The cheapest I can find RDR2 Standard Edition for PC currently is $63.32 at Green Man Gaming. Before I commit to purchase, does anyone know of a cheaper price?
The cheapest I can find RDR2 Standard Edition for PC currently is $63.32 at Green Man Gaming. Before I commit to purchase, does anyone know of a cheaper price?
Too much for that game, maybe <$40
Its a pretty game but way way boring, couldnt finish it myself
Thanks. I'll check it out.
Wait a few months before society descends into lawlessness and then you can play for real.
It’s going to be hilarious watching all the city slickers who have never seen a real horse let alone ridden one.
Just wait until they have to slaughter the horses for food… mmm sakuraniku…
I'm in Tassie, it's always been that way down here lol
I'm sorry to hear you are Tasmanian.
I'm not actually Tasmanian. Just reside here. It's better than being one of the infected from the mainland currently though. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else lol
Green Man Gaming is currently the cheapest at $63.32 according to ITAD