Not the cheapest seen for Breville’s Bambino but it is the cheapest Bambino around.
The good guys commercial access required.
Not the cheapest seen for Breville’s Bambino but it is the cheapest Bambino around.
The good guys commercial access required.
Anyone got one recently?
I got a business ABN many, many years ago, not recently. What do you want to know?
How long it takes, answered below I think.
I applied and said 10 business days
Thought mine said 1 or I read it wrong.
Mine took over a week and a few emails over and back to them
Similar situation. Applied and emailed, they said they never got it
Would any kind OzBargainer want to do me a favour and help me get this? The SunSuper website is down for maintenance today so can't get a GG Commercial account that way lol. I'm in Melb/Brunswick if it helps!
Can't pm you. Happy to help
Can't PM you mate, you've blocked messages to your account.
All good, thanks for letting me know. Got in another way :)
hey mate how did you get in without an account?!
Any chance that I can get a hand too pleeeaasse :)
Been meaning to buy one of these, and I was so bummed out when I missed the last sale, last month.
Seen this morning while browsing, nice deal
My friend has been waiting for his order of this from GGC for 2 months. They have no stock anywhere apparently.
Good to know!
I walked into tgg and they had it in stock and price matched the commercial price no problems. Plenty of stock around me when I got one a month ago or so.
Thanks, I'll pass on to my friend.
I've had this machine for over a year now and along with the Smart Grinder Pro, it's the best purchase I've ever made.
which store was this? I ordered mine via GGC two weeks ago only to be told they are at least 3-4 weeks away.
I need black truffle breville smart pro grinder for a good price to go with this
Have been waiting for a while for this! Would anyone be able to help get me a quote so I can take it in?
Thank you in advance.
$50 store credit too
Spend over 300-500 $50 store credit
Do you get that straight away? or for the next purchase only?
Did anyone get the voucher with this purchase?
(They suppose to be sent about 15th or so)
How does this compare to the little kmart one for $89?
dont think its a comparison mate
hello i am a GG commercial noob - any kind ozbargainer got any ideas or can assist me in getting one for C&C in SE melbourne.
I've been keeping my eye on buying one of these at discounted price. I'm curious on the experiences others have had with this machine. Any pros or cons? I was thinking about buying the Delonghi Dedica but I heard that the Bambino was a little better but costs more. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
(Apparently we both stumbled on this deal around the same time)
I'm looking to pick up a bambino to replace my dedica. The dedica is fine, but the milk frother is a notable weak point, and this is where the bambino shines in comparison (both better steaming wand and auto froth and temp control). Both machines come with pressurised baskets, so shot quality probably won't be massively different between them, though I can't personally vouch for that yet.
So basically, if the cost isn't an issue and you expect to use the steaming wand often, go the bambino. If you're just after espresso, the dedica will probably do the trick.
Thanks for your input. I'm a cappuccino fan, so I think the Bambino might be the better choice.
Does anyone know if this is still available? Would be great if someone could help out with access, I'm in Glenroy, Victoria and my old faithful Breville Espresso machine gave up this morning after 12 years!
If you are still looking for one, it is $369. I might be able to help.
can anyone please help me get a quote. Thanks
I applied for a commercial membership with good guys earlier in the week, was supposed to take 1 business day and have heard nothing. Have business abn etc in building trade. Anyone got one recently?