep too:(

      • Doh.. Silly me It stopped working at midnight as it was valid for 31'st Oct only.. Bear with me as I will get it extended for today as well a bit later as soon as I can get hold of the web admin guy. will post as soon as that's done

    • gotta get him to answer his ph


  • just wondering how long it usually takes for an order to be packed and shipped

    • Usually within 48 working hours. The rest is up Australia Post. :)

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