Roasted In Australia. I'll give it try for $13.50/kg.
Available in Smooth, Strong & Strong Ground.
Roasted In Australia. I'll give it try for $13.50/kg.
Available in Smooth, Strong & Strong Ground.
Agreed, but I’m 1hr away from Aldi & this is delivered.
100%. I haven't found anything better at The supermarkets. I find Harris to be no good for espresso. It could be good for cold brew / plunger though.
Coles Urban Coffee Culture Medium roasted is also a very decent bean for its price ($12/kg). I’ve made very consistent espresso and moka pot coffee with it. The roast date is the best before date minus 1 year. I’ve tried the dark roasted too, which was ok but my best extraction was still a touch bitter.
I have to agree with gimme that Aldi coffee is good
Agreed mate, still rocking the dark roast from ALDI, it's as good as you can make it, used to spend 40/kg f it, probably 50 These days
Aldi one is called "Lazzio"? Will go and check it out thanks
Yes it is and roasted in Melb from memory. I prefer the dark roast over the medium (lot less acidic) but that's a personal choice. They also have some 'fancier' roasts (Brazilian, Colombian, made by virgins etc) which I've tried but for my taste the stock standard dark is the best.
Thanks. I bought a 500g bag of Aldi "medium dark" beans, as they didnt have the dark beans in 500g (only 1kg bag). will give them a try :)
ALDI Dark roast goes great for 12.99 a kilo, I used to buy Bellissimo beans but they aren't bad if you know how to make
Harris Coffee Beans are decent. Same price at Woolies…
Pity Aldi don't do decaf.
Green tea
Green tea isn't decaf
I may never have to leave the house again 👍
My local Coles had these reduced to clear @ $1.25 each. I normally drink Aldi coffee. I don’t know what these taste like but at $1.25 for 1kg I’m not going to complain.
I bought the remaining 4 left. No idea why they were on clearance. Still had 12 months on the BB date.
That's probably when the beans are 6mths old though…
I also wish Aldi had decaf beans. Hard to find good Swiss water decaf beans for less than $50/kg
I bought a few bags, more to also say thanks for supporting Cafe businesses doing it tough .
A million dollars of support with free coffee beans, free coffee machine hire etc.
I've said this before but just get Aldi coffee for $12. Better than Harris and better than many others 3 times the price.