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Mwave.com.au - MIO C720T GPS with Built-in 2MP Camera for $329.95! + FREE MioMap 2008 Upgrade!

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Mitac MIO C720T Car Navigation with Built-In 2 Megapixel Camera

FOR ONLY $329.95! + FREE UPGRADE MioMap 2008 & Software!




  • Syd Metro Via Aus Post = $8.00
  • Melb & Bris Metro Via Aus Post = $10.74


  • While stocks lasts
  • Offer ends 23/07/2008 - 12pm sharp

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closed Comments

  • Now this is a bargain! Sell them at work for at least $150 more. I remember buying my C520 for $375 and that was invoice price, ex GST - so this is a true bargain.

  • MWave — is that $349 in the description a typo?

    • Sorry that was a typo mistake it is really $329.95!

  • it would be ^^ because website says $329.95 and he has included postage in description which dosent add up to $349.95

  • What video type can be played on this device?

    • you can download the user manuel here at Mio website - http://service.mio.com/M0100/MainFrame.aspx?menuid=100401&su…

      in the pdf file it has what video formats it support.

      But for your convenience here are some type of formats it support:

      • MPEG4
      • QuickTime (.mov)
      • DivX (.avi, .mpeg4)
      • ASF
      • WMV
  • The Mio can be 'unlocked' to access the Windows CE subsystem, so essentially you can run Windows CE programs on it. I've managed to get DivX + sound playing smoothly on my C520, but it appears as if the 720 can do this natively without mucking around. These units have 1GB inbuilt and can take SDHC cards, so there's really no limit to what you can do with them. You can even put Tomtom maps on them! Despite all it's potential, I just use it as it's meant to be - a GPS :)

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