Been using Bond's for sometime now, wondering what everyone's wearing ( not in a naughty way….) that's comfortable.
Men, What's Your Best Underwear?

Last edited 23/08/2020 - 11:41
Once you get them you can't go back, seriously the best clothing I've ever bought. Last a long time too.
There's a similar brand called Clever, both are very good.
I think I bought a pair once from the Freshpair website. You've reminded me to check them out again.
What's the diff between the 3 variations?
Prime, Every, Free?
I am wearing mostly bonds, but they do seem to wear quickly, thinking of trying the step one brand ? All those ads might be
Yup Bonds. And I buy them in Coles/Woolies whenever they are half price - as all goog OzBargainers should.
You should che k the bonds outlet as well they have have really good deals sometime as well
they market lycra as a solution to prevent chafing thighs, but cotton already does that?
ive only had chafing when material has ridden up or fallen out of the wayI tried Step Ones and its all I wear now, ordered 3 pairs to start and just got forked out and got another 8 or something. It really is heavenly. A little pricier obviously but the first 3 I got havnt aged at all and I see them lasting a long long time
For me:
These CK Boxer Briefs which I can't find anymore (they used to sell them at Costco 4 for $35 a few years back) > Uniqlo Airism > Bonds > Step OnesAll of my briefs are Bonds, no complaints. Usually find them on special somewhere. I like my jocks Bonds and my socks Explorers.
Uniqlo airism are really comfy
88 % polyester
Jocks are needed if you have a zipper, otherwise agree
.You can see movie Something About Mary on what happens if you don't wear jocks
Can speak from experience, though fortunately to a lesser extent.
i knew there is a reason i favour button flys
what do you do about chafing?
Someone should start a new underwear brand called Commando.
Ok then!
This was asked once before. I know because I listened to one if the recommendations and it changed my life
I was recommended the Kmart coolmax $7 for cotton/nylon/spandex ish material. Trunks. Half way down the leg
I always found those to be a bit crushing on the junk area.
Weird flex, but okay.
Ha, I really don't think I am anything but average. Just never had a pair that felt like it was actually comfortable.
I'm genuinely interested to know whether people who normally take a certain size pant due to hip width (eg small) should size up if their junk is also much larger than average. If they stick with a small, their jewels suffer but if they go medium the underwear soon starts to fall down as the elastic stretches with time.
@Shiny Mew: No, don't go up a size, just change brand to find one that's got more front room for the hip size. Bonds used to do "sideseam free" trunks that had great space at the front.
Over compensating are we?
Not these
I tried searching, look like they stopped selling them damnit
They're called coolmax trunks or something.
But no results for "coolmax" on the website!!! :(
Kmart seems to chop and change their underwear range frequently these days. If you find a style you like, you need to buy up in bulk!
That model hangs dong.
Oh my goodness this comment made me actually lol.
I don't have that exact pair, but most of my undies are kmart brand. The current ones they sell are camo print. They're pretty ugly, but they're comfortable. Previously they used to come in more subdued patterns and I still have a lot of those.
My others are either underarmour (good but expensive), or adidas (good price from Costco). As long as they're long enough and elastine then they all seem pretty comfortable.
The elastic on the kmart ones wears out the fastest (last about 3 years), whereas the underarmour ones have lasted more than five years so far - but they cost four times as much. The adidas ones are a couple of years old and are still good, but I haven't had them long enough to know exactly how long they last.
I can't believe I spent most of my life wearing either briefs or cotton boxers; long undies are excellent.
Yup +1 for kmart, tossed out all my other underware and made them all those, no chafing no sweating, amazing stuff!
Half way down the leg
As in that's how long the legs are on the trunks, or that's how low you wear them?
Bonds neon 👌
Uniqlo airism are really comfy
For silky smooth, these are super thing so don't last long
Kathmandu Polypro, for breathing and long wearing…. though I don't think these are popular as I havent seen them for sale for a while nowI've had about 5 pairs of Airism for almost 2 years+, still going very strong. They get tumble dried every wash as well. They're washed once per week.
*I've had 5 pairs or airism's for 3 years, and no real signs of wear, they get worn once a week.
You know there’s 7 days in a week. You must re-wear 2 undies over the week then. ;)
Freeball Fridays and no undies on Sundys
Me oldest airism is 7 years old now. Still going strong. Wear once a week.
+1 on the Uniqlo undies. I rotate between the silky ones and the fabric ones (wearing the fabric ones right now).
Very comfortable.
