Recently bought a TCL p715.
The remote is below average and appears to have multiple commands mapped to some buttons.
I've tried button mapper with no luck. Any ideas on an upgrade or alternative?
Recently bought a TCL p715.
The remote is below average and appears to have multiple commands mapped to some buttons.
I've tried button mapper with no luck. Any ideas on an upgrade or alternative?
I used 'Button Mapper: Remap your keys' successfully on the TCL 55 P715 and 65 P615.
I don't like the long (normal) remote that came with the TCL TVs. The smaller voice remote (and bluetooth) that came with my P715 was decent.
It's the RC802v if yours did not come with one. Make sure you get the Bluetooth Voice one (IMO anyway). They seem to be from about $20 on eBay, or less than half that from China with no Bluetooth.
I also use a third party remote, for more flexibility. I use the One for All Streamer remote.
Combined with the Button Mapper, you can make just about any button do any function, and have double press and long press functionality.…
I can also learn additional functions and control stuff like my soundbar directly. Plus the small TCL remote has no play/pause button, only OK. Which works as play/pause in some streaming apps, but not others.