I have been wondering if i should get a iphone 4s just for siri i just wanted to know if anyone has siri and how useful it actually is
How Good is Siri???

Depends which model you already have, if you have the 4 or the 3GS, they're both still pretty fast and can play all apps, if you have the 3G or the original then you probably should upgrade, whether it be a iPhone or other.
But Siri is a novelty, played around with my friend's, suppose it can make texting faster, but you don't want to use Siri in public.I swear this is a troll attempt.. >.<
Its a novelty and has no real use.
Its not even a good replacement for texting or writing unless you want to say something basic.
I've found most people see the advertisement for this and think its magical, its just a more polished version of things that already exist.
TBH, i have used it maybe 5 times max since getting the 4s first day, like others have said its more a novelty item which loses its entertainment factor quite quickly. Most of the features shown in the ads don't even work in Australia yet, not mentioning the crappy battery life or yellow tint problem some people can't get used to. Siri is more of marketing than anything else, which Apple through into the phone when they ran out of new innovative and revolutionary ideas.
EDIT: Don't get me wrong, the 4s is still an amazing phone, just listed some flaws above.
Yellow tint?
Crappy battery life? I thought the iP4S had one of the longest lasting for a smart phone in its category.I'm thinking of getting my first iPhone and this is news to me, especially the yellow tinting. The battery life I know is short but it's one of the longest for something in its market.
There are reports that the iPhone 4's battery isn't quite up to snuff — might want to read this before you jump in and buy
Ah cheers scrimshaw
Might wait a little bit more then.
Going off on a bit of a tangent, wonder if that's the reason why iP4S's were still available to be reserved at 9.45pm last night for pick up today. Usually run out by 9.05pm after being released at 9.00pm
longest lasting out of a bad bad bunch :P
Early adopters always get the bad ones.
iPhone 4 antenna-gate for instance — and now bad batteries?
Agreed, siri on the 4s isn't all that good for me (only real use I could see is for a VERY busy and productive person who needs super organisation skills).
BTW any1 see the news regarding siri on an Apple TV???? That…. I might get lol, years later.
beta siri is not worth buying an iPhone 4S specifically for.
this type of thing isn't new either so it's not like apple cracked the code. there's a few apps I've seen on other phones that do similar things.
WOLFRAM|ALPHA uses built-in
knowledge curated by human
experts to compute on the fly a
specific answer to every query.Try this one - this is a link to the online version, but there's also apps for iPhone and Android too…
can someone with a 4S ask Siri the OP's question (ie. ask: 'How Good is Siri?')
"I don't know what you mean by how good is Siri"
i think it is good
Nah wouldn't say it's that good.
I've seen a few people try use it & not have it recognise the phrases.
It's only really got a select few commands, after you learn them all the mystery is gone & it does seem as impressive.
A mate has one.