Came here to also say uniqlo airism. Good price, excellent material and lasts long enough.
aussiebum (often 50% off)
.I have to say, I pulled the pin and bought some Step ones, I have to say they are comfortable, only had them for about a month so cannot comment on longevity yet, but enjoying them in the rotation.
I've used for about 8 months, 7 out of 9 pairs in top shape. 2 are having some weird thing going on the elastic but still work just fine. Interestingly those 2 are the same colour..
Overall the best undies I've ever owned. Threw out my Bonds which I used to think were great.
Same here, went from Bonds to Step One about 6 months ago and will never go back.
I’ve had these for quite awhile and so far they’ve lasted longer than any brand I’ve previously owned.. and they’re still in pretty much the same state as when I bought them. I’d happily recommend them to anyone.
Chiming in for support. Was a lifelong Bonds wearer, now am 100% devoted to StepOne. Converted 2 of my mates too. I've got ~10 pairs and have only had one pair go funny with the elastic come apart from the undies, rest are all fine.
Would 10000% recommend, yes they are a bit pricey but we bulk ordered as 3 to get them cheaper.
Recently changed to these as I like bamboo and the Australian company I was using shut down…
If you are looking for comfy Australian made using Australian cotton:
They have sales fairly often.
Tbh I don't see Australian cotton as a benefit. As the driest (inhabited) continent in the world we shouldn't be growing cotton or rice. Their website seems to be mostly down at the moment also.
I got a laugh out of their hi-vis underwear at least.
NSW/QLD goes from temperate to sub-tropical to tropical, which is ideal for growing cotton and rice.
@Lanushi: Excellent point. On second thought QLD deserves 100% of the countries water resources. If anything we need more water-intensive agriculture. Has anyone looked into hosing the desert areas of Queensland to make salt farms?
Super old comment to be replying to, but there's lots of parts of Australia that are suited solely to growing rice or cotton.
They have these for 5 bucks now, I think I'll try it:…
EDIT: ah, all gone…
+1 for bamboo. super smooth and breathable
How are the pairs (the underwear that is) going? Might buy it if it's still holding well.
Still going strong. No complaints
Men, What's Your Best Underwear?
Don't you want to hear opinons from man-ly women who wear men's underwear? 😁
Or vice versa.
Gets a bit uncomfortable by the end of the day but the relief when you take it off is quite enjoyable. I imagine similar to females removing their bra after a long day.
Nice try, not falling for that a sixth time.
which part … the mankini or the bra
man thong
jinshi bamboo briefs
Cool kids wear Calvin Klein, i'm happy with the ol' Alpha brand,
Although probs will get the LTT merch underwear in future lol
cotton for at home. and moisture wicking for outside the home.
i switched to exofficio GIVE-N-GO 2.0 BOXER BRIEF. i bought them specifically for traveling, but then ended up buying the for everyday use now.
Can you provide a link, the Kathmandu ones I wear aren't available anymore
you guy wear underwear ?
never go commando in other man's clothes
Get to the chopppaaa
with great freedom comes great responsibility
I am balls with it
Used to buy bonds, but find the elastic goes, Bought some Aldi ones a while back and heaps better (and cheaper)
Same, boxes are the best @ aldi 3 for $9 or $10
Boody Organic and Mr Simple. Both are Australian brands too (albeit not Australian made like Tuffys, AussieBum, Package etc).
+1 to Boody
Kmart Alpha long leg trunks. Love them, and last for ages.
I second this. Those are really comfy and last long. Better than anything I tried from Bonds.
+1 and if you exercise (I'm a group fitness instructor) their sports range are great.
Nb they did have a batch where they added a plastic design feature on the side which were terrible
Fortunately it looks like they have removed it.…If you mean the ones that had the shiny plastic-y strips on them, I agree. But I found they can be peeled off real easily.
If you like those (which I also do). I find these are a bit better……
Men, What's Your Best Underwear
Anything without skid marks on is OK by me.
Jockey Midway Trunk Active Cool
Expensive AF though.I used to wear them, expensive and didn't last long for me (I'm fat and thighs rub, and wear down the fabric). I swapped to Kmart Alpha long leg trunks, basically the same underwear, but for $8 and last a lot longer. Check em out.
Wìll do, thanks.
Under armour 6” boxer jocks. Have been a few great sales the last few month at DJ’s, DFO and the UA website.
Got them. Got to say they're good.
Agree with you on this- maximum comfort, minimum chafe.
Unico cotton boxer briefs when they were affordable. Bonds are OK too
Lol, made me chuckle
Obviously Apparel